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Ontologies for Model Engineering of Complex Systems. Complex Domains. Medicine: 180,000 concepts in the Foundational Model of Anatomy (http://sig.biostr.washington.edu/projects/fm/) → Size Network Management (Telecommunication)
Complex Domains • Medicine: • 180,000 concepts in the Foundational Model of Anatomy(http://sig.biostr.washington.edu/projects/fm/) • → Size • Network Management (Telecommunication) • Systems consisting of various hardware and software(MOST project: http://www.most-project.eu/) • → Interaction & configuration • Multimedia • Continuously growing libraries of formats and algorithms (KAT – Knowledge Annotation Tool; http://isweb.uni-koblenz.de/Research/kat) • → Openness • Middleware • Configuration of running software modules (http://kaon.semanticweb.org/server; [Middleware’04, JoAO’06,IEEE DS‘06]) • → Interaction & configuration
What is an ontology? What is an ontology? Shared conceptual model Logically formalized(e.g. OWL – Web Ontology Language) Typically seen and interacted with by end users! What is not necessarily an ontology? A set of axioms in OWL However: ontology reasoning technologies can be useful for such sets of OWL axioms
Ontologies and Their Relatives Topic Maps Thesauri Taxonomies Semantic Networks UML Class Diagrams Predicate Logic Front-End Navigation Information Retrieval Sharing of Knowledge Query Expansion Ontologies Queries Consistency Checking EAI Mediation Reasoning Back-End
Ontology and Complex Software System Ontology for Domain conceptualization & classification Consistency Configuration Dynamic subsumption reasoning Software System for Knowledge acquisition forms (medicine) Interaction (network management & middleware) Loading of data and components (multimedia formats) Strong Interdependency
Ontology and Complex Software System Advantages Ontology captures domain complexity and ensures logical domain consistency Challenges Joint modeling Integration of „static“ logical reasoning into the dynamic world (using the model at run-time!) Understandability of Ontology/OWL paradigm
MDE with Ontologies OWL TRIPLE OWL UML UML JAVA • Some Cases: • Model Checking, e.g. Reasoning on UML class diagrams (Berardi, 2005) • Model Enrichment, e.g. Platform independent model transformation based on TRIPLE (Billig et. al) • Ontology Modeling, e.g. Neon Project (Haase et al., 2007) • Hybrid Approach, TwoUse: Integrating UML Models and OWL Ontologies (Parreiras, Staab, Winter, 2007) PSM Code PIM Classical MDE
Initial Proposal DSL Exploiting Onto TwoUse UML OWL
TwoUse Metamodels Organization MOF UML OWL TwoUse OCL M3 InstanceOf M2
TwoUse Models (excerpt) Classifier DataType AnyType Class OWLClass M2 TUClass InstanceOf OclAny USCustomer M1 OwlAny owlMostSpecNamedClass() TaskController owl2uml() SalesOrder getRulesForCountry() context SalesOrder::getRulesForCountry(): Tax body: self.owlMostSpecNamedClass().new()
Transformation Process UML OWL Metamodel OWL OWL OWL UMLMetamodel Java Metamodel Java Java TwoUse TwoUse Metamodel Java ReasonerAPI UML Profiled4Java UML Profiled 4TwoUse UMLProfiled4 OWL Metamodel Grammar Ontology M2 InstanceOf Abstract Syntax 2. M1 2. 3. 1. Concrete Syntax RDF XMLSyntax PIM PSM PSM Source Code
Benefits • Models at run-time [Middleware’04, IEEE Distributed Systems ‚06] • Dynamic, multiple classification of objects [Modellierung 08]
Open Challenges (en detail) Software Modeling Understandable modeling patterns of using ontologies Splitting of modeling work between domain experts and ontology experts Experiences, experiences, experiences Ontology Modeling Comprehensive treatment of meta-modeling at the logical level (initial work available!) Reconciliation of open and closed world (initial work available!) Reconciliation of rules and ontologies (initial work available!) Incremental reasoning & querying Experiences, experiences, experiences
Thank You! http://www.most-project.eu/ http://isweb.uni-koblenz.de/Projects/twouse F. Silva Parreiras, S. Staab, S. Schenk, A. Winter. Model Driven Specification of Ontology Translations. ER 2008, LNCS, Springer, 2008. F. Silva Parreiras, S. Staab, A. Winter. Improving Design Patterns by Description Logics: An Use Case with Abstract Factory and Strategy. Proc. of Modellierung 2008. LNI, Gi e.V, März 2008. F. Parreiras, S. Staab, A. Winter. TwoUse: Integrating UML Models and OWL Ontologies, TechReport, Department of Computer Science, Univ. Koblenz-Landau, nr. 16/2007. D. Oberle, S. Staab, A. Eberhart, Semantic Management of Distributed Web Applications, IEEE Distributed Systems Online, vol. 7, no. 5, 2006, art. no. 0605-o5001. D. Oberle, S. Lamparter, S. Grimm, D. Vrandecic, S. Staab, A. Gangemi: Towards Ontologies for Formalizing Modularization and Communication in Large Software Systems. Journal of Applied Ontology, 1(2): 163-202, IOS Press 2006. D. Oberle, A. Eberhart, S. Staab, R. Volz. Developing and Managing Software Components in an ontology-based Application Server. In Proc. Middleware 2004, ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Toronto, October 18-22, 2004, LNCS, Springer.