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Erik Sloane, Nannie Street, Milagros Chery , Ted Courtois , Sharron Dwight, Catesby Saunders Technology Learning Center, University of Richmond, VA 23173. Abstract. Poster Printing at the TLC. Images without Description.
Erik Sloane, Nannie Street, Milagros Chery, Ted Courtois, Sharron Dwight, Catesby Saunders Technology Learning Center, University of Richmond, VA 23173 Abstract Poster Printing at the TLC Images without Description • The Technology Learning Center is located on the third floor of Boatwright Library. Poster printing appointments for the 2010 Student Research Symposium are to be scheduled online. At the end of registration, students presenting a poster will be emailed the link to sign up for printing appointments. Posters will not be printed without an appointment. If you have any questions or problems creating your poster, please email tlc@richmond.edu to have someone walk you through the process. • We recommend PowerPoint for our users since it is available in all public labs on campus. The poster can be created in PowerPoint or Photoshop, but if a different application is needed, please contact mfoster2@richmond.edu before creating the poster. We cannot print Keynote posters. • The final size of the poster file needs to be fewer than 400 MB. • The typical size of a poster is 34 inches by 56 inches. One side must be 59 inches or less. • Late appointments will not be printed and will be rescheduled as time allows. • Stay with your poster until it is finished printing and do not leave your poster in the TLC. The TLC is not responsible for posters left in the lab. • Expect to print only 1 poster per appointment time. Those with multiple posters should have 1 appointment time per poster. • Make sure to size your poster before arranging your text and graphics. • Please view the poster at 100%. Quite frequently, people will not see problems in their poster when they only view the poster at 15% of actual size. • We do not recommend using web images since the quality is too poor to print well. • If scanning, you may want to use around 300 dpi resolution. When in doubt about quality and size of an image for a poster, ask a TLC Consultant on duty for assistance. • Please be aware that it is not possible for the poster printer to have every font installed. Please contact the TLC if you have a special need. • In PowerPoint, resize images from the corners of the pictures and not from the sides. Resizing pictures in PowerPoint from the sides changes the proportions of the image. Objects may appear wider or thinner than their original size. • Bring your poster in a .ppt file format from PowerPoint and also save it from PowerPoint as a .tif image file • This outline can be used by all departments when creating presentation posters. Phaselluseuismodinterdum nisi ac vestibulum. Proin vitae est sit ametorcivenenatisinterdum. Phaselluscommodo quam eumassavarius et dapibusligulatempor. Design Recommendations Fig 1. Ryland Hall This PowerPoint file is designed to create a 56x34 inch poster. The margin around the outside is 1in and each of the design elements are spaced 1in apart. Each of the text boxes are 17.3 inches wide. To edit the length of the text boxes, simply click on the bottom edge and drag it up or down. When you have finished your poster, please make sure that you have removed any of the place holding text from this template. Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Morbimassaturpis, feugiategetmalesuada a, adipiscing et metus. In rhoncuseuismodhendrerit. Prointinciduntaliquetmollis. Ut et ante nisl, adipiscinglaciniaodio. Praesentquisesteget quam gravidalobortis in in lorem. Suspendissesedpretiumpurus. Morbiconvallis, neque in accumsanrhoncus, urnametuslacinia lacus, utdignissimrisusnullaegetipsum. Fuscescelerisquefelis vitae telluseleifendaccumsan. Sedorcipurus, consecteturpharetratincidunt in, faucibussedmauris. Maecenas euismodsollicitudinpurusUtfacilisis. The image shown here is a screen shot of the Univer- sity website, the inspiration for this Poster design. Please feel free to edit the Layout of this poster in any way. Fig 3. North Ct. Tips and Techniques for Making an Effective Symposium Poster Fig 2. Gottwald Fig 4. BML Image/graph Description Block A • This outline can be used by all departments when creating presentation posters. Phaselluseuismodinterdum nisi ac vestibulum. Proin vitae est sit ametorcivenenatisinterdum. Phaselluscommodo quam eumassavarius et dapibusligulatempor. Requirements Suggestions 2 Column Wide Graph/ Image/Text Box 3 Column Wide Graph/Image/Text Box