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Title: Film Genre

Title: Film Genre. Learning Objectives: To understand what ‘genre’ means To know how to identify what genre a film is. What does ‘Genre’ mean?. ‘Genre’ basically means a TYPE of film e.g. Romance. In pairs, list as many different genres as you can. Romance. Horror. Genres.

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Title: Film Genre

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Title: Film Genre Learning Objectives: • To understand what ‘genre’ means • To know how to identify what genre a film is

  2. What does ‘Genre’ mean? ‘Genre’ basically means a TYPE of film e.g. Romance. In pairs, list as many different genres as you can. Romance Horror Genres

  3. Why are there genres? • Genre films are made to a type of recipe or formula – the audience expects different things from a horror movie than they do from a romance • These genre formulas have been proven to work at the box office • This successful formula is repeated to appeal to particular audiences What’s your favourite genre?

  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Character Film Genre 7 8 9 10

  5. Character Captain Jack Sparrow Film Pirates of the Caribbean Genre Comedy/Action/Adventure

  6. Character Ron Weasley Film Harry Potter Franchise Genre Fantasy

  7. Character Donkey Film Shrek Genre Animation

  8. Character Woody Film Toy Story Genre Animation

  9. Character Aslan Film The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Genre Fantasy

  10. Character Jigsaw Film Saw Genre Horror

  11. Character Darth Vader Film Star Wars Genre Science Fiction

  12. Character King George VI Film The King’s Speech Genre Historical Drama

  13. Character Borat Film Borat Genre Comedy

  14. Character Bruce Nolan Film Bruce Almighty Genre Comedy

  15. How do we identify the genre? You recognise genre films because they have typical settings, characters, scenes, story-lines and props. Let’s take the police/crime genre. What would you expect to find in this film?

  16. How do we identify the genre?

  17. Typical Genre Features Pick a genre and complete the table – you can work in pairs but you both need to make notes.

  18. From what genre do these elements come from?

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