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Shopping in Malawi

Shopping in Malawi. Starter Activity: Where do you shop for food? How often do you/your family buy food? Do you grow any fruit or vegetables in your own garden? Where do you/your family buy clothes? How much money do you/your family spend on clothes? Do you ever make your own clothes? Why?

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Shopping in Malawi

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shopping in Malawi Starter Activity: • Where do you shop for food? • How often do you/your family buy food? • Do you grow any fruit or vegetables in your own garden? • Where do you/your family buy clothes? • How much money do you/your family spend on clothes? • Do you ever make your own clothes? Why? • What would other people learn about us from the way we shop?

  2. Learning Objectives • To develop geographical imaginations of rural Africa • To use maps to understand the elements of daily life in an African village

  3. Shopping in Malawi Your Task: • Mark the locations of the photos onto the map on Activity Sheet 6. • Read Information Sheet 5 and match up the statements with the map locations. • Compare maps with that of the person sitting next to you to check that they are correct.

  4. Shopping in Malawi Thinking Skills Activity: • Working with someone else from the class complete the “What would happen if...” sections on Activity Sheet 7. • Try to include as much detail as possible for responses to explain your reasons.

  5. Learning Review • What can we learn about a place from its shopping facilities? • How different are people’s daily lives and shopping habits from yours? • How would not having a fridge affect your shopping habits? • How similar are Kondwani and Flora’s lives? • How different are Kondwani and Flora’s lives? • Why do you think meat is only eaten on special occasions?

  6. Learning Review How successfully have we met our learning objectives? • To develop geographical imaginations of rural Africa • To use maps to understand the elements of daily life in an African village

  7. Homework Task Research African footballers, their UK clubs and their country of origin.

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