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Soft Decision V-BLAST Algorithm for MIMO Signal Detection

…. …. M. N. …. …. Soft Decision V-BLAST Algorithm for MIMO Signal Detection. Qianlei Liu, Yiu-ming Cheung, Jiming Liu. Traditional methods for MIMO signal detection: 1. V-BLAST: low complexity, but ordinary performance 2. Sphere decoding: good performance, but high complexity.

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Soft Decision V-BLAST Algorithm for MIMO Signal Detection

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  1. … M N … … Soft Decision V-BLAST Algorithm for MIMO Signal Detection Qianlei Liu, Yiu-ming Cheung, Jiming Liu Traditional methods for MIMO signal detection: 1. V-BLAST: low complexity, but ordinary performance 2. Sphere decoding: good performance, but high complexity Objective: How can we get a good tradeoff between performance and complexity for MIMO signal detection? Soft decision (SD) V-BLAST algorithm: In each layer’s detection of V-BLAST algorithm, the results with sufficiently large posterior probabilities are all reserved. The performance can be greatly improved at the cost of limited complexity increasing. An Example: Simulation results: Simulation Results: Explanation: For V-BLAST, any decision error in a previous layer can seriouslyworsen the performance in subsequent layers, while SD V-BLAST is much more robust. Publications: 1. Qianlei Liu, Yiu-Ming Cheung, Luxi Yang, Jiming Liu, and Zhenya He. “Soft Decision V-BLAST Algorithm for MIMO Signal Detection”, to be submitted to a journal. 2. Qianlei Liu, Jiming Liu, Luxi Yang, Yiu-Ming Cheung, and Zhenya He. “An Improved V-BLAST Algorithm for MIMO Signal Detection”, submitted to IEEE Communications Letters. 3. Qianlei Liu, Yiu-Ming Cheung, Luxi Yang, Jiming Liu, and Zhenya He. “A Simplified V-BLAST Algorithm for MIMO Signal Detection”, submitted to IEE Electronic Letters.

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