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A. Adams,Jhon- 2 nd president of the U.S. Abolitionist- A person against slavery. Astrolabe- An instrument used by sailor’s. Ambush- A surprise attack. Boom Town- A community experiencing a sudden growth in business are population. Boston tea party-

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Adams,Jhon- 2nd president of the U.S.. Abolitionist- A person against slavery. Astrolabe- An instrument used by sailor’s. Ambush- A surprise attack.

  2. Boom Town- A community experiencing a sudden growth in business are population. Boston tea party- a group of men disguised as monaks at midnight they bored the ships and threw 342 chests of tea overboard. Boston Massacre- Shots fired killed 5 colonists. Bowie,jim- A sharpshooter who fought in the battle of the Alamo.

  3. Civil war- Conflict between oppossing groups of citizens from the same country. Capital- Money for investment. Checks and balances- A system in witch each branch of government has a check. Citizen- A person born in the U.S.

  4. Desert- To leave with out permission. Davis, Jefferson- Commander in chief. Dust bowl- A huge dusty drought. Deere, John- Invented the steel toe plow in 1837.

  5. Economy- Numbers and shopping with money and business. English bill of rights- In 1689 guarnting cretin basic rights to all citizens. Electoral collage- A selected group to vote. Embargo- An order prohibiting trade with another country.

  6. Fugitive- Runaway are trying to run away. Frigate- Worship. Franklin, Benjamin- An inventor helped write the declaration . Freeman- A person freed from slavery.

  7. Government- Power over people and money. Greenback- A peace of u.s. paper money first issued by the north during the Civil War. Great depression- A severe economic crisis of the 1930’s Genocide- the deliberation of a racial, political, or cultural group.

  8. Human rights- Rights regarded as belonging to all person, such as freedom. Holocaust- The name given to the mass slaughter of Jews. Hieroglyphics- An ancient form of weighting using symbols. Habeas Corpus- A legal order for an inquiry to determine weather a person has been lawfully imprisoned.

  9. Ice age- A period of extremely cold tempters when parts of the plants were cold. Implied Powers- Powers not specifically mentioned in the contusion. Import- To buy goods from forgin markets. Impeached- To be removed from public office.

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