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High resolution sea surface topography for the northern Atlantic using the Iterative Combination Method Roger Hipkin & Addisu Hunegnaw School of GeoSciences University of Edinburgh. Geoid has been the weak link. (mean) sea surface. z = 0. 6 6 0.2 m. geoid (zero height).
High resolution sea surface topography for the northern Atlanticusing the Iterative Combination Method Roger Hipkin & Addisu Hunegnaw School of GeoSciences University of Edinburgh
Geoid has been the weak link (mean) sea surface z = 0.66 0.2m geoid (zero height) h = 6371440.270.02m N = 6371439.610.2m
Rawmarine gravity data have • incomplete coverage and are • inaccurate
Rawmarine gravity data have • incomplete coverage and are • inaccurate
The problem of gravity data coverage To compute a geoid you need complete coverage of detailed gravity overlocalregion plus lower resolution global coverage
Marine gravity data gaps must be filled interpolated gravity measured gravity Dgint(x,y)
~ 2 m free interpolation is very noisy
MDT from geoid EDINP & KMS04 Manual patching with altimetric anomalies is better but still noisy
There is a fundamental inconsistency with using altimetric gravity anomalies for patching Need a more rigorous way to combine altimetry, an MDT model and along-track gravity
By analogy with a real gravity anomaly and the geoid,define analtimetric gravity anomalyas a vertical derivative of the sea surface height ‘real’ gravity anomaly gravity effect of sea surface topography
KMS altimetric-gravity anomalies 250 mGal Ole Anderssen & Per Knudsen,1998
Gravity effect of composite model of dynamic sea surface topography 2 mGal
Although the bias of altimetric gravity anomaliesis small, for geodetic oceanography the 2 mGalis the signal and the250 mGalisnoise
Using analtimetric gravity anomalyas a proxy forreal gravitymakes MDTzero(or alternatively represents it by an a priori long-wavelength model) ‘real’ gravity anomaly gravity effect of sea surface topography
The Iterative Combination Method • generates a model of sea surface topography and interpolates gravity from ship tracks to a grid in a way that is rigorous and mutually consistent
Constraint on gravity interpolation The area integral of gravityinterpolated into between-track gapsmust generate ageoidthat fits thealtimetric sea surfaceminus theMDT model sea surface heightderived from altimetry geoid derived from infilled gravity MDT model
Constraint on the MDT model The modelfor mean dynamic sea surface topography must generate a gravity effect that fits altimetric gravity minus real gravityalong ship tracks observed along-track gravity ± fixed gravityderived from altimetry fixed gravity effect of MDT model iteratively modified
Constraint on the MDT model The modelfor mean dynamic sea surface topography must generate a gravity effect that fits altimetric gravity minus real gravityalong ship tracks No interpolation of gravity needed observed along-track gravity ± fixed gravityderived from altimetry fixed gravity effect of MDT model iteratively modified
The Iterative Combination Method • generates a model of sea surface topography and interpolates gravity from ship tracks to a grid in a way that is rigorous and mutually consistent
FFT (combined geoid) n (combined gravity) n adjust datum (combined gravity) n+1 weighted combination start initial gravity FFT weighted combination initial pseudo-geoid (gravity-based geoid)n+1 adjust datum next iteration
Pseudo - geoid GOCINA Composite Mean Dynamic Topography (extended) GRACE geoid GGM01c (n 90) Altimetric Mean Sea Surface – – Residual Pseudo - geoid
Pseudo - geoid GOCINA Composite Mean Dynamic Topography (extended) GRACE geoid GGM01c (n 90) Altimetric Mean Sea Surface removed & restored just to make quantities small
Pseudo - geoid GOCINA Composite Mean Dynamic Topography (extended) GRACE geoid GGM01c (n 90) Altimetric Mean Sea Surface Initial MDT model gets iteratively modified
Pseudo - geoid GOCINA Composite Mean Dynamic Topography (extended) GRACE geoid GGM01c (n 90) Altimetric Mean Sea Surface fixed
Pseudo - geoid weight Weight of pseudo-geoid determined from expected uncertainty in composite MDT model
FFT (combined geoid) n (combined gravity) n adjust datum (combined gravity) n+1 weighted combination start initial gravity FFT weighted combination initial pseudo-geoid (gravity-based geoid)n+1 adjust datum next iteration
Gravity Composite of ship, airborne and land free-air anomalies, manually patched with adjusted altimetric free-air anomalies, GRACE freeair anomalies GGM01c (n 90) – Residual Gravity
Gravity weight ± zero weight where no data
Iterative combination Method MDT purely terrestrial data - no GRACE input
Long wavelength components of the finally interpolated free-air gravity must match GRACE free-air anomalies Long wavelength components of altimetric sea surface minus MDT model must match GRACE geoid Impact of GRACE data
Residual between surface gravity and GRACE GGM01s free-air anomalies, smoothed with a 450km low-pass filter Make surface gravity consistent with GRACE by adding this residual
Residual between composite MDT and MDT consistent with GRACE GGM01s smoothed with a 450km low-pass filter Make composite MDT consistent with GRACE by adding this residual
ICM MDT on a 2 km gridsmoothed to 450 km With this smoothing,the MDT model is constrained by GRACE and satellite altimetry
Shorter wavelengths, not controlled by GRACE, may be due to geoid errors or MDT errors However, their rms residual is only 2.3 cm
Some residuals correspond to an intensification on shelf-edge gradients
Other residuals have the characteristic ‘bulls eye’ pattern of a gravity field error
ICM MDT on a 2 km gridsmoothed to 450 km This corresponds to all residuals being gravity errors
Unsmoothed ICM MDT on a 2 km grid This corresponds to all residuals being corrections to the MDT model
ICM MDT on a 2 km grid smoothed to l > 75 km Some gravity field errors suppressed by smoothing Smoothed MDT l > 75 km
Geostrophic current velocities deduced from ICM MDT models GRACE-corrected GOCINA composite MDT ICM MDT with 75 km smoothing
Mean surface flow from Lagrangian drifters (Jakobsen et al, 2003) ICM model with 75 km smoothing Drifters assimilated into circulation model (Nøst & Isachsen, 2003)