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Lattice Verilog Training Part I Jimmy Gao. Verilog Basic Modeling Structure. Verilog Design Description. Verilog language describes a digital system as a set of modules module counter(…); module module_name ( port_list ) ; … … declares endmodule module_items
Lattice Verilog Training Part I Jimmy Gao
Verilog Basic Modeling Structure
Verilog Design Description • Verilog language describes a digital system as a set of modules module counter(…); module module_name (port_list); … … declares endmodule module_items modulet_ff(…);endmodule ... ... endmodule module dff(…); … … endmodule module inv(…); … … endmodule Ripple Carry Counter T_FF (tff0) T_FF (tff1) T_FF (tff2) T_FF (tff3) DFF INV DFF INV DFF INV DFF INV
The Black Box Example • Verilog description of the black box: module black_box(Rst, Clk, D, Q, CO); input Rst, Clk; input[7:0] D; output CO; output[7:0] Q; … … … endmodule
Simple Verilog Example Describe Design I/Os module logic ( a, b, w, x, y, z); // Module name & Port list // Declaration section input a, b; output x, y, z; output [3:0] w; // Module Items // Continuous Assignment assign z = a ^ b; // XOR assign y = a & b; // AND assign x = 1’b1; assign w = 4’b1010; endmodule a z b y x 1’b1 4’b1010 w Describe Design Content
Verilog Design Description • The module_name is an identifier of the modules • The port_list is a list of input, output and inout ports which are used to connect to other modules • The declares section specifies the type of data objects (input, output, inout, regs, wires etc) and procedural constructs (functions and tasks) • The module_items may be • always constructs => behavioral modeling • continuous assignments => data flow modeling • instantiation of modules => structural modeling REMEMBER: The identifiers in Verilog are case-sensitive and all keywords must be in lower-case
DECLARATIONS External Ports • input A signal that goes into the module • output A signal that goes out of the module • inout A signal that is bi-directional (goes into and out of the module Internal Data Objects • wire A net without storage capacity • reg can store the last value assigned; physical data type; not a hardware register yet • integer • real other register type declaration; abstract data type • time
DECLARATIONS • Declaration Format Class Width Data-Object Example input [4:0] a; 5’b10001 inout b; 1’b1 output [3:0] c; 4’hF reg [0:2] d; 3’b001 wire e; 1’b0 integer f; -40 real g; 3.12 time h; 6 Physical Data Type Abstract Data Type `timescale 1ns / 0.1ns time h; assign h = 6 ; 6ns
Data Types • Physical Data Types (for reg and wire) 0 logical zero or false 1 logical one or true x unknown logical value z high impedance of tristate gate • Abstract Data Types integer a general purpose 32-bit variable real a real number (no range declaration) time units for simulation time
Number Specification • Sized Number 4’b1010 // 4-bit binary number “1010” 12’hafd // 12-bit hexadecimal number “afd” 16’d225 // 16-bit decimal number “225” • Unsized Number 23456 // 32-bit decimal number ‘hc3 // 32-bit hexadecimal number ‘o21 // 32-bit octal number • X or Z value 6’hx // 6-bit hex number 32’bz // 32-bit high impedance number
Number Specification wire [7:0] bus; bus = 8’b10101010; bus = 8’bz; bus = 8’hFF; bus = 8’hx; reg reset; reset = 1’b1; integer counter; counter = -1; counter = ‘hA; real delta; delta = 4e10;
Verilog Language Syntax & Verilog Design Methods
Structure of Verilog Module module Name ( Port list ); Declaration Sections Port declaration Wire, Regs declaration etc. Module Items: Continuous Assignments Data Flow Modeling Instantiation of lower level modules Structural Modeling Always blocks Behavioral Modeling endmodule
Structural Modeling module one_bit_full_adder ( sum, cout, a, b, cin ); // Declaration section input a, b, cin; output sum, cout; wire s1, s2, c1; // Structural Modeling Method - Instantiation of modules XOR2 X1(.Z0(s1), .A0(a), .A1(b)); AND2 A1(.Z0(c1), .A0(a), .A1(b)); XOR2 O1(.Z0(cout), .A0(s2), .A1(c1)); XOR2 X2(sum, s1, cin); AND2 A2(s2, s1, cin); endmodule Library Symbol: AND2 A0 Z0 A1 module AND2 (Z0, A0, A1); input A0, A1; output Z0; endmodule a s1 sum X1 b X2 A0 c1 s2 A1 A2 cout Z0 O1 A1 AND2 cin
Verilog Exercise 1 Complete the instantiation statements in following structural Verilog design. Use name association for the first one and positional association for the second. module design (data_in, clock, clear, out_enable, data_out); input data_in, clock, clear, out_enable; output data_out; wire q; FD21 dff1 ( ); // Name Association OT11 obuf1 ( ); // Position Association endmodule out_enable module OT11(XO0,A0,OE); input A0, OE; output XO0; endmodule oe q D0 Q0 data_in A0 XO0 data_out CLK clock CD OT11 FD21 clear
Verilog Exercise 1 - Answer module design (data_in, clock, clear, out_enable, data_out); input data_in, clock, clear, out_enable; output data_out; wire q; // Name Association FD21 dff1 (.D0(data_in), .Q0(q), .CLK(clock), .CD(clear)); // Position Association OT11 obuf1 ( data_out, q, out_enable ); endmodule out_enable module OT11(XO0,A0,OE); input A0, OE; output XO0; endmodule oe q D0 Q0 data_in A0 XO0 data_out CLK clock CD OT11 FD21 clear
Data Flow Modeling - Continuous Assignment • Continuous assignment • Use assign key word; Execute concurrently assign out = i1 & i2; // AND assign addr[15:0] = addr1_bits[15:0] ^ addr2_bits[15:0]; // XOR • Implicit Continuous Assignment // Regular continuous assignment wire out; assign out = in1 & in2; // Implicit continuous assignment wire out = in1 & in2; • Continuous Assignment with conditional operator assign x = y ? b + a : b; NOTE: Variable = (Test Condition) ? (True logic) : (False Logic)
Continuous Assignment Format • Assign (keyword) + Logical Expression; assign out = a & b; Left operand Right operands operator
Conditional Continuous Assignment Format • Assign (keyword) + Conditional Logical Expression; assign target = condition ? 1st-Expression : 2nd-Expression If condition is TRUE or One, target = 1st-Expression; If condition is FALSE or Zero, target = 2nd-Expression. Ex: x = y ? a + b + c : m - n - p; if y = 1’b1, x = a + b + c; if y = 1’b0, x = m - n - p;
Operators • Binary Arithmetic Operators operate on two operands Operator Name Comments + Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division divide by zero produces an x. % Modulus • Logical Operators operate on logical operands and return a logical value Operator Name ! Logical Negation && Logical AND || Logical OR
Operators • Relational Operators compare two operands and return a logical value. Operator Name Comments > Greater than < Less than >= Greater than or equal to <= Less than or equal to • Equality Operators compare two operands and return a logical value. Operator Name Comments == Equality result unknown if including x or z != Inequality result unknown if including x or z === Case Equality equal including x or z !== Case Inequality unequal including x or z
Operators • Bitwise Operators operate on the bits of operands Operator Name ~ Bitwise negation & Bitwise AND | Bitwise OR ^ Bitwise XOR ~& Bitwise NAND ~| Bitwise NOR ~^ or ^~ Bitwise NOT XOR
Operators Examples Example: a = 4’b1000 b=4’b0111 (1) a & b 4’b0000 a ^ b 4’b1111 (2) a - b 4’b1000 - 4’b0111 = 4’b00018 - 7 = 1 (3) a > b compare 4’b1000 > 4’b0111 TRUE a == b compare 4’b1000 = =4’b0111 FALSE (4) !(a > b ) !(TRUE) FALSE ( a > b ) || ( a == b ) TRUE || FALSE TRUE 1000 0111 0000 Bitwise AND Bitwise XOR 1000 0111 1111
Operators • Shift Operators Operator Name << Shift Left >> Shift Right // A = 4’b1010; Y = A << 1; // Y = 4’b0100; Y = A >> 2; // Y = 4’b0010; • Concatenation Operator {,} // A = 2’b00; B = 2’b10; Y = {A, B}; // Y = 4’b0010; Y = {2{A}, 3{B}}; // Y = 10’b0000101010; Add Zero at the end while left shifting Add Zero at the beginning while right shifting
Data Flow Modeling Example module one_bit_full_adder ( sum, cout, a, b, cin ); // Declaration section input a, b, cin; output sum, cout; wire s1, s2, c1; // Structural Modeling Method - Continuous Statement assign s1 = a ^ b; assign c1 = a & b; assign sum = s1 ^ cin; assign s2 = s1 & cin; assign cout = s2 ^ cin; endmodule a s1 sum b c1 s2 cout cin
Verilog Exercise 2 Please Complete the following Design in Data-Flow Modeling Method by using concurrent conditional assignment. module four_to_one_mux ( a, b, c, d, s0, s1, o ); // Declaration section input a, b, c, d, s0, s1; output o; wire m0, m1; // Module Items in Data-Flow Modeling Method endmodule s1 a m0 b s0 o c m1 d
Verilog Exercise 2 - Answer module four_to_one_mux ( a, b, c, d, s0, s1, o ); // Declaration section input a, b, c, d, s0, s1; output o; wire m0, m1; // Structural Modeling Method - Continuous Statement assign m0 = s0 ? a : b; assign m1 = s0 ? c : d; assign o = s1 ? m0 : m1; // assign o = s1 ? ( s0 ? a : b) : ( s0 ? c : d); endmodule s1 a m0 b s0 o c m1 d
Behavioral Modeling • always Block • Basic Structured Procedure in behavioral modeling • All other behavioral statements can appear only inside the • always Block • Timing Control • Event Based Timing Control @ • Procedural Assignments • Blocking Assignment (sequential) = • Non-Blocking Assignment (concurrent) <= • Conditional Statement • If-Else Statement • Multi-way Branching • Case Statement
always block with Event-Based Timing Control • The syntax of an always block is: always @ (event or event or ...) begin statement1; statement2; …… statementN; statementN+1; end • Statements can be executed when the specified event occurs. • A always block is generally used to implement latches or flip-flops. Each statement executes sequentially
always block • Simple example of always reg q; always @(posedge clk) // the sensitivity list begin q = d; // define the always block end; • Here the signal ‘q’ is sensitive to a rising edge on signal ‘clk’. Whenever the condition is met, the statement inside the process will be evaluated • ‘q’ is declared as reg type and ‘q’ is sensitive to a rising edge. Therefore ‘q’ becomes a hardware register. q d clk
always block vs. continuous assignment • Another example of always input a, b, s; out x; regx; always @(a or b or s) // Behavioral Modeling begin if ( !s ) x = a; else x = b; Process activates when any of these end; signals change state • ‘x’ is declared as reg type but ‘x’ is sensitive to level changes of signal ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘s’. Therefore ‘x’ is not hardware register. • This example also can be implemented by using assign statement: assign x = s ? b : a; // Data Flow Modeling s a x b
Procedural Assignments - Blocking Assignments • Procedural assignments - Blocking Assignments • Procedural blocking assignments are sequential; Statements inside the block execute in sequence, one after another. • Example // breg, creg, dreg are related. reg breg, creg, dreg; always @( posedge clk ) begin breg = areg; creg = breg; dreg = creg; end breg areg creg clk dreg
Procedural Assignments - Non-Blocking Assignments • Procedural assignments - Non-Blocking Assignments • Procedural Non-blocking assignments are concurrent; Statements inside the block execute right at the same time. • Example // breg, creg, dreg are related. reg breg, creg, dreg; always ( posedge clk ) begin breg <= areg; creg <= breg; dreg <= creg; end breg creg dreg areg clk
Blocking Assignments vs. Non-Blocking Assignments always@( a ) begin #10 b = a; // AT TIME UNIT 10 #10 c = b; // AT TIME UNIT 20 #10 d = c; // AT TIME UNIT 30 #10 o = d; // AT TIME UNIT 40 end always @( a ) begin #10 b <= a; // AT TIME UNIT 10 #10 c <= b; // AT TIME UNIT 10 #10 d <= c; // AT TIME UNIT 10 #10 o <= d; // AT TIME UNIT 10 end
Procedural Assignments - Blocking/Non-Blocking Assignments module regs (a, b, c, clk, q1, q2, q3); output q1, q2, q3; input a, b, c, clk; reg q1, q2, q3; always @( posedge clk ) begin q1 = a; q2 = b; q3 = c; end endmodule module regs (a, b, c, clk, q1, q2, q3); output q1, q2, q3; input a, b, c, clk; reg q1, q2, q3; always @( posedge clk ) begin q1 <= a; q2 <= b; q3 <= c; end endmodule a q1 clk q1 = a b q2 q2 = a clk q3 = a c q3 clk t t a q1 clk q1 = a b q2 q2 = a clk q3 = a c q3 clk
Procedural Assignment Format always @ ( sensitive event list ) begin // Procedural Assignments xyz <= m & n; // non-blocking assignment out = a ^ b; // blocking assignment Logical Expression xyz <= m ^ n; out = a & b; Left operand Right operands operator end
Continuous Asign. vs. Procedural Blocking Assign. module design ( …. ); ….. // Continuous Assignments // Statements are executed concurrently assign sum = a + b; assign z = x ^ y; always @ ( sensitive event list ) begin …. // Procedural Blocking Assignments // Statements are executed sequentially w = m & n; k = p ^ q; end endmodule The Statements inside the always block as a whole is executed concurrently
Conditional Statements -- if - else • Conditional Statements -- if ... else • if ... else statements execute a block of statements according to the value of one or more expressions. if (expressions) begin ... statements ... end else statement-block begin ... statements ... end if ( expressions ) single statement A; else if ( expression ) single statement B; else single statement C;
Multi-way Branching -- case • Multi-way Branching -case • case statement is a special multi-way decision statement that tests whether an expression matches one of the other expressions, and branches accordingly reg[1:0] rega; reg[3:0] result; ... ... case (rega) 2’b00: result = 4’b0000; 2’b01: result = 4’b0001; 2’b10 : result = 4’b1000; default: result = 4’b1111; endcase
Verilog Review s a module Example (a, b, c, d, s, o ); // port declaration section input a, b, c, d, s; output o; // wire & reg declaration section wire m0, m1; reg temp1, temp2, o; // continuous assignment assign m0 = a ^ b; // instantiation statement AND2 A1(.Z0( m1 ), .A0( c ), .A1( d )); // always block always @(m0 or m1 or s) begin temp1 = m0; temp2 = m1; if ( s == 1’b0 ) o = temp1; else o = temp2; end endmodule m0 b o c m1 d statements outside always block executed currently always block as a whole is executed concurrently Statements inside always block executed sequentially
Verilog Exercise 3 • What kind of hardware function is composed by the following Verilog design? • What is wrong with the following Verilog design code? • Can you re-write the Verilog code by using if-then-else statement?
Verilog Exercise 3 Module design (out, a, b, c, d, s0, s1); input a, b, c, d, s0, s1; output out; always case ( {s1, s0} ) 2’b00: out = a; 2’b01: out = b; 2’b10: out = c; 2’b11: out = d; endcase endmodule
Verilog Exercise 3 - Answer Module design (out, a, b, c, d, s0, s1); input a, b, c, d, s0, s1; output out; reg out; // left-hand value inside the always // statement must retain value. Therefore // “out” must be “reg” type. But “out” is // not hardware register. always@(a or b or c or d or s0 or s1) // Sensitive List case ( {s1, s0} ) 2’b00: out = a; 2’b01: out = b; 2’b10: out = c; 2’b11: out = d; endcase endmodule a b out c d s0 s1
Verilog Exercise 3 - Answer module mux4_to_1 (out, a, b, c, d, s0, s1); input a, b, c, d, s0, s1; output out; reg out; // left-hand value inside the always // statement must retain value. Therefore // “out” must be “reg” type. But “out” is // not hardware register. always@(a or b or c or d or s0 or s1) // Sensitive List if ( { s0, s1 } == 2’b00 ) out = a; else if ( { s0, s1 } == 2’b01 ) out = b; else if ( { s0, s1 } == 2’b10 ) out = c; else out = d; end endmodule a b out c d s0 s1
Lab One - Combinatorial Logic Please Turn to your Verilog Lab Book for the Verilog Design Lab No. One
Understand Verilog Synthesis & Verilog Design Application
Registers in Verilog • Registers -- declarations and triggers • declares: input clk, x_in; input data1, data2, data3; input [4:0] q_in; reg x; // single bit reg a, b, c; // three single-bit registers reg[4:0] q; // a 5-bit vector • triggers: always @(posedge clk) begin q = q_in; end always @(negedge clk) begin x = x_in; a =data1; b =data2; c =data3; end q q_in 1 clk 0 x x_in clk 1 0
Registers in Verilog -- asynchronous reset • Registers -- Asynchronous Reset module async_reset(d, clk, rst, q); input d, clk, rst; output q; reg q; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if (rst) q = 0; // asynchronous reset else if ( clk ) q = d; end endmodule d q clk rst
Registers in Verilog -- synchronous reset • Registers -- synchronous Reset module sync_reset(d, clk, rst, q); input d, clk, rst; output q; reg q; always @(posedge clk) begin if (clk) begin if ( rst ) q = 0; // synchronous reset else q = d; end end endmodule rst d q 1’b0 clk
Registers in Verilog -- Short Format rst • Register -- synchronous Reset module sync_reset(d, clk, rst, q); input d, clk, rst; output q; reg q; always @(posedge clk) if ( rst ) q = 0; // synchronous reset else q = d; endmodule • Register -- Asynchronous Reset module asyn_reset(d, clk, rst, q); input d, clk, rst; output q; reg q; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if ( rst ) q = 0; // asynchronous reset else q = d; endmodule d q 1’b0 clk q d clk rst