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Adjourn. V. To stop proceedings temporarily; move to another place Syn : Suspend Ant: Open, call to order. “I would like to suspend and adjourn this proceeding right now!”. Alien. N. A citizen of another country; Adj. foreign, strange Syn : exotic, unfamiliar
Adjourn V. To stop proceedings temporarily; move to another place Syn: Suspend Ant: Open, call to order “I would like to suspend and adjourn this proceeding right now!”
Alien • N. A citizen of another country; • Adj. foreign, strange • Syn: exotic, unfamiliar • Ant: native, endemic, familiar • Socialism is an alien system to kids who grew up in democratic societies.
Comely Adj: Having a pleasing appearance Syn: good-looking, attractive Ant: plain, homely, ugly, repulsive
Compensate V. To make up for; to repay for services Syn: pay back, reimburse, recompense Ant: fail to reward, stiff
Dissolute adj.: loose in one’s morals or behavior Syn: dissipated immoral corrupt ANT: moral, proper Would a dissolute prince be a good or bad prince?
Erratic Adj. : Not regular or consistent; different from what is ordinarily expected Syn: irregular, inconsistent, unpredictable Ant.: steady, consistent, dependable Can you think of another vocab. word that is a synonym for erratic?
EXPULSION N. The process of driving or forcing out Syn.: ejection, ouster, eviction Ant.: admittance, admission A judge can kick you out of a courtroom. That would be an expulsion.
Feint N. A deliberately deceptive movement, a pretense V. To make a deceptive movement; Syn: trick, ruse, subterfuge, dodge Football players, like the great Walter Payton, feint to avoid tacklers!
Fodder N.: Food for horses or cattle; raw material for a designated purpose Syn.: feed provender “It’s going to be a long winter…I better have enough fodder to help my cattle make it.”
Fortify: to strengthen, build up Synonyms: Reinforce, shore up ANTONYMS: WEAKEN, UNDERMINE, SAP, IMPAIR The kids fortified their Lincoln logs to keep it from falling down.
Illegible: difficult to read This is becoming a lost art! Practice it! Synonyms: Unreadable, indecipherable, distinct, scribbled Antonyms: Readable, decipherable, distinct
Jeer: to make fun of rudely or unkindly. A rude remark of derision How does it make you feel when people jeer at you? Isn’t this much better Be sincere… don’t jeer! Synonyms: Laugh at, mock, taunt Antonyms: Applause, plaudits, accolades
Lucrative: bringing money in What types of skills do you have that will help you be lucrative? Synonyms: Gainful, moneymaking Antonyms: Unprofitable, losing, in the red.
Mediocre: average, ordinary, undistinguished Synonyms: run-of-the-mill Antonyms: Exceptional Outstanding, distinguished
Proliferate: to reproduce, increase, spread rapidly Synonyms: Multiple, mushroom, burgeon Antonyms: Decrease, diminish, dwindle, slack off
Subjugate: to conquer by force, bring under complete control Synonyms: Subdue, vanquish, master What are examples of subjugation you can think of? Antonyms: Be conquered, submit, surrender When have you chosen to be subjugated?
Sully: to soil, stain, tarnish, besmirch Synonyms: Pollute, taint Antonyms: Cleanse, purify, doctrinate
Tantalize: to tease, torment by teasing Synonyms: Tempt, lead on, make one’s mouth water Can you think of another new word that is similar to this one? What are some things that tantalize you? How do you handle the temptations? Antonyms: Satisfy, fulfill, gratify
Terse: brief and to the point Synonyms: Concise, succinct, crisp, short and sweet Often the best jingles are terse. Can you think of some examples? Antonyms: Verbose, wordy, diffuse, prolix
Unflinching: firm, showing no signs of fear, not drawing back When you are unflinching, you have a better chance of victory! Synonyms: Resolute, steadfast, unwavering Antonyms: Irresolute, wavering, vacillating