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Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria

NETWAS. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria. Maarten Blokland, UNESCO-IHE. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria. Purpose and structure: Objective of CD in the LV WatSan Initiative

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Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria

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  1. NETWAS Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Maarten Blokland, UNESCO-IHE

  2. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Purpose and structure: • Objective of CD in the LV WatSan Initiative • Conceptual CD Model • The CD Partnership • Approach and Methodology • Inquiry Process • Issues and CD Interventions • Lessons learned

  3. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Towns: Bondo (Ke) Bugembe (Ug) Bukoba (Tz) Bunda (Tz) Homa Bay (Ke) Kissii (Ke) Muleba (Tz) Mutukula (Ug/Tz) Koytera (Ug) Nyendo (Ug) Mutukula (Tz)

  4. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Lessons on CD from the WAC I project: • Broaden the scope to include a.o. commercial and business development aspects • Include additional stakeholders such as Government, CBOs and NGOs • Ensure the presence of local capacity builders • Further integrate capacity building and infrastructure investments • Improve the efficiency of contractual processes

  5. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Objective of LV WatSan: • In each of 10 ten towns around Lake Victoria, the project will improve water supply, sanitation and environmental conditions Objective of CD in LV WatSan • Capacity development will be provided to local stakeholders, with a view to securing sustainable and equitable delivery of services • The capacity development interventions will respond to specific on-the-ground issues in each town, in function of its unique circumstances, specific issues, organizational competences, etc..

  6. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Conceptual CD Model: Action for Improved Services CD Info Towns: Various Shapes & Sizes Capacity Builders

  7. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Consortium of Capacity Builders: • FCM: Pro-poor governance • UNESCO-IHE: Water, sanitation and environmental management • GWA: Gender and disadvantaged groups • SNV: Local Economic Development • NETWAS: Implementation of CD Interventions

  8. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Target groups for CD: • Multi Stakeholder Forum • Local and District Governments • Water and sanitation providers • Local entrepreneurs • NGOs, CBOs • Citizens / Users • Disadvantaged groups • UN-HABITAT

  9. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Staged Approach: • Initial Inquiries in each town • CD preparations • Design of CD interventions • TNA RLCB and ToT • CD implementation, supplemented by: • Ongoing inquiry and evidence gathering • Coaching • Capacity development for KD&M • Top level consultations We have progressed to this point

  10. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria We are here now Roadmap:

  11. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Inquiry Methodology (Systemic Action Research): Inquiry with Local Stakeholders Evidence Evidence Evidence Provide Capacity Development Services PPGovernc Water Sanitation Environt LED Gender Reviewing and Integrating Evidence by Theme Design Capacity Development Interventions

  12. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Information and data collection: • reports and on-site observation and data collection • multi-day and multi-stakeholder interviews including cross referencing Teams and expertise: • Multi-disciplinary team of 6 experts per town: • governance • economic development • Gender and disadvantaged groups • water, sanitation • environment

  13. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Stakeholder interviews:

  14. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Outcome Inquiry (Map):

  15. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Outcome Inquiry (Details): Points of Stakeholders, Stories Information Issues, Relationships Quotes

  16. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Major Issues found (1): Focus on disadvantaged people • Pro-poor and gender sensitive focus • Landlord-tenant relationships (Supra) Town institutions and organisations • Institutions, Legal and regulatory frameworks • Coherence & Relations at town level • Stakeholder interactions • Organisations and Systems • Planning systems and municipal performance Service coverage and quality • Service coverage • Quality of services • Quality of infrastructure • Development of Services • Operation & maintenance by watsan providers • Drainage and Waste management by local government • Town planning and Land ownership

  17. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Major Issues found (2): Public engagement & access • Promises and expectations • Ownership of project and assets • Attitude, transparency, integrity • Impact on health and environment • Communication and sensitisation • WaSH awareness and practices Infrastructure investment and processes. • Investments and procurement processes • Time requirement for investments and operational arrangements • (Quality of) Contracts

  18. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria From Issues to CD Interventions:

  19. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria • Dialogue • Debate • Discussion • Workshop • Round table • Exposure Tour • Conference • Field work • Training • Tutorial • Apprenticeship • Peer learning • Learning-by-doing • Technical advice • Networking • Change Mgmt Programme • Awareness raising • Mass communication CD Interventions Menu: Work in Progress

  20. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Work in Progress

  21. Capacity Development for Improved WatSan Delivery in Small Towns around Lake Victoria Lessons learned: • Most of the earlier lessons have been integrated into the present LV WATSAN project design and CD component • Shared objectives and approach enabled the CD consortium to develop an integral program of town-wide CD interventions • Methodology has produced high quality information on actual watsan, the stakeholders, their relationships, and the issues • Methodology enabled ownership of the CD process by stakeholders by inviting them to share and contribute their knowledge, experience, opinions and ideas to the process • The findings confirm the need for strong and timely links between infrastructure investments and CD • The CD approach will be analyzed and documented for future replication

  22. Thank You www.fcm.cawww.unesco-ihe.orgwww.snvworld.orgwww.genderandwater.orgwww.netwas.org Asante

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