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Dr. Melita STERNAD LEMUT UNIVERZA V NOVI GORICI / TILIA VINSKA KLET ZAKAJ ZVRŠČAMO ? - Izboljšanje kompleksnost letnika - Korekcija / ko je česa preveč/premalo • Osvežitev starejših vin • Fortification IZBOLJŠANJE OBLIKOVANJE STILA VINA
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Blend • Kisline • Preostanek sladkorja • Alkohol • Poreklo • Aroma • Stil • Katere so najbolj kritične komponente?
KAKOZVRŠČATI? • Testiranje “v malem” - “ugibanje” potencialno dobrih zvrsti • Priprava poskusnih zvrsti – v majhni skali • Poskusno obdobje “zaroke” 3 t do 6 m • Re-evalvacija zvrsti • Določitev končne sestave zvrsti - “poroka”
ZAKAJ NAJPREJ ZAROČITI IN POTEM “POROČITI” Da ugotovimo ali se pojavljajo s časom nepričakovane /nezaželjene spremebne To determine if an unexpected problem develops over time
NEPREDVIDLJIVE SPREMEMBE • Nestabilnost • Protein/polysaccharide haze • Mikrobiološka: če združimo MO in hrano • Vinski kamen: če združimo tartrate and ione • Spremembe v cvetici • Odmaskiranje • Maskiranje • Kreacija novih karakterjev
ODMASKIRANJE • Lastnosti, prisotne v enem od vin, postanejo v zvrsti še očitnejše • Razredčitev Dilution of a competing factor that prevents/limits detection • Character due to a combination of chemicals and the concentration of those components increases in the blend
MASKIRANJE Ena cvetica/vonjava je maskirana / prekrita z drugo: zgleda kot da bi izginila… Zaradi razredčitve Zaradi “tekmovanja” za detekcijo
POJAV NOVEGA KARTAKTERJ Chemical reactants brought together resulting in new aromatic product Chemicals brought together that are perceived as something other than the original aromas
Linearity of Blending Traits Some aromas are not linear with dilution • Below or above threshold of detection • Trait due to mixture of components • Matrix (acidity) effects
Linear vs. Non-Linear Blending Saturated detection Detection response Linear Range Threshold of detection Concentration
Computation of Blend Ratios • “Pearson’s Square” • By algebraic equation • Graphical method for multiple components • Software program
Computation of Blending Ratios: Pearson’s Square b-m a m b m-a a,b represent concentration in wine m represents desired concentration
Pearson’s Square: Example Wine “A” is 11% ethanol, Wine “B” is 15 %. The desired final ethanol concentration is 12%. 15-12 = 3 11% 12% 15% 12-11 = 1 A blend of 3 parts of A (11%) to 1 part of B (15%) will yield the desired ethanol concentration.
Algebraic Equation VA + VB = 1 VA = 1 - VB 11VA + 15VB = 12(VA + VB ) 11( 1- VB ) + 15VB = 12((1 – VB) + VB) 11 – 11VB + 15VB = 12 – 12VB + 12VB 4VB = 1 VB = 1/4 = 1 part of VB to 3 parts of VA Can solve multiple simultaneous equations if needed
Always Check Calculations 3 parts of 11 = 33 1 part of 15 = 15 __________________ 4 parts total = 48 48/4 = 12
Dealing with Multiple Wines A = 11%; B=15%; C=14%; D=13% and want 12% ethanol for final blend 11 11 11 12 12 12 15 14 13 3(11):1(15) 2(11):1(14) 1(11):1(13) Totals: 1(15):1(14):1(13):6(11)
Common Problems with Pearson’s Square • Forgetting to have lowest concentration in upper left • Both wines exceed or are below the desired concentration • Ignoring negative numbers 13 12 15
Dealing with Multiple Components Frequently, blend decisions are made considering multiple wines and multiple components (sugar, ethanol, acidity, etc.). In this case, graphical methods can be used to estimate the best overall blend. However, the ideal value of each component might not be attainable.
What blending does • Blending can make a good wine better by adding complexity & balance. • Complexity by combining different flavor profiles, Ex. Zinfandel with a spicy-peppery aroma with a jammy-fruity Zin. • Balance by blending wines that complement each other and fill in the gaps, a ripe low- acid wine with a tart wine.
Tonight’s Lecture • What blending does for a wine Making bench blends Blending in the cellar Getting wine ready for bottling Final filtration and integrity testing Bottling procedures • Labeling and packaging
What blending does • The whole is often more than the sum of the parts. • A wine blended from two wines will often be scored higher then the mean of the scores of the two base wines.
What blending won’t do • Zvrščanje NE MORE iz slabega narediti dobrega vina! • Majhne količine slabega vina, zvrščenega z dobrim inom, navadno vodijo v večje količine povprečnega vina • Wines that have viable spoilage microbes should never be used for blending.
Blending Options • Zvrščanje: • znotraj sorte ali med sortami • Različni vinogradi/lege • Mlajšega in starejšega/zrelejšega vina • Različne tehnologije (oak and no oak).
Try it before you buy it Using lab blends and bench trials: • Before you make the blend in the cellar make a small amount of the proposed blend in the same ratio in the lab. • Like making a soup on the stove, taste you wine, think of what kind of flavors might improve it, and then see what you might have available in the cellar to make it better.
Keep it Legal! • Commercial wines have to be made within the boundaries of government regulations and market acceptance. More on this when we talk about labeling. • Blending for composition (variety, vintage, etc.) or analysis (alcohol). • Home winemakers make their own rules!
Tools for Blending Trials • Graduated cylinder • Graduated pipette • Beaker or bottle • Calculator or spread sheet • When making a blend, be prepared to make a mess.
The Easiest Way to Start a Winery • Négociants buy bulk wine from many growers and wineries to make a blend at a “custom crush” winery and then sell under their own name. • This is by far the least expensive way to start a “winery”.
Making the Calculations • Calculator, easy and fast for simple blends. • Spread sheet, good for complex blends or to estimate chemical analysis or composition of a final blend. • There is a excellent downloadable spreadsheet at winemakermag.com
Home Winemaking Spreadsheet • Component • Wine 1 Wine 2 Wine 3 Wine 4 Wine 5 • Column Weighted Ave. • Gallons % Blend • 10.50 70.0% 0.50 3.3% 2.50 16.7% 1.50 10.0% 0.00 0.0% • 15.0 • pH TA SO RS Brix %Alc • 2 • 3.300 7.50 3.500 7.00 3.720 5.50 3.810 5.30 • 0. 0.00 • 40. 0.10 24.0 40. 0.10 25.80 55. 0.20 23.60 55. 0.20 25.80 • 0. 0. 0. • 13.20 14.19 12.98 14.19 • 0. • 51.42 103.95 660.00 1.90 362.60 199.43 • 3.39 6.93 44.00 0.13 24.17 13.30 • From Winemaker Magazine
Pearson Square • A = Wine @ 15% B = Wine @ 10% C = Target 13 % D = 13-10 = 3 • E = 15-13 = 2 • Ratio of wine 3/2 wine A/B makes a blend of 13% • 15 3 • 13 • 10 2
Making the Calculations • Pearson square, a simple way to do the algebra needed to determine the ratio of two wines that needs to be blended together to hit a certain composition.
When to Blend? • Field blend, mixing different varieties in the vineyard and or crushing them together into the same fermentation tank. • This gives the wine plenty of time to harmonize but you cannot make a trial blend. • Not so bad if you know you will eventually blend the two vineyard blocks together. • However both varieties usually do not ripen at the same time.
Pearson Square • A = Wine @ 15% • B = Wine @ 10% • C = Blend Target of 13% • D = Ratio of wine A in final blend • E = Ratio of wine B in final blend • AD • C • BE
KDAJ zvrščati ? • Po fermentaciji, a pred zorenjem A bAfter fermentation but before ageing, you • can taste the wine beforehand but you still are estimating what the taste will eventually be. Sredi zorenja, Mid ageing, you can taste the wine and it has time to marry the flavors in the barrel. • Pred stekleničenjem Before bottling, at then end of aging. Works great but the wine does not have a lot of time for flavors to harmonize.
ZDRUŽLJIVE SORTE • Cabernet Sauvignon & druge bordojske sorte Zinfandel & Petite Sirah • Modri pinot & Syrah (does not take much) • Chardonnay & Muškat (does not take much) • Sauvignon Blanc & Sémillon • Syrah & Grenache, Mourvèdre ali Viognier • Sangiovese & Merlot ali Cabernet Sauvignon • VIPAVSKE SORTE ???
POZOR !!! • Zvrščanje lahko razširi kvar • Zvršanje bo uspešnejše, če želimo izboljšati / izpopolniti cvetico kot. Če z njim želimo prikrivati napake • Blending can affect stability (protein, tartrate, microbial), if all of the base wines are stable the blend usually is as well; but test again to be sure.
TAKE HOME Final Thoughts on Blending • NI TRIKOV • potrpežljivost in • Postopnost • Zaupanje svojemu okusu • Zapomiti si in uopštevati je potrebno, da je glavni cilj zvrščanja izboljšanje harmoničnosti / ravnotežja in kompleksnosti končne zvrsti
KAJ ZVRŠČAMO • Različne tehnologije • Ameriški hrast & Francoski hrast • Različne zrelostne stopnje grozdja ob trgatvi • Different levels of ripeness at harvest. • Majhne količine mladega vina rezane s starejšim/zrelejšim vinom bolj sadno in mladostno