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Assistive Technology (AT)

Assistive Technology (AT). Informational Guide. IDEA. D efines A ssistive T echnology (AT ):

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Assistive Technology (AT)

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  1. Assistive Technology (AT) Informational Guide

  2. IDEA Defines Assistive Technology (AT): Device: Any item, piece of equipment, or product system used to Increase, Maintain, or Improve the functional capabilities of a child with disabilities (excluding medical devices surgically implanted or the replacement of such device). Service: Directly assist a child with a disability in the Selection, Acquisition, or Use of a AT device. IEP teams must considers AT as part of the IEP process.

  3. Consideration in the IEP AT must be considered for all students within the IEP. AT may be necessary for students to complete a task successfully. No state laws/national standards for AT specialist or assessments. District policies regarding AT vary across the state, but must be in compliance with the law and ensure students with disabilities are provided a free appropriate public education (FAPE).

  4. Questions to consider, when considering AT What tasks are difficult/impossible for child to achieve? What accommodation/tools are currently being utilized? Are there barriers when the child attempts the task?

  5. Providers of AT The School district must provide AT devicesand/or services. The School district is responsible for ensuring AT is made available to the child. The IEP team Attic (Detroit) Provide AT tools and support. Michigan’s Integrated Technology Support (MITS) Lending Library provide trial periods (up to 8 weeks) which allows schools to borrow AT tools/resources.

  6. AT Documentation in the IEP AT determined necessary must be documented in the IEP. AT documentation should be made if AT is unnecessary. AT documentation of process on goals and access to the general education setting as a result of AT must be documented. Document if the AT will go home.

  7. AT is ongoing IEP team must continuously assess AT and its effectiveness. Data collection should be ongoing around AT (e.g., did it help?) IEP teams must consider AT once a year during the IEP. IEP team modify, make changes, and determine if a students is making progress in the general curriculum, and devise appropriate solutions to address any shortcomings.

  8. Who is responsible Everyone! The Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE) indicate all professionals in special education have the necessary knowledge for effective practices related to utilizing AT to improve student outcome.

  9. References Michigan Department of Education Office of Special Education: http://michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6530_6598---,00.html Michigan Alliance for Families: www.michiganallianceforfamilies.org Michigan Integrated Technology Support (MITS) Lending Library: http://mits.cenmi.org

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