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The Alphabet

The Alphabet. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz. Aa [ ei ]. Apple Name Race Face Lake. Bb [b]. Bee Bake Bob Bike Black. Cc[ s,k ]. Cake Cat Can Coke cube. Dd [d]. Dabe Date Duke Delete Dive.

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The Alphabet

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Alphabet • Aa Bb Cc DdEe Ff GgHh Ii JjKkLl Mm NnOo Pp QqRr Ss TtUu Vv Ww Xx YyZz

  2. Aa [ei] Apple Name Race Face Lake

  3. Bb [b] Bee Bake Bob Bike Black

  4. Cc[s,k] Cake Cat Can Coke cube

  5. Dd[d] Dabe Date Duke Delete Dive

  6. Ee [i:] Pete Tree See Sea Eat

  7. Ff [f] Face Feed Fate Fuse Fome

  8. Gg [g] Gibe Globe Go Geese Gate

  9. Hh[h] Hate Heat He Hope huge

  10. Ii [ai] Ice-cream Like I Mike Nice

  11. Jj [dj] James Jake Jump June July

  12. Kk [k] Kate Keep Kite Kind

  13. Ll [l] Like Late Lion Lazy Live

  14. Mm[m] Mute Make Meet Mode My

  15. Nn[n] Name Nine Nice Nick Nose

  16. Oo[ou] Rose Go Home Mode Dog

  17. Pp[p] Pupil Pete Pipe Page Pole

  18. Qq[qw] Queen Queue Quite Quiet

  19. Rr [r] Rose Rule Rival Read Rade

  20. Ss[s] See Sky Skate Snake Stupid

  21. Tt[t] Tree Table Take Toe Tube 10

  22. Uu[ju] Bus Pupil Under Run Hungry

  23. Vv[v] Vote Live Very Have Village

  24. Ww[w] Winter Went Why What When

  25. Xx[ks] Fox Box Six

  26. Yy[ai] Yes My young you type

  27. Zz [z] Zebra Zoo Zone

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