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“Spiders and Their Webs” Lesson 27, Day 1

“Spiders and Their Webs” Lesson 27, Day 1. Question of the Day. What is something about spiders that would make a good subject for a poem? A good subject for a poem about spiders would be __ because ______. Read Aloud. What is the purpose for reading a poem? enjoyment

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“Spiders and Their Webs” Lesson 27, Day 1

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  1. “Spiders and Their Webs”Lesson 27, Day 1

  2. Question of the Day What is something about spiders that would make a good subject for a poem? A good subject for a poem about spiders would be __ because ______.

  3. Read Aloud What is the purpose for reading a poem? enjoyment Sometimes poets play a game with their audience by not directly stating who or what the poem is about. Enjoy the poem and see if you can infer its subject.

  4. Read Aloud“Hard Work” Work, work, work in the hot day’s sun, Work while everyone else has fun. Make my web, so pretty and neat— Oh, look what’s stuck, a fly to eat! The bees and flies go buzzing by, Thinking that they can always fly. But, no, that one forgot to duck. Now in my web that bee is stuck. I’ve spun my web across the door, High up here, above the floor. What’s that? It’s big! I’d better stay hid. Oh, no, here comes a great big kid. Stop now, young man, not one more step. You’ll smash my work and make a wreck! Oh, too late, he’s walked right through. But at least he’s covered in silky goo!

  5. Read Aloud“Hard Work” What does the title of the poem tell us about its subject? What clues does the poet give about the subject of the poem? What is the subject of the poem?

  6. Phonics/Spelling: V/V Syllable Pattern 1. lion point li/on • laid dial di/al • neon does ne/on • science thief sci/ence • quiet flies qui/et • fluid suit flu/id • loyal toy loy/al • lies pliers pli/ers • create meat cre/ate • trial tried tri/al

  7. Phonics/Spelling: V/V Syllable Pattern cereal triumph poetry reality scientific

  8. Robust Vocabulary Prey-An animal that is hunted for food is prey. Prey What creatures might be prey for a shark?

  9. Robust Vocabulary Shallow-Something shallow is not very deep. Prey Would you rather swim in shallow water or deep water? Why?

  10. Robust Vocabulary Strands-Long, thin pieces of something are strands. strands What do you do when strands of hair get in your eyes?

  11. Robust Vocabulary Social-A social animal is one that lives in a group with other animals of the same kind. Social Which are more social—dogs or cats? Explain.

  12. Robust Vocabulary Spiral-A spiral shape curls around and around in a circle. Spiral Why might a spinning spiral make someone dizzy?

  13. Robust Vocabulary Reels-A person reels something in by winding up a line attached to it. Reels If someone reels in a fish, in what direction would the fish be traveling?

  14. Robust Vocabulary DEVELOP DEEPER MEANINGS Turn to page 326 in your books. Read pages 326 and 327. (p.326) • What is the Florida scrub lizard’s prey? • Where, besides shallow burrows, do wolf spiders hide? • How do mice use strands of Spanish moss? (p.327) • What are two social animals in Florida’s freshwater swamps? • What kind of snake curls into s spiral shape when it rests? • Where might a person reel in a fish?

  15. Genre Study Turn to page 328 in your book. Read the genre information. Expository nonfiction gives facts and details to help build an understanding of a real topic. Textbooks, newspaper articles, and encyclopedias are examples of expository nonfiction.

  16. Genre Study Good readers often ask questions to help them understand what they are reading. They make sure that they understand information by asking questions about what, where, when, why, and how. Ask yourself, “Do I understand what I just read?”

  17. Focus Skill- Comprehension Summarizing Authors do not always directly state everything readers want or need to know about a topic. To find out the information, readers add what they already know to the facts that the author gives them.This is called making inferences.

  18. Fluency-Punctuation Following the punctuation marks in a selection can help readers make a reading sound like natural speech. Turn to page 330. Listen as I read the first paragraph, using natural phrasing. Notice where the pauses occur.

  19. Robust Vocabulary Spiders can create elaborate designs in their webs. Something that is elaborate is decorated with many details. elaborate Would an elaborate design have many tiny, colorful details or be very plain?

  20. Robust Vocabulary The water spider has an inventive way to live underwater. A person who creates or solves something in a new way is inventive. inventive Which would be inventive: a new kind of vehicle or a new sheet of paper?

  21. Grammar-Adverbs An adverb is a word that tells about a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Most adverbs tell how, when, or where. She will eat lunch then. The word then describes when she will eat lunch. Then is the adverb.

  22. Grammar-Adverbs here soon outside (These are adverbs that tell where or when.) Ken is staying here. *Why is the word here included in this sentence? *How could using this type of word help your writing?

  23. Writing-Explanation Reread page 335 of “Spiders and Their Webs.” Pay attention to how the author explained what happened when a small insect visits the leaf of the happy-face spider. What words do you see that signal sequence? When writing an explanation, writers usually begin by organizing the information they will use. The best way to do this is to put things in the order in which they happen.

  24. Writing-Explanation It is important to write clearly in an explanation. Familiar words can help the reader understand the new information • Remember that an explanation: • Tells how something is done or how and why it happens • Includes a main idea sentence • Gives information and details about a topic

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