1. The Passaic River BasinWatershed Management Project Watershed Management Areas
3, 4 and 6
2. Passaic River Basin 935 squares miles
Encompasses portions of 8 counties
Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex and Union
120 Municipalities
3. Passaic Watershed Management Areas WMA 3: Pompton, Pequannock,Wanaque, and Ramapo
WMA 4: Lower Passaic, Saddle
WMA 5: Hackensack, Pascack
WMA 6: Upper Passaic, Whippany, Rockaway
4. What is a watershed? A watershed is the geographic region within which all water, sediment and dissolved material drains into a particular receiving body of water.
5. Watershed Management Area (WMA) 3 Pequannock, Pompton, Ramapo and Wanaque River Watershed.
238 square miles
9 surface water reservoirs
Including Wanaque and Monksville Reservoirs, providing high quality drinking water for 2 million NJ residents
21 municipalities and 5 counties
Bergen, Essex, Morris, Passaic and Sussex
6. WMA 3 Land Use
7. Watershed Management Area (WMA) 4 Lower Passaic and Saddle River Watersheds
180 square miles
Includes the Great Falls of Paterson
65 municipalities and 5 counties
Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris and Passaic
8. WMA 4 Land Use
9. Watershed Management Area (WMA) 6 Whippany, Rockaway, Mid and Upper Passaic Watersheds
416 square miles
8 surface water reservoirs
52 municipalities and 5 counties
Essex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex and Union
10. WMA 6 Land Use
11. Land Use Percentages by Watershed Management Area
12. The Goal of Watershed Management: Restore and Maintain:
Water Quality
Water Quantity
Aquatic Ecosystem Health
13. Clean and Plentiful Water now and for the Future
14. Watershed Management Planning Process: Establish Productive Planning Process
Engage A Full Range Of Partners (Stakeholders)
Maintain an Open Process
Be Responsive
Address Public Input
15. Passaic River BasinWatershed Management ProjectProducts: Develop Watershed Management Area Plan For Each WMA
Develop Vision, Goals And Objectives Among All The Stakeholders
Identify Priority Issues
Address The Issues
Who Will Be Responsible
What Will Be Done
When Will It Be Done
How Will It Be Financed
16. The Players: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection NJDEP- Manage Contract
North Jersey District Water Supply Commission (NJDWSC) Contract/Lead Entity - Responsible for WMA Planning and Process Passaic River Basin Consortium (Consortium) Assist NJDWSC
Passaic River Coalition
Passaic Valley Water Commission
Passaic River Basin Alliance
Palisades Interstate Parks Commission
17. Who is NJDWSC ? Largest Supplier of Water in New Jersey
Supplies Drinking Water to 25% of New Jerseys Population (Over 2 Million People)
Serves 90 Communities
18. Begin by Forming A Partnership:The Stakeholders
19. Methodology Kick-Off Meeting
Additional Public Meetings
Establish Committees:
Public Advisory
Education and Outreach
Open Space Preservation
Technical Advisory
Others as necessary
20. What does the PAC do? By-Laws: how to organize, operate & make decisions
Advisory capacity to NJDEP: makes recommendations on funding, issues, goals, priorities and actions for each WMA, as developed through Watershed Planning process administered by NJDWSC
21. Coordinating, Executive, Steering
Prepares Agenda for PAC meetings
Guides the Process
22. TAC Examine specific WMA issues in depth
Identify and gather data to determine existing conditions, desired result
Identify root causes develop strategies measure progress - goals
Advisor to the PAC
23. Education and Outreach Provide tools that will: inform, educate and encourage Stakeholders
Publish newsletters
Develop unique toolkits
Sponsor events
24. Open Space Identify and Preserve Open Space (O/S) areas: Restoring, maintaining, enhancing Water Quality
Establish criteria for prioritizing areas
Identify and Prioritize Lands
25. Years One and Two Deliverables: Develop rollout information
Complete characterization and assessment
Compile base maps and digitized GIS layers
Trends analysis and problem identification
Set goals
Develop management strategy
26. GIS Maps of Each WMA Watersheds
Subwatersheds and Hydrography
Land use
Open space
Impervious cover
Geology and soils
Aquifer recharge zones
Surface water classifications
Impairments :Bio/Chem 303(d) and other characteristics
27. Years One and Two Deliverables: Forming the partnership
Education and outreach
Establish vision, goals and objectives
Identify Open Space acquisition priorities
28. Identify Action Now Projects: Readily identifiable
No need for additional analysis
Root cause and effective solutions - widely known
Resources are available
Project improves Water Quality
Advances WMA goal, Clean and Plentiful Water
29. NJDEP Deliverables: Existing Water Quality (EWQ) *Identify Monitoring Stations *Conduct 2 Years of Sampling/Selected Sites
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) *For Passaic River Basin/Due USEPA in 2002
Water Budget for Each HUC-11 Watershed * Determine Fate of Rainfall in Each WMA
30. Years Three and Four: WMA Plan Development
WMA Plan Adoption and Implementation
31. Come Join Us! Help Us Ensure Good, Clean, Safe and Plentiful Water For Now and For Our Future!