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MUKIKUTE. Mapambano ya Kifua Kikuu na Ukimwi Temeke (Fight against Tb and HIV/AIDS in Temeke ).

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  1. MUKIKUTE MapambanoyaKifuaKikuunaUkimwiTemeke (Fight against Tb and HIV/AIDS in Temeke)

  2. MUKIKUTE is the first ever former TB patients’ NGO in Tanzania! It is both a former and actual TB patients led organization started in February 2005. The organization is based in Dar es Salaam region within Temeke municipality. • Partnering with LHL – Norway, MUKIKUTE and the National TB control program (Tanzania) has been moving to regions outside Dar es Salaam with the purpose of sharing its best practices and achievements as a means of social mobilization on TB/HIV control WhAt iS MukIkUtE?…

  3. To fight against TB and HIV/AIDS in the community by: • Staff and members’ capacity building • To Support and enhance patients’ led initiatives such as advocacy, communication and social mobilization aiming at fighting TB/HIV. • To educate the community on prevention, diagnosis and treatment/management of both TB and HIV. OUR GOALS

  4. To Sensitize the community towards eradicating cultural and traditional misconceptions, stigma and discrimination around TB/HIV. • To support the communities to care and support TB patients, PLHIV/AIDS and other marginalized groups. • Collaboration with National TB control program, donors and other local partners to ensure that TB/HIV services are delivered at all levels.

  5. To create awareness on Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS among community members • To work against TB and HIV/AIDS stigma in the community • To supervise patients taking TB drugs under home based DOT (Directly Observed Treatment) Our objectives

  6. To encourage and assist TB patients to complete their long term (7-9months) treatment • To create awareness in the community on the proper care of TB patients and PLWHIV • Support formation of TB clubs in the community Our objectives (Contd...)

  7. Educate communities about TB& HIV/AIDS, • Trace and bring TB suspects for diagnosis • Community/Home based TB care • Collaborate with administration e.g. village elders and health specialists • Voluntary Counselling and Testing VCT • Community sensitization /mobilization mobile education MUKIKUTE ACTIVITIES...

  8. Income Generating Activities:- • batik, • handicraft, • liquid soap making, • Tailoring. • hiring out of PA system and generator • Zero Distance dance troupe entertainment in sensitizations and other ceremonies ACTIVE GROUPS

  9. To provide a basis for help for TB/ex-TB patients in active participation in our club activities. • To set a series of centres like mukikute all over Tanzania • Becoming a host facility to interns and researchers interested on TB/HIV • Appreciating more by giving more to the communities. Future prospects

  10. We appeal to all donor agencies to partner with us in any ways possible for the purpose of intensifying the fight against TB • We urge all donors and partners to help in empowering MUKIKUTE members with education and skills that will help in bettering qualities of their lives e.g. Income generating activities Appeal

  11. Big thanks to all who in one way or another has contributed in whichever way to get us this far. We acknowledge that without you we would not have stood this tall! ACKNOWLEDGEMENT


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