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afuntab Welcome to English 10

www.afuntab.com Welcome to English 10. Mr. Duchin Room 302 Quaker Valley High School 2014 - 2015. 4. S.W.E.A.T. pledge (Skill and Work Ethic Aren’t Taboo).

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afuntab Welcome to English 10

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  1. www.afuntab.comWelcome to English 10 Mr. Duchin Room 302 Quaker Valley High School 2014 - 2015 4

  2. S.W.E.A.T. pledge(Skill and Work Ethic Aren’t Taboo) NOTE: The following guidelines were borrowed from Mike Rowe [Dirty Jobs].http://profoundlydisconnected.com/skill-work-ethic-arent-taboo/ 1. I believe that I have won the greatest lottery of all time. I am alive. I walk the Earth. I live in America. Above all things, I am grateful. [Value your life, yourself and others around you.] 2. I believe that I am entitledto life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nothing more. I also understand that “happiness” and the “pursuit of happiness” are not the same thing. [Seize the day!] 3. I believe there is no such thing as a “bad job.” I believe that all jobs are opportunities, and it’s up to me to make the best of them. [Every assignment is an opportunity to learnand grow as a person.] 4. I do not “follow my passion.” I bring it with me. I believe that any job can be done with passion and enthusiasm. [Maintain a positive attitude throughout every task in every lesson. Create energy!] 5. I deplore debt, and do all I can to avoid it. I would rather live in a tent and eat beans than borrow money to pay for a lifestyle I can’t afford. [Invest in yourself; earn your best grade; don’t fear failure.] 6. I believe that my safety is my responsibility. I understand that being in “compliance” does not necessarily mean I’m out of danger. [Powerschool is not a safety net – it’s a scoreboard.]

  3. S.W.E.A.T. pledge(Skill and Work Ethic Aren’t Taboo) NOTE: The following guidelines were borrowed from Mike Rowe [Dirty Jobs].http://profoundlydisconnected.com/skill-work-ethic-arent-taboo/ 7. I believe the best way to distinguish myself at work is to show up early, stay late, and cheerfully volunteer for every crappy task there is. [Feel free to come in before/after school to check progress.] 8. I believe the most annoying sounds in the world are whining and complaining. I will never make them. If I am unhappy in my work, I will either find a new job, or find a way to be happy. [Enough said.] 9. I believe that my education is my responsibility, and absolutely critical to my success. I am resolved to learn as much as I can from whatever source is available to me. I will never stop learning, and understand that library cards are free. [Take initiative to catch up or move ahead. Challenge yourself.] 10. I believe that I am a product of my choices – not my circumstances. I will never blame anyone for my shortcomings or the challenges I face. And I will never accept the credit for something I didn’t do. [Take responsibility for your learning and protect your integrity (no cheating) for future opportunities.] 11. I understand the world is not fair, and I’m OK with that. I do not resent the success of others. [Respect and support everyone’s right to learn; do not distract others with off-task behavior/attitude.] 12. I believe that all people are created equal. I also believe that all people make choices. Some choose to be lazy. Some choose to sleep in. I choose to work my butt off. [Make the choice everyday.]

  4. Required Materials for English 10 • Pencil/pen • Assigned text • Completed homework • Calendar book for deadlines • Folder to organize class materials • Notebook for class discussions/activities • Laptop (to be issued/authorized by QVHS)

  5. Mr. Duchin’sClass Procedures • Arrive to class on time – before the bell. • If you’re outside the door when the bell rings, you’re late. • Three late arrivals will result in a detention. • NOTE: Punctuality is a part of integrity. • Immediately take out your notebook and pen for the following tasks. • Look up at the front board and copy the day’s date. • Copy the day’s quote (including the name of the author/speaker). • Copy the learning targets for the day. • Check out the board behind Mr. Duchin’s desk for deadline information. • NOTE: Responsibility is a part of integrity. • Fully participate in the lesson. • Treat the lesson like an important meeting – politely listen/respond to others. • Use your notebook to take notes on information shared. • Write down questions in your notebook – ask them! • Write down deadline information from the board behind Mr. Duchin’s desk. • NOTE: Respecting others (and class procedures) is also a part of integrity. • Turn in all assignments on time – especially after an absence

  6. Powerschool vs. Blackboard • Check Powerschoolfor grades and overdueassignments. • Assignments turned in on time will remain blank until graded. • “Ex” in Powerschool indicates an excused assignment. • “M” in Powerschool indicates a missing assignment. • “L” in Powerschool indicates a late assignment. • Late assignments will be penalized 20% for each day past. • Use Blackboardfor assignment information/deadlines. • Students will self-enroll on Bb after laptop distribution. • Students should check Bb daily for lessons, deadlines, etc.

  7. English 10 Assessments • Assessment FOR learning (formative) = 20% • Journal prompts • Process writing and preliminary reader responses • Graphic organizers, worksheets, etc. • First drafts • Notebook checks • Grammar and vocabulary practice • Class activities, discussions, and spar debates • Blackboard applications and Study Island(online) • A 20 percent penalty will be imposed for each day work is late. • NOTE: Students must take the initiative to submit excused or unexcused late work. • Assessment OF learning (summative) = 80% • Formal reading responses and final drafts • Quizzesand exams (online and on paper), and presentations • Independent and collaborative projects AND formal debates • A 20 percent penalty will be imposed for each day work is late. • NOTE: Students must take the initiative to submit excused or unexcused late work.

  8. English 10 – Terms A and C • Literary analysis [Reading Comprehension and Interpretation] • Fiction: short stories, novels, and plays • Nonfiction: news articles and personal essays • Poetry • Application of literary terms • Study Island/Keystone practice • Writing process • Journal and reader response • Expository, personal and persuasive essays. • Functional grammar and vocabulary applications • Princeton Review Hit Parade – 100 words • Grammar pyramid (next slide). • Development of 21st Century skills

  9. English 10 – Selections of Fiction • The Language of Literature (Grade 10) • Ray Bradbury’s “The Pedestrian,” “There Will Come Soft Rains,” and “A Sound of Thunder” • Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s “Harrison Bergeron” • Kissing Doorknobs by Terry Spencer Hesser • Animal Farm by George Orwell • Swallowing Stones by Joyce McDonald • Sunrise Over Fallujah by Walter Dean Myers • A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry • Macbeth by William Shakespeare [Various poems will also be analyzed and appreciated.]

  10. English 10 – Selections of Nonfiction • Media Sources (including but not limited to...) • Time • The New York Times • National Public Radio • The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette • The Pittsburgh Tribune Review • Personal, persuasive and expository essays • Internet research

  11. English 10 – Term B • Speaking and Presenting • Apply purpose, audience and form. • Use/analyze credibility, charisma and meaningful idea. • Utilize rhetorical devices. • Reinforce 21st Century skills. • Complete formal presentations. • “A Moment of Truth” • “The Future Is Now” • “A Change for the Better” • Develop and apply research skills, outlining, and technology. • Continuation of functional grammar and vocabulary • Continuation of process writing • Personal Project Deadlines! (See Dr. Conlon/QV website.)

  12. Contact Information • Email Mr. Duchin at duchinm@qvsd.org • Start your subject heading with your first and last name. • Title all attachments with your full name followed by a title. • Check for Mr. Duchin’s response within 24 hours – save it. • Feel free to see/call Mr. Duchin before/after school. • Find Mr. D in room 302 - no appointment is necessary. • Call Mr. D at 412-749-5557 (X-6704) and leave a message. • Contact Mr. Duchin within 24 hours after an absence. • Use email! (Follow the above guidelines.) • See Mr. Duchin before or after school. (Class time is limited.)

  13. Just let go and enjoy English 10!

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