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Arif Basofi, S.Kom

Outline. Tahapan dasar membangun aplikasi GISWhat can ArcView Do?ArcView Data TypesArcView's GUIGetting Help. Tahapan Membangun Aplikasi GIS. Membangun Database Tahapan penting dan butuh waktu banyakKelengkapan dan akurasi data(base) menentukan kualitas analisa spatialMencakup: Menentukan

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Arif Basofi, S.Kom

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Arif Basofi, S.Kom

    2. Outline Tahapan dasar membangun aplikasi GIS What can ArcView Do? ArcView Data Types ArcView’s GUI Getting Help

    3. Tahapan Membangun Aplikasi GIS Membangun Database Tahapan penting dan butuh waktu banyak Kelengkapan dan akurasi data(base) menentukan kualitas analisa spatial Mencakup: Menentukan batas studi, isstem koordinat, layer data yg diperlukan, atribut Entry data spatial Manajemen database (data spatial ? koordinat bumi) Menganalisis data Tahapan analisa data spatial yg butuh waktu untuk ketelitian. Menyajikan Hasil Analisis Menyajikan hasil berupa peta dan report.

    4. Tahapan Membangun Aplikasi GIS…

    5. What Can ArcView Do? Display information which resides locally or over a distributed network. Read spatial and tabular information from a variety of data formats. Use colors and symbols to represent features. For example, rivers can be represented as blue solid lines, and roads as black dashed lines. Use colors and symbols to represent features based on their attributes. For example, counties (kabupaten) can be shaded based on their population.

    6. What Can ArcView Do?... Connect spatial information to database attributes: Select data spatially and retrieve database information. Select data from the database and see the spatial representation of the selected features. Provide analytical tools to answer spatial questions need.

    7. Data Types used in ArcView A. Geographic Data Geographic data consists of features represented by points, lines and polygons. ArcView can use: ArcView shape files (*.SHP) ARC/INFO coverages (PC or Unix) AutoCAD (*.DWG) and Microstation (*.DGN) CAD drawings DXF files

    8. Data Types used in ArcView B. Attribute Data ArcView can read tabular data from: dBASE files Database servers such as ORACLE, INGRES, SYBASE, INFORMIX etc. INFO tables Comma or tab delimited ascii files

    9. Data Types used in ArcView C. Image Data Image data includes satellite images, aerial photographs, and other remotely sensed or scanned data. Supported formats include: ARC/INFO GRID BSQ, BIL, BMP, BIP, and JPEG SUN raster files Tiff, TIFF LZW compressed, and GeoTIFF Erdas (.lan) Erdas Imagine Images (*.img) Image catalogs Run length compressed formats

    10. Data Types used in ArcView D. Grid Data Supported formats include: ARC/INFO GRID ASCII raster file format Binary raster file format USGS DEM format US DMA Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED)

    11. ArcView GUI: ArcView Components

    12. All components (‘documents’) associated with a particular undertaking stored in file with extension *.apr Components dynamically updated: change one part, other parts updated accordingly.

    13. A view is essentially a map which you look at (view) on the screen (or print with layout). It contains one or more themes (ARCINFO coverages/grids) which are layers of spatial data with similar characteristics eg streets, hydrolgy, capitals. Only one view active at a time Themes listed in ArcView Table of Contents which allows you to control themes to be viewed. Themes are added from View window using View pull down menu.

    14. Contains attribute (descriptive) data. Can create in ArcView or access data from other sources (e.g via SQL). References to tables are stored, not data itself (therefore automatic update) Event tables contain geographic references and can be mapped (non-event tables can simply be included in layouts) Charts can be used to display tabular data. 6 types: area, bar, column, line, pie, scatter

    15. ArcView GUI: Arcview Screen

    16. ArcView GUI: Arcview Screen…

    17. ArcView GUI: Arcview Screen… Tampilan pada Table: Tabel berisi informasi deskriptif mengenai layer tertentu yang terdiri dari baris data (record) dan kolom (field). Baris data (record) mendefinisikan sebuah entry, sedangkan kolom (field) mendefinisikan atribut atau karakteristik dari entry.

    18. File Access CAD file reader extension including 3-D into Spatial Analyst: AutoCAD, .DWG AutoCAD binary .DXF Bentley MicroStation .DGN Intergraph/Bentley .MGE Direct database access via SDE ArcView R/3 Extension and Interface Download data and interact on transactional basis with SAP/R3 Interact with Material Management and Plant Maintenance modules (3.2) S-57 Data Converter (3.2) International Hydrographic Organization SDTS Spatial Data Transfer Standard (3.2) Image Data ERDAS Imagine Files MrSID compressed images TIFF 6.0 incl. GeoTIFF 1.0 JPEG/JFIF public domain compressed image military data formats ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (ADRG) Compressed ADRG (CADRG) Controlled Image Base (CIB) National Image Transfer Format (NITF) Vector Product Format (VPF) MGRS (Military Grid Reference System) Raster Product Format (RPF) (3.2) DIGEST (ASRP/USRP) British and French military formats (3.2) Digitizer extension much improved control

    19. 3D Analyst 3D analysis of surface data TINS, GRIDS, DEMs Spatial Analyst 2D analysis of raster data GRIDS, contouring Network Analyst network routing, etc Image Analyst Remote Sensing image analysis based on ERDAS Business Analyst suite of business tools includes Network Analyst and Streetmap includes demographic data ArcView StreetMap 2000 enhanced geocoding: newer version of Streetmap (Nov 1994 streets) Tracking Analyst realtime GPS input Internet Map Server placing maps on Internet ArcPress for ArcView printing enhancement

    20. Using Extensions and Scripts in ArcView Obtain copy of script or extension Write yourself with Avenue language Supplied with ArcView in folder: arcview/samples/scripts or arcview/samples/ext Go to ArcView Help/Contents/Sample Scripts and Extensions for documentation Supplied free by ESRI or users and available on ESRI web site at: http://gis.esri.com/arcscripts/scripts.cfm (also includes extensions) or go to www.esri.com and click Support/Downloads/ArcScripts Be sure to print or download documentation/description To load and use an extension Place .avx file in arcview/ext32 folder Open ArcView, choose menuf: File - extensions, place tick/check next to name, click OK To load and use a script In Project window, select Script and click new button to open script window Use Script/load text file to load code from existing text file containing avenue code (.ave) e.g. \av_gis30\arcview\samples\scripts\calcapl.ave will calculate areas, perimeters, lengths Click the “check mark” icon to compile the code. Take steps within ArcView as appropriate for specific script e.g. Open a View and be sure the theme you want processed is active. Click on script window then click the “Runner" icon to run script. e.g. variables measuring area and perimeter will be added to theme table

    21. Getting Help The help button brings up a help menu. When using the main help index, click on the areas for which you need help. When using search, type in a topic name, scroll through the lists, then double click on the desired area. To find a listing of frequently asked questions (FAQ), search for ’questions’. The index is also helpful to look for keywords.

    22. Other Source of Help Personal Contact Ask your neighbors The best method of getting help is to ask other users around you. Inversely, the best way to improve your knowledge of how to do something is to explain it to someone else. Listservs and Email Addresses GIS-L GIS-L is an international listserv maintained by the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) that deals with a myriad of topics related to GIS. To subscribe to GIS-L send email to ‘listserver@urisa.org’ with no subject and the message ‘subscribe GIS-L [your name]’. ESRI-L ESRI-L is one of ESRI’s two popular listservs and deals with all ESRI products. It can be a great source of information. You can subscribe to ESRI-L by sending email to ‘esri-lrequest@ esri.com’ with no subject and the message ‘subscribe’. ARCVIEW-L ARCVIEW-L is the 2nd of ESRI’s popular listservs. As you can tell from the name, this listserv exists to discuss only ArcView. A great deal of Avenue discussion also occurs on this list. To subscribe, send email to ‘arcview-lrequest@ esri.com’ with no subject and the message ‘subscribe’.

    23. Installation ArcView 3.3 Masukkan CD instalasi ArcView 3.x kedalam CD/DVD-ROM, atau cari lokasi master ArcView 3.x Kemudian muncul otomatis tampilan berikut, lalu klik Install ArcView 3.3.

    24. Installation ArcView 3.3… Proses awal instalasi sedang berjalan…

    25. Installation ArcView 3.3… Klik Next

    26. Installation ArcView 3.3… Klik Yes

    27. Installation ArcView 3.3… Klik Next

    28. Installation ArcView 3.3… Klik Next

    29. Installation ArcView 3.3… Klik Next

    30. Installation ArcView 3.3… Klik Install

    31. Installation ArcView 3.3… Proses install sedang berjalan…

    32. Installation ArcView 3.3… Klik OK.

    33. Installation ArcView 3.3… Klik Finish.

    34. Mulai ArcView 3.3 Klik Start > All Programs > ESRI > ArcView GIS 3.3.

    35. Mulai ArcView 3.3 Selanjutnya muncul tampilan entry registration number. Lengkapi kotak isian seperti berikut , kemudian klik OK.

    36. Mulai ArcView 3.3 Tampilan awal program ArcView 3.3.

    37. …S..E..L..E..S..A..I… Silahkan Dicoba !

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