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WP 03: Multimodal Transportation Modelling Implementation Report

WP 03: Multimodal Transportation Modelling Implementation Report. Contents of the Presentation. Modelling Park & Ride. Data Exchange with the Emission Model TREM. Park & Ride: Modelling in VISUM (1). Define P&R interchange sites

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WP 03: Multimodal Transportation Modelling Implementation Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WP 03:Multimodal Transportation ModellingImplementation Report

  2. Contents of the Presentation • Modelling Park & Ride • Data Exchange with the Emission Model TREM

  3. Park & Ride: Modelling in VISUM (1) • Define P&R interchange sites • for each city centre zone add a virtual private transport link at the P+R site with impedance = f(PuT price, PuT travel time, ...) and connect zone to the other end of the virtual link • Determine P&R demand • perform private transport assignment and determine proportion of demand using virtual P&R links • Split P&R demand off private transport demand • add a zone to each P&R site and connect to both private and public transport • subtract P&R demand from private demand • add back private transport leg (up to P&R zone) • add public transport leg (from P&R zone) to PuT demand • Assign changed public and private transport demands separately

  4. Private Transport Initial Public Transport Potential Final Park & Ride: Modelling in VISUM (2)

  5. Park & Ride: Example (1)

  6. Park & Ride: Example (2)

  7. Initial Flows [Vehicles/day]

  8. Potential P+R Flows [Vehicles/day]

  9. Final P+R Flows (Private Transport) [Vehicles/day]

  10. Final P+R Flows (Public Transport) [Persons/day]

  11. Contents of the Presentation • Modelling Park & Ride • Data Exchange with the Emission Model TREM

  12. Initial Modelling - Assumptions • Each trip starts with a cold engine • „Cold Distance“ is defined by the mean speed of a vehicle on its route • Five pollutants • CO2 • CO • HC • NOx • FC • Three vehicle classes • Petrol cars • Diesel cars with catalyst • Diesel cars without catalyst

  13. 0 ... 10 % 11 ... 20 % 21 ... 30 % 31 ... 40 % 41 ... 50 % 51 ... 60 % 61 ... 70 % 71 ... 80 % 81 ... 90 % 91 ... 100 % Initial Modelling - Results (1) Share of vehicles with cold engines

  14. Initial Modelling - Results (2)

  15. City Strategy Implementation Plans • Buenos Aires : ... • Gdansk : Area-wide road user charging, public transport fare strategies • Geneva : ... • Genoa : Road user charging in the city centre, public transport infrastructure improvements • Lisbon : ... • Tel Aviv : Parking policies, road user charging • Thessaloniki : Improvements in the private and public transport infrastructure

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