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LL(k) Parsing

Learn about context-free grammars for parsing in compilers, derivation techniques, parse trees, ambiguous grammars, and parser implementation with a focus on LL(k) parsing.

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LL(k) Parsing

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  1. LL(k) Parsing Compiler Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

  2. Front End lexical analyzer source code tokens abstract syntax tree parser semantic analyzer IR

  3. Parsing • The parser translates the source program into abstract syntax trees • Token sequence: • from the lexer • abstract syntax trees: • compiler internal data structures for programs • check (syntactic) validity of programs • Must take account the program syntax

  4. Conceptually parser token sequence abstract syntax tree language syntax

  5. Syntax: Context-free Grammar • Context-free grammars are (often) given by BNF expressions (Backus-Naur Form) • read dragon-book sec 2.2 • More powerful than RE in theory • Good for defining language syntax

  6. Context-free Grammar (CFG) • A CFG consists of 4 components: • a set of terminals (tokens): T • a set of nonterminals: N • a set of production rules: P • s -> t1 t2 … tn • with sN, and t1, …, tn (T ∪N) • a unique start nonterminal: S

  7. Example // SLP as in Tiger book chap. 1 (simplified): N = {S, E} T = {SEMICOLON, ID, IF, ASSIGN, …} S = S S -> S SEMICOLON S | ID ASSIGN E | PRINT LPAREN E RPAREN E -> ID | NUM | E PLUS E | E TIMES E

  8. Derivation • A derivation: • Starts with the unique start nonterminal S • repeatedly replacing a right-hand nonterminal s by the body of a production rule of the nonterminal s • stop when right-hand are all terminals • The final string consists of terminals only and is called a sentence (program)

  9. Example S -> S ; S | id := E | print (E) E -> … S -> … (a choice) derive me x := 5; print (x)

  10. Example S -> S ; S | id := E | print (E) E -> id | num | E + E | E * E S -> S ; S -> x := E ; S -> x := 5 ; S -> x := 5 ; print (E) -> x := 5 ; print (x) derive me x := 5; print (x)

  11. Another Try to Derive the same Program S -> S ; S | id := E | print (E) E -> … S -> x := E -> x := 5 -> // stuck! :-( derive me x := 5; print (x)

  12. Derivation • For same string, there may exist many different derivations • left-most derivation • right-most derivation • Parsing is the problem of taking a string of terminals and figure out whether it could be derived from a CFG • error-detection

  13. Parse Trees • Derivation can also be represented as trees • useful to understand AST (discussed later) • Idea: • each internal node is labeled with a nonterminal • each leaf node is labeled with a terminal • each use of a rule in a derivation explains how to generate children in the parse tree from the parent

  14. Example S -> S ; S | … S S S ; derive me := E print ( E ) x x := 5; print (x) 5 x

  15. Parse Tree has Meanings:post-order traversal S -> S ; S | … S S S ; derive me := E print ( E ) x x := 5; print (x) 5 x

  16. Ambiguous Grammars • A grammar is ambiguous if the same sequence of tokens can give rise to two or more different parse trees

  17. Example E -> num | id | E + E | E * E E -> E + E -> 3 + E -> 3 + E * E -> 3 + 4 * E -> 3 + 4 * 5 derive me E -> E * E -> E + E * E -> 3 + E * E -> 3 + 4 * E -> 3 + 4 * 5 3+4*5

  18. Example E E + E 3 E * E E -> num | id | E + E | E * E 4 5 E -> E + E -> 3 + E -> 3 + E * E -> 3 + 4 * E -> 3 + 4 * 5 E E * E E -> E * E -> E + E * E -> 3 + E * E -> 3 + 4 * E -> 3 + 4 * 5 5 E + E 3 4

  19. Ambiguous Grammars • Problem: compilers make use of parse trees to interpret the meaning of parsed programs • different parse trees have different meanings • eg: 4 + 5 * 6 is not (4 + 5) * 6 • languages with ambiguous grammars are DISASTROUS; the meaning of programs isn’t well-defined! You can’t tell what your program might do! • Solution: rewrite grammar to equivalent forms

  20. Eliminating ambiguity • In programming language syntax, ambiguity often arises from missing operator precedence or associativity • * is of high precedence than + • both + and * are left-associative • Why or why not? • Rewrite grammar to take account of this

  21. Example E -> num | id | E + E | E * E E -> E + T | T T -> T * F | F F -> num | id Q: is the right grammar ambiguous? Why or why not?

  22. Parser • A program to check whether a program is derivable from a given grammar • expensive in general • must be fast • to compile a 2000k lines of kernel • even for small application code, speed may be a concern • Theorists have developed specialized kind of grammar which may be parsed efficiently • LL(k) and LR(k)

  23. Recursive Decedent Parsing

  24. Predictive parsing • A.K.A: Recursive descent parsing, top-down parsing • simple to code by hand • efficient • can parse a large set of grammar • your Tiger compiler will use this • Key idea: • one (recursive) function for each nonterminal • one clause for each right-hand production rule

  25. Connecting with the lexer (* step #1: represent tokens *) token = ID | IF | NUM | ASSIGN | SEMICOLON | LPAREN | RPAREN | … (* step #2: connect with lexer *) token current_token; /* external var */ void eat (token t) = if (current_token = t) current_token = Lex_nextToken (); else error (“want “, t, “but got”, current_token)

  26. parse_stm() parse_exp() (* step #1: cook a lexer, including tokens *) struct token current_token = lex (); (* step #2: build the parser *) void parse_stm () = switch (current_token) case ID => eat (ID); eat (ASSIGN); parse_exp (); case PRINT => eat (PRINT); eat (LPAREN); parse_exp (); eat (RPAREN); default =>error(“want ID, PRINT”); void parse_exp () = switch (current_token) case ID: ??? case NUM: ??? // backtracking!! stm -> stm ; stm | id := exp | print (exp) exp -> ID | NUM | exp + exp | exp * exp

  27. How to handle precedence? void parse_stm_all () parse_stm(); while (current_token == “;”) eat (;); parse_stm (); void parse_exp_plus () parse_exp_times(); while (current_token == “+”) eat (+); parse_exp_times(); stm ; stm ; stm ; stm 2+3*4+5*7 Generally: if there are n level of precedence, one may write n parsing functions.

  28. Moral • The key point in predicative parsing is to determine the production rule to use (recursive function to call) • must know the “start” symbols of each rule • “start” symbol must not overlap • e.g.: • exp -> NUM | ID • This motivates the idea of first and follow sets

  29. First & Follow

  30. Moral • For nonterminal S, and current input token t • if wk starts with t, then choose wk, or • if wk derives empty string, and the string follow S starts with t • First symbol sets of wi (1<=i<=n) don’t overlap to avoid backtracking S -> w1 -> w2 -> … -> wn

  31. Nullable, First and Follow sets • To use predicative parsing, we must compute: • Nullable: nonterminals that derive empty string • First(ω) : set of terminals that can begin any string derivable from ω • Follow(X): set of terminals that can immediately follow any string derivable from nonterminal X • Read tiger sec 3.2 • Fixpoint algorithms

  32. Nullable, First and Follow sets Z -> d -> X Y Z Y -> c -> X -> Y -> a • Which symbol X, Y and Z can derive empty string? • What terminals may the string derived from X, Y and Z begin with? • What terminals may follow X, Y and Z?

  33. Nullable • If X can derive an empty string, iff: • base case: • X -> • inductive case: • X -> Y1 … Yn • Y1, …, Yn are n nonterminals and may all derive empty strings

  34. Computing Nullable /* Nullable: a set of nonterminals */ Nullable <- {}; while (Nullable still changes) for (each production X -> α) switch (α) case : Nullable ∪= {X}; break; case Y1 … Yn: if (Y1Nullable && … && YnNullable) Nullable ∪= {X}; break;

  35. Example: Nullables Z -> d -> X Y Z Y -> c -> X -> Y -> a

  36. Example: Nullables Z -> d -> X Y Z Y -> c -> X -> Y -> a

  37. Example: Nullables Z -> d -> X Y Z Y -> c -> X -> Y -> a

  38. First(X) • Set of terminals that X begins with: • X => a… • Rules • base case: • X -> a • First (X) ∪= {a} • inductive case: • X -> Y1 Y2 … Yn • First (X) ∪= First(Y1) • if Y1Nullable, First (X) ∪= First(Y2) • if Y1,Y2 Nullable, First (X) ∪= First(Y3) • …

  39. Computing First // Suppose Nullable set has been computed foreach (nonterminal X) First(X) <- {}; while (some First set still changes) for (each production X -> α) switch (α) case a: First(X) ∪= {a}; break; case Y1 … Yn: First(X) ∪= First(Y1); if (Y1 \not\in Nullable) break; First(X) ∪= First(Y2); …; // Similar as above

  40. Example: First Z -> d -> X Y Z Y -> c -> X -> Y -> a Nullable = {X, Y}

  41. Example: First Z -> d -> X Y Z Y -> c -> X -> Y -> a Nullable = {X, Y}

  42. Example: First Z -> d -> X Y Z Y -> c -> X -> Y -> a Nullable = {X, Y}

  43. Example: First Z -> d -> X Y Z Y -> c -> X -> Y -> a Nullable = {X, Y}

  44. Parsing with First Z -> d {d} -> X Y Z {a, c, d} Y -> c {c} -> {} X -> Y {c} -> a {a} Now consider this string: d Suppose we choose the production: Z -> X Y Z But we get stuck at: X -> Y -> a But neither can accept d! What’s the problem? Nullable = {X, Y}

  45. Follow(X) • Set of terminals that may follow X: • S => … X a… • Rules: • Base case: • Follow (X) = {} • inductive case: • Y -> ω1 X ω2 • Follow(X) ∪= Fisrt(ω2) • if ω2 is Nullable, Follow(X) ∪= Follow(Y)

  46. Computing Follow(X) foreach (nonterminal X) Follow(X) <- {}; while (some Follow still changes) { for (each production Y -> ω1 X ω2 ) Follow(X) ∪= First (ω2); if (ω2 is Nullable) Follow(X) ∪= Follow (Y);

  47. Example: Follow Z -> d -> X Y Z Y -> c -> X -> Y -> a Nullable = {X, Y}

  48. Example: Follow Z -> d -> X Y Z Y -> c -> X -> Y -> a Nullable = {X, Y}

  49. Example: Follow Z -> d -> X Y Z Y -> c -> X -> Y -> a Nullable = {X, Y}

  50. Predicative Parsing Table • With Nullables, First(), and Follow(), we can make a parsing table P(N,T) • each entry contains a set of productions t1 t2 t3 t4 … $(EOF) N1 ri N2 rk N3 rj …

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