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Informatica to Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Conversion

Informatica has long been recognized as one of the market leaders for Data Integration. Many companies, perhaps even yours, have invested in Informatica to run side by side with their Oracle applications and business intelligence reporting.

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Informatica to Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Conversion

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  1. Informatica to Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Conversion infato DI Data Sheet Informatica has long been recognized as one of the market leaders for Data Integration. Many companies, perhaps even yours, have invested in Informatica to run side by side with their Oracle applications and business intelligence reporting. Oracle’s comprehensive data integration platform is rapidly gaining market share from Informatica and is considered a market leader from both an adoption and market growth perspective. ODI’s E-LT (vs. ETL) approach helps companies improve performance while reducing cost; a very attractive offer for companies that use Informatica and Oracle together today to manage seamless data flows between disparate systems or extend the base offering of the Oracle Business Intelligence applications. Reduce Cost, Reduce Implementation Time, Increase Productivity, Improve Performance without sacrificing functionality How it Works So, what is keeping your enterprise from taking advantage of ODI? Is it the sheer number of Informatica mappings to be converted? Or the business reliance on the additional data mapped into Oracle Business Intelligence with Informatica? The ODI and Informatica technology experts at Jade Global partnered together to specifically address this challenge with our Informatica to ODI conversion tool. Up to 90% of your existing mappings can be automatically or semi-automatically converted from Informatica to ODI, significantly reducing the time and cost of conversion with an unmatched ROI. The Jade Advantage: Experience Real ROI Cost Savings • Up to 50% cost savings • Up to 5X productivity gains TIME Savings • Up to 90% automated conversion • Up to 90% reduced implementation time ►Jade Global Informatica to ODI conversion tool features ►Key Differentiators • Launch the tool with a single click from your desktop • Simple user interface • Process single or bulk INFA mappings • Track conversion progress with built-in diagnostics and alerts • Data Integration Coverage – all custom INFA mappings: • Simple 100% • Medium 70% • Complex 50% • Business Intelligence Apps Coverage: • Category 1 • Category 2 • Category 3 • Informatica components coverage: sources, targets, SDE &SIL mappings, lookups, expressions, transformations, etc. • First and only tool of its kind in the market • Our resources have an in-depth understanding of ELT strategy • We provide hands-on expertise on ODI for delivery and customer training • We have a large offshore presence to economically convert medium and complex mappings that cannot be automated • The tool leverages ODI’s public SDKs and APIs www.jadeglobal.com San Jose| Orange County | Los Angeles | San Diego | Atlanta | Pune | Noida To know more about Jade Global Informatica to ODI visit infatoodi.jadeglobal.com or email us at marketing@jadeglobal.com Jade Global © 2015

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