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QEGS English Department

QEGS English Department. Key Stage Three. English in Key Stage 3. All classes taught in form groups Mixed ability throughout Some shared classes – teachers work closely together and plan carefully Classes taught in the same room as much as possible Library lessons this term

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QEGS English Department

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  1. QEGS English Department Key Stage Three

  2. English in Key Stage 3 • All classes taught in form groups • Mixed ability throughout • Some shared classes – teachers work closely together and plan carefully • Classes taught in the same room as much as possible • Library lessons this term • Wider reading greatly encouraged • Regular use of dictionary and thesaurus also encouraged

  3. Exercise books / KS3 portfolios All students in KS3 are issued with a pink exercise book This will be marked regularly by the teacher using the whole school code system. This will include ‘next steps’ advice and STOP targets Time allowed for corrections e.g. spelling / punctuation Summaries of Assessment Foci for Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening will be glued into books All units of work contain a number of assessed tasks. These will marked summatively We use peer assessment / self assessment / target setting Department policy – marking should be meaningful If a teacher just wants to check that a student has completed work, she / he may just stamp it with a personalised stamper

  4. Assessment • Individual pieces in books not awarded NC Levels • NC Levels awarded at end of each half term for Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening. Assessed tasks will form the basis of these • APP Assessment carried out by department • APP identifies key Assessment Foci (AFs)for Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening • These are communicated to students and presented as ‘tools for learning’ • Targets for improvement linked to AFs

  5. Assessment Foci - WRITING

  6. Assessment Foci: READING

  7. Assessment Foci: SPEAKING & LISTENING

  8. Units of work – YEAR 7 • Unit 1: Cultural diversity / autobiography • Unit 2: Fantasy (Texts: A Midsummer Nights Dream and ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ or ‘Daydreamer’ or ‘Skellig’ • Unit 3: History of Language / Literature (range of fiction) • Unit 4: Women (range of fiction and non fiction texts)

  9. Literacy focus • Key features of grammar / spelling / punctuation taught in lessons and integrated into teaching • Tasks to reinforce understanding done for both class and homework • Teacher will identify key spellings within a unit and ask students to learn and use them • Extension tasks provided to extend use • All staff aware of the focus

  10. Literacy focus in Year 7

  11. Homework • Two homeworks per week –these will include literacy tasks, learning and using spellings in a sentence or written task. • They will also include reading (usually book of own choice) • Research tasks – girls encouraged to use research tools effectively (not just printing from Google etc) • Extended projects linked with the theme may be set with a specific deadline • Staff encouraged to write a note for folder or planner to inform you about extended homework tasks • Homework is part of on-going assessment – the actual assessed tasks will not be done at home

  12. Monitoring and tracking • We use KS2 levels to set appropriate targets • We measure levels of progress regularly • Data drops by teachers done regularly – we then compare with target levels and intervene if necessary • We are introducing ‘GOAL’ as another baseline assessment • Books and lessons scrutinised regularly

  13. Rewards • Merits • Department certificates • Stickers, stamps • Postcards home • Note in planner or folder • Student of the term • Criteria discussed by department

  14. Communication with parents Staff are being encouraged to: • Write letters home to inform parents of curriculum content • More regular positive feedback (phonecalls / postcards) • Use Fronter • Put notes in planners

  15. What else you can do to help your daughter: • Monitor her reading. Encourage a reading habit. • Encourage her to read a range of books and articles including non fiction (e.g. broadsheet newspapers) • Help her to use research tools effectively and selectively • Help her to learn the spellings • Encourage proof reading and re-drafting of written work • Take her to the theatre if possible (lots of good local theatre productions) • Encourage her to write in real situations e.g. letters • Encourage her to speak to people in different contexts e.g. asking for help in shops / directions (and speak on the telephone) • Encourage good study habits and organisation of work (prioritising tasks etc)

  16. Contacts: • Mrs N Madigan – Head of Department • Ms C Kenney-Dwyer – second in department • Mrs M Epstein – Key Stage 3 Co-ordinator English teachers: • 7L: Mrs Epstein • 7M: Mrs Bradley / Miss Lawson • 7N: Mrs Bradley / Mr Bevan • 7P: Mr Bevan • 7Q: Mrs Torrance • 7R: Mrs Torrance / Mrs Bradley • 7S: Dr Francis / Mrs Sykes

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