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Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams. By: McKenzie. Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams was an early American leader. He was born in Boston. Since 1765 to 1774, Samuel Adams served in the Massachusetts government. More Information For You.

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Samuel Adams

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Samuel Adams Samuel Adams By: McKenzie SamuelAdams

  2. Samuel Adams • Samuel Adams was an early American leader. He was born in Boston. Since 1765 to 1774, Samuel Adams served in the Massachusetts government.

  3. More Information For You Samuel Adams was one of the people who signed the Declaration of Independence.

  4. PICS These Are some PIC's Of Samuel Adams

  5. Samuel Adam’s Life • Adams served in Continental Congress until 1781. After, he returned to Boston and helped to get the first Constitution of the United States finished. FAMOUS PEOPLE ROCK

  6. MY OPINION • I think that Samuel Adams was great help and a good man. Why I think this is because if you go on to read about him it is very interesting and surprising. He is surprising because, he thought that the colonies should have been separated from Brittan.

  7. My True Thoughts • I decided to do this project because I think that he, Samuel Adams, is a true hero. I think that he is amazing, don’t you?

  8. More Info • Later he became governor of Massachusetts . Samuel believed that the colonies should be separated from Britain. HE'S A TRUE HERO

  9. This Is Some More Information About Him • Adams was born on Sept. 27,1722. He was the cousin of John Adams. He graduated from Harvard College in 1743.

  10. Fast Facts • Did you know: Samuel Adams was in business with Continental Congress until 1781. He died on October 2, 1803. HE IS COOL

  11. Bibliography • Maier, Pauline. "Adams, Samuel." World Book Advanced. 2008. [Place of access.] 10 Oct. 2008 <http://www.worldbookonline.com/advanced/article?id=ar003940>.

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