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ACC 202 ASH Course Material ACC 202 Entire Course (Ash) ACC 202 Week 1 Assignment Week One Exercises (Ash) • ACC 202 Week 1 Assignment Week One Exercises • ACC 202 Week 1 Assignment Week One Problems • ACC 202 Week 2 Assignment Article Summary • ACC 202 Week 2 Assignment Week Two Exercises • ACC 202 Week 2 Assignment Week Two Problems • Week One Exercises. Complete the following exercises from Chapter 10 & 11 and submit them to the instructor by the end of Day 3. This assignment will be graded as a completion only. The instructor will post the answers to these exercises by the end of Day 5 for you to check your accuracy and comprehension of the subject matter. Exercises: 10-1, 10-3, 10-6, 11-1, 11-6, 11-15.
ACC 202 ASH Course Material ACC 202 Week 1 Assignment Week One Problems (Ash) ACC 202 Week 2 Assignment Article Summary (Ash) • Week One Problems. Complete the following problems from Chapter 10 & 11 and submit to the instructor by Day 7. These problems will be graded for accuracy. Problems: 10-20, 11-21, 11-25 (Part 1), 11-28. • Article Summary. Access and read the ProQuest article: Van derMerwe, A., & Thomson, J (2007, February). The Lowdown on Lean Accounting. Strategic Finance, 88(8), 26-33. Write a 1 to 2 page summary of the article and submit to the instructor by the end of Day 7.
ACC 202 ASH Course Material ACC 202 Week 4 Assignment Week Four Exercises (Ash) ACC 202 Week 4 Assignment Week Four Problems (Ash) • Complete the following exercises from Chapter 15 and submit them to the instructor by the end of Day 3. This assignment will be graded as a completion only. The instructor will post the answers to these exercises by the end of Day 5 for you to check your accuracy and comprehension of the subject matter. Exercises: 15-1, 15-2, 15-4, 15-5. • Week Four Problems. Complete the following problems from Chapter 15 and submit to the instructor by the end of Day 7. These problems will be graded for accuracy. Problems: 15-18, 15-19, 15-20.
ACC 202 ASH Course Material ACC 202 Week 2 Assignment Week Two Exercises (Ash) ACC 202 Week 2 Assignment Week Two Problems (Ash) • This assignment will be graded as a completion only. The instructor will post the answers to these exercises by the end of Day 5 for you to check your accuracy and comprehension of the subject matter. Exercises: 12-2, 12-4, 12-8, 13-1, 13-4, 13-8. • Week Two Problems. Complete the following problems from Chapters 12 & 13 and submit to the instructor by the end of Day 7. These problems will be graded for accuracy. Problems: 12-16, 12-17, 13-23.
ACC 202 ASH Course Material ACC 202 Week 2 DQ 1 Certified Management (Ash) ACC 202 Week 3 Assignment Week Three Exercises (Ash) • Certified Management. Access the website of the Institute of Management Accountants. Read about the IMA and what management accounting is about (see menu on left at home page). Also read about the process and advantages of the Certified Management Accountant professional designation. • The instructor will post the answers to these exercises by the end of Day 5 for you to check your accuracy and comprehension of the subject matter. Exercises: 14-2, 14-7, 14-13, 14-15.
ACC 202 ASH Course Material ACC 202 Week 3 Assignment Week Three Problems (Ash) ACC 202 Week 3 DQ 1 Budgeting (Ash) • Week Three Problems. Complete the following problems from Chapter 14 and submit to the instructor by the end of Day 7. These problems will be graded for accuracy. Problems: 14-16, 14-18, 14-20. • Budgeting. After reading the assigned ProQuest article for the week about budgeting, discuss the seven steps in overhauling a budget process. Cite any personal experiences that are applicable to the topic. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings
ACC 202 ASH Course Material ACC 202 Week 4 DQ 1 Variance Analysis (Ash) ACC 202 Week 5 Assignment Final Paper (Ash) • Variance Analysis. Based on the readings for the week, discuss your opinion on the need for variance analysis in either a service provider setting (retail or restaurant), or manufacturing setting. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. • Expand your analysis of a topic covered in chapters 10-16 into a 1 to 2 page APA style paper. Include your assessment of the topics’ application in managerial accounting. Include examples
ACC 202 ASH Course Material ACC 202 Week 5 Assignment Week Five Exercises (Ash) ACC 202 Week 5 Assignment Week Five Problems (Ash) • Week Five Exercises. Complete the following exercises from Chapter 16 and submit them to the instructor by the end of Day 3. This assignment will be graded as a completion only. The instructor will post the answers to these exercises by the end of Day 5 for you to check your accuracy and comprehension of the subject matter. Exercises: 16-1, 16-2, 16-3, 16-5. • Week Five Problems. Complete the following problems from Chapter 16 and submit to the instructor by the end of Day 7. These problems will be graded for accuracy. Problems: 16-16, 16-17, 16-18.
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