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Aircon Services

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Aircon Services

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  1. PROJECT: IMPROVING AIR-CONDITIONING SERVICES IN OFFICES. OAS-07-002 (3W)Champion: Chatiya Nantham (Head OAFA-FM)Team Leader: Juan Yu (OAFA-FM)Asst Team Leader: Alejandro Sta. Ana (OAFA-FM) Jude B. Bedonia (OAFA-FM)Members: Joey Mendez (OAFA-FM), George Villamor (OAFA-FM), Carlito Vinuya (BCC), Rommel Protacio (BCC)

  2. Aircon Services The Building Management System (BMS) is receiving an average of 133 complaints per month on air-conditioning services with 47 considered as “legitimate” complaints. Project Charter Resolving these complaints systematically will assure the requestor that BMS is reliable and effective thus providing a well controlled room temperature that is comfortable and a healthy work place for the requestor. Our AIM is to reduce the number of “legitimate” complaints from 47 to 6 complains per month. CAV

  3. Aircon Services

  4. Problem Statement There are on the average 133 complaints received monthly on air-conditioning services with 47 considered as “legitimate” complaints. Although many of these complaints are similar in nature, the problems are not systematically and timely resolved , in some cases resulting to recurring complaints. It is perceived to have negative impact on the customer satisfaction level. Business Case Building Management System ( BMS ) is the front line to listen to complaints of staff particularly on the air con in their respective office. Resolving these complaints systematically reflects on the responsiveness of OAFA-FM and the service provider to assure the requestor that the BMS is reliable and effective. Consequently this action shall provide a well controlled room temperature that is comfortable and a healthy work place for the staff. The comfortable room temperature zone at ADB is set at 22.9 C – 24.9 C. Initially the project will be focused on the legitimate complaints of Hot room temperature (at above 24.9 C) and Cold room temperature (at below 22.9 C). Goal Statement Reduce the number of overall complaints by 30% from 1590 to 1113 annually thru the reductionof “legitimate” complaints to about 6 complaints per month from the present of 47.

  5. Comfortable Office Room Temperatures Complaint –free air-conditioning services Operations Definitions: Monitoring and adjusting the temperature through BMS. How process will be measured: By complaints. Critical to Quality “6 legitimate complaints” or less per month Reduce overall complaints by 30% thru the reduction of legitimate complaints to 6 complains per month More than 6 complaints One opportunity per day. CAV

  6. MEASURE COMFORT ZONE • LEGITIMATE COMPLAINTS : • Hot complaints at room temperature above 24.9 C • Cold complaints at room temperature below 22.9 C 2 kinds of complaints: HOT and COLD room temperature. These complaints were group further into 3 categories: BELOW, WITHIN and ABOVE the comfortable temperature Zone.

  7. MEASURE This project will initially tackle the legitimate complaints: Hot-above 24.9C (25.1%) and Cold-below 22.9C (10%). These comprised 35.1% of the overall complaints.


  9. MEASURE Hot complaints has generally higher percentage over the Cold complaints.


  11. MEASURE INITIAL SIGMA LEVEL DPM (Defects per million): 558/1590 X 1,000,000= 350,943 SIGMA LEVEL : 2


  13. Analyze June '06 July '06 Aug. '06 Sept. '06 Oct. '06 Nov. '06 Dec. '06 2006 hot cold hot cold hot cold hot cold hot cold hot cold hot cold sum sum sum sum sum sum sum Adjust Temp. setting 11 2 13 1 12 13 8 13 21 7 3 10 1 6 7 7 2 9 1 4 5 Adjust air flow 24 24 5 5 4 2 6 11 1 12 10 1 11 18 1 19 3 3 Reset fan power or a/c 12 12 17 17 3 2 5 12 12 12 1 13 11 2 13 2 2 Cold Start 2 2 0 1 2 3 0 1 1 1 1 0 BCC concern 0 0 0 0 3 1 4 3 3 0 PID concern 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Others (no action, 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 start/stop aux. units) Total 49 2 23 14 16 19 30 4 27 10 42 5 6 4 51 37 35 34 37 47 10 Jan. 07 Feb. '07 Mar. '07 Apr. '07 May ' 07 2007 hot cold hot cold hot cold hot cold hot cold sum sum sum sum sum Adjust Temp. setting 5 34 39 8 12 20 7 9 16 16 7 23 7 15 22 Adjust air flow 9 4 13 22 3 25 20 1 21 34 7 41 32 5 37 Reset fan power or a/c 2 2 8 2 10 9 9 14 14 8 8 Cold Start 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 BCC concern 0 0 0 1 1 0 PID concern 2 2 0 0 0 0 Others (no action, 0 0 0 0 start/stop aux. units) Total 16 40 38 17 38 10 65 14 49 20 558 56 55 48 79 69 BREAKDOWN OF COMPLAINTS ACCORDING to CAUSE/CORECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Complaints are further categorized according to causes/immediate corrective actions done onthe complaints.

  14. Analyze

  15. Analyze • The complaints related to air flow adjustment and temperature setting adjustment accounts for 75.1% of the legitimate complaints broken down at 37.6% and 37.5% respectively. • 2. The complaints which need fan power resetting due to malfunctioning of the unit and/or its ancillaries accounts for 17.2 % of the total complaints while 7.7% for the other causes.

  16. Analyze Fishbone Analysis Room Occupant Dress code N C Sensor location C Heat load Geographical Origin Health condition N N Room location N Air flow req’t. C Legitimate Complaints (Outside Standard Temp. Limits) FPU motor/blower assembly C Temp. & air velocity Set point. C Terminal Controller Malfunction Room Thermostat C Defective field devices Damper Actuator C Pressure sensor Machine

  17. Analyze Fishbone Analysis Room C Sensor location C Heat load C Air flow requirement Room location N Legitimate Complaints (Outside Standard Temp. Limits) FPU motor/blower assembly C Temp. & air velocity Set point. C Terminal Controller Malfunction Room Thermostat C Defective field devices Damper Actuator Pressure sensor C Machine

  18. Analyze Verification of temperature adjustment related problem Problems related to temperature adjustment are correlated to sensor calibration and incorrect temperature set point

  19. Improve

  20. Improve Legitimate AC-Complaints Per floor June-06 to August 07

  21. Improve Descriptive Statistics: Jun06-May07 stack Total Variable Count Mean SE Mean TrMean StDev Variance Jun06-May07 stack 120 0.02025 0.00171 0.01824 0.01876 0.000352 Variable Minimum Median Maximum Range Jun06-May07 stack 0.000000000 0.01583 0.11828 0.11828

  22. Improve Test and CI for One Proportion For July 2007 After implementing measures and control Null Hypothesis : The recorded Proportion of Complaints from June-06 to May-07 against the total number of building occupants is equal to the July 2007 Proportion of Complaints. Alternative Hypothesis : The July 2007 AC complaints proportion is less than the proportion of the complaints from June-06 to May-07 Minitab Results. Test of p = 0.02025 vs. p < 0.02025 95% Sample X N Sample p UpperBound Z-Value P-Value 1 29 2542 0.011408 0.014873 -3.16 0.001 Since the P-value is less than 0.05, reject the null hypothesis, and accept the alternative hypothesis.

  23. Improve Test and CI for One Proportion For August 2007 After implementing measures and control Null Hypothesis : The recorded proportion of complaints from June-06 to May-07 against total number of building occupants is equal to the August 2007 Proportion of Complaints. Alternative Hypothesis : The August 2007 AC complaints proportion is less than the proportion of complaints from June-06 to May-07 Minitab Results. Test of p = 0.02025 vs. p < 0.02025 95% Sample X N Sample p UpperBound Z-Value P-Value 1 30 2542 0.011802 0.015325 -3.02 0.001 Since the P-value is less than 0.05, reject the null hypothesis, and accept the alternative hypothesis.

  24. Improve CONCLUSION The alternative hypothesis is accepted for our one-proportion test for both July and August 2007, we conclude that there is a significant reduction in air conditioning complaints after effecting the replacement of TEC and other air-conditioning control measures. It is further expected that the number of complaints will further be reduced after we synchronize all measures that will lead to an effective result and meet our target.

  25. Control


  27. Control IMPROVED FPU CONTROLLER FORM Set point control to be evaluated Sensor to be check to include proper location or obstructions. Velocity check to be implemented



  30. LESSONSLEARNED • Reduced complaints will free staff time to focus on proactive improvement • Teamwork among service providers is critical • Knowledge and understanding on operation of field devices is important to service providers • Strict implementation of scheduled job plans .

  31. PROJECT BENEFITS • Efficient air conditioning services without increasing cost. • Healthy and comfortable working environment • Coordinated and streamlined preventive maintenance scheme • Customer satisfaction level increased

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