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Agenda. New Member Introductions TC PurposeOrganizationRolls and ResponsibilitiesMetricsMeetings
4. New Members For 2004
5. SRTC Purpose The purpose of the Solid Rockets Technical Committee (SRTC) is to advance the arts, sciences, and technology of solid rocket propulsion and to nurture and promote the professionalism of those engaged in these pursuits
Seeks members active in areas of education, research, design, testing, manufacturing and application of solid rocket systems
Provide technical understanding of solid propulsion, components, structures, processing and integration into space and defense systems
Committed to promoting professionalism and education
6. AIAA Organization – Link To SRTC
7. (Current) SR TC Organization
8. Committee Organization 34 members
Industry -- (Aerojet, The Aerospace Corp, ATK, CFDRC, EADS, Avio Group, Lockheed Martin, ONERA, Pratt & Whitney, Raytheon, Snecma, SNPE, Sverdrup) New 2004: NAMMO, Bayern Chemie, IHI Aerospace
Universities (Alabama, Auburn, Illinois, Johns Hopkins)
Government Agencies (U.S. Air Force, ESA, NASA, U.S. Navy) New 2004: U.S. Army
International members (France, Italy, Japan, UK) New 2004: Norway, Germany
4 Subcommittees
Meetings held twice a year
Aerospace Sciences Meeting
Joint Propulsion Conference
Approximately 73% attendance + future members
9. SR TC Leadership
10. New Member Subcommittee Assignments
13. Activities and Accomplishments 2002-2003 Membership balanced and refreshed across industry, government, and universities
Conducted 10 Solid Rocket sessions at 2003 JPC
Conducted Solid Rocket Motor Lecture Series at 2003 JPC
Updated SRTC Charter
Published 2 CD’s -- short course and compilation of lecture session presentations over past decade - Proceeds go to SRTC scholarship fund
Participated in TAC workshops at ASM 02 & 03
Published 2 page solid rockets highlights article in Aerospace America in 2002 and 2003
Involved in local section activities
Short Course JPC 2002 Advanced SR Technologies
14. Activities and Accomplishments 2002-2003 Participated in Congressional Visit Days
Contributed to 2002 and 2003 Wyld Propulsion Award selections
Provided AIAA Service Awards in 2003 – Max Calabro, Russ Ellis
Generated significant revenue to implement and sustain scholarship and awards
Updated AIAA web site information for committee
P&E metric performance
91.6% in 2003
91.6% in 2002
87.5% in 2001
79.2% in 2000
15. 2004-2005 Plans/Focus Continue to Develop lecture sessions, workshops, and short courses over the next 3 years. (Short Course planned for JPC 2004)
Support and plan for JPC 2004 and 2005
Continue planning for Solid Rocket Propulsion Text Book
Increase interaction and involvement with Universities and local sections; establish active scholarship program
Increase proactive awards nomination and selection process
Upgrade active members, seek new members and rotate off in-actives
Increase representation from space and missile prime companies and Universities
Develop and increase website content and use by members
Continue to work toward achieving 100% committee member participation
16. TC Chair
17. TC Chair (Cont.)
18. Steering Subcommittee
19. Subcommittee Chairman
20. Awards Subcommittee
21. Education Subcommittee
22. Communications Subcommittee
23. History Subcommittee
24. SRTC Meetings
26. Ways To Get & Stay Involved Work Through Subcommittee Chairs & Conference Organizers; Many Opportunities To Volunteer
Awards/Competitions To Judge
Technical Session Support At Conferences
Contribute To Web Site, Annual Newsletter, & Highlights Article Development
Numerous Requests For Help Via Email
Perform As TC Officer
Maintain Membership In AIAA; Pursue Membership Advances (Sr. Member, Associate Fellow, etc.)
Take Advantage Of Local AIAA Activities
27. Communication Methods Semi-Annual Meetings
Other Meetings As Appropriate
Phone Calls
Web Page
AIAA: www.aiaa.org
SR TC: http://www.aiaa.org/participate/tcs/index.hfm?GetComm=87&tc=tc
Intra-Meeting Telecons