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The Sunwell Trilogy. Project by Radulescu Radu. Book report Sandwich station. Bread Title: Warcraft-The sunwell trilogy (Dragon Hunt, Shadows of Ice, Ghostlands) Authors: Writer: Richard A. Knaak Art: Kim Jae-Hwan (this book it’s a manga, some kind of Japanese comics)
The Sunwell Trilogy Project by Radulescu Radu
Book report Sandwich station • Bread Title: Warcraft-The sunwell trilogy (Dragon Hunt, Shadows of Ice, Ghostlands) • Authors: Writer: Richard A. Knaak • Art: Kim Jae-Hwan(this book it’s a manga, some kind of Japanese comics) • Lettuce • Kalecgos, a blue dragon engaged to Tyrigosa (which also helped they research) (who had the power to morph into a human, elf, or any other race of Azeroth), hunted by a Dwarf (actually lead by Dar’khan, their actual opponent which wanted to steal the Sunwell for his own wills) and his hunter mates landed in a sea to be founded by Anveena, a mysterious girl which always seemed to have a smile on her face. She took him in her home. The hunters tracked him down and destroyed the house, and killed her parents. She found Raak, a weird flying reptile. They have been attacked by the wizard who was searching for the so called “Sunwell”, The source of all the mystic powers. They adventure through, helped by Jorad Mace, an ex paladin to Quel Thalas, the origins of the Sunwell which was taken away by the evil prince Arthas. In the end they would’ve find out that the innocent Anveena was the Sunwell hidden where no one would’ve look for it. Even her parents and their death were an illusion.
Mayonnaise • The highest point was the end, when with the powers of the sunwell, Anveena destroyed Dark’khan using the powers of the Sunwell. • Tomato • Anveena, Kalecgos(Kalec), Dar’khan • Cheese • It happened in Azeroth, in an unknown time.
Bread Drawings (taken from the book) Kalecgos Dar’Khan Anveena
Top 10 list 10:If somebody I hate needs me alive with any cost, just when he gets me, I need to suicide. • 9:If somebody is assaulting my home, I shouldn’t exit the front door. • 8:Do whatever it takes to accomplish my goal. • 7:If I see a fight it’s going on, I should run away. • 6:If I am landing by force, I shouldn’t land in the water. • 5:Even if I am on something stupid, I should finish the job I’ve started. • 4: Don’t randomly talk to somebody that could be a dragon.( generally a bad person) • 3: Don’t accept strangers in my home. • 2: DO NOT steal. • 1: Always search things in the places I wouldn’t think they could be.
D-Film Cast(Main Characters) I think she should play Anveena’s role because she looks a lot like here (if she would dye her hair, at least). Also, when I watched Transformers 2, I actually thinked about her. Played by Jet Li (with a wig on) Anveena Played by Megan Fox Kalecgos Played By Hayden • Christensen Dar’Khan Hayden would fit perfectly in Kalecgos’s role. He impressed me a lot how good he handled the laser sword in Star Wars series. The look on his face was the one that convinced me to pick him to play Dar’Khan.
Supporting Characters Played by Angelina Jolie Tyrigosa • Jorad Mace played by • Chuck • Norris I picked Chuck Norris because he is stereotyped as the best man in the world.At anything, especially fighting. And Jorad beat the undead enemies really bad. Most of the movies she starred in, she was an arrogant character. Tyrigosa is arrogant as an apple. That’s why she should play her. Harkyn Grimstone Played by Will Ferrell Will Ferrell is one of the funniest actor I know. This is one of the reasons he should be the one to play Harkyn Grimstone in the movie. And he also looks a lot like him.
Interviewwith Dar’’Khan • Here we are live from Azeroth, interviewing on of the most evil characters in history, Dar’Khan. • So tell us Dar’Khan, how did you get to become so evil? • You know, I stole the powers of the Sunwell and helped Arthas to infiltrate Quel’Thalas. Then they stole it from me and sealed it in Anveena… • That’s sad, but, how did you manage to get here? I saw you dying!! • !?Oh, I remember, yeah, that was a clone, I am one of the most powerful wizards. I can’t die! I’m beyond that! And when the time is right, I will have my revenge! • Am I safe here?? • Yes you are, unless you know where the Sunwell power is. • No, I don’t I am just an interviewer. By the way! What do you do now? • I am getting stronger for my next fight with her…
Why don’t you join the Alliance? You are an Illidari right? • The only thing I want is power. Illidari can provide it to me. • So there’s no hope you will once more join the forces of good… • No chance in hell! • Do you think you could get over this obsession of the Sunwell? • It’s not an obsession! It’s destiny and it is going to be fulfilled! • Where do you live now? • Now? I live in a cave, far from here, when I prepare magical potions and developing new spells. • What spell did you master recently? • Polymorph, it gives me the ability to convert people into sheep! • What would you like to tell to your fans watching us? • If you now where the Sunwell is, Tell me!