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Chapter 22: Learning Objectives

Chapter 22: Learning Objectives. The Original Purpose of Central Banks The Bank of Canada: Origins, History & Operations Bank of Canada Transactions with the Financial Sector & Government An Overview of the Bank of Canada’s Performance from its Inception to Today. Why Central Banks?.

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Chapter 22: Learning Objectives

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  1. Chapter 22:Learning Objectives • The Original Purpose of Central Banks • The Bank of Canada: Origins, History & Operations • Bank of Canada Transactions with the Financial Sector & Government • An Overview of the Bank of Canada’s Performance from its Inception to Today

  2. Why Central Banks? • Emerged as lenders of last resort • Are a fairly recent phenomenon in many countries: see TABLE 22.1

  3. Origins of Central Banks

  4. Why Central Banks? • Function in part as regulators of the financial system • Function as fiscal agents of governments

  5. The Bank of Canada • Origins • political influences rather than purely economic led to the formation of the Canadian central bank • Responsibilities • conducts open market operations • responsible for the conduct of monetary policy and maintenance of an inflation target • fiscal agent of the federal government • lender of last resort • manages government’s foreign exchange reserves

  6. The BOC’s Balance Sheet

  7. Bank of Canada: Performance • The pre-war era • smoothing seasonal interest rate fluctuations • creating a market for government debt • the use of moral suasion to influence bank behaviour • Post-war era • the Coyne affair and the autonomy of the Bank: the Rasminsky Directive • the era of monetary targeting • the era of stagflation and high inflation • a mandate for price stability: inflation targeting

  8. Inflation Targeting • Failure of exchange rate and monetary targeting led to inflation control targets in 1991 • No change was made to Bank of Canada Act but inflation targets are joint agreement between the federal government and the BOC • Current targets to end of 2006 is to keep CPI inflation in 1-3% range • Inflation targeting also requires improvements in accountability and monetary policy transparency

  9. The Rationale for Inflation Targeting

  10. Inflation in Canada

  11. Inflation Targeting: An International Phenomenon

  12. Tools of Monetary Policy • The Overnight rate and the operating band: • Used by the Bank of Canada to set the stance of monetary policy • Basically defines a “zone” in which interest rates are permitted to fluctuate • The central bank “intervenes” at the top and bottom ends of the operating band

  13. Overnight Operating Band

  14. The Behaviour of the Operating rate, 1994-2004

  15. Tools of Monetary Policy • The Overnight rate and the operating band • The SPRA and SRAs as a device to influence liquidity in the overnight market:

  16. Illustrating the SPRA

  17. Tools of Monetary Policy • The Overnight rate and the operating band: • The SPRA and SRAs as a device to influence liquidity in the overnight market: • Open market operations: • sale (purchases) reduces (increases) the money supply

  18. Tools of Monetary Policy (cont’d) • Some Key tools • foreign exchange operations: a foreign exchange SWAP TABLE 22.5 • reserve requirements and their demise • the Bank Rate & moral suasion • Base control • Open Market Operations TABLE 22.6 • debt monetization: buying the govt’s debt TABLE 22.7


  20. An Open market operation BANK OF CANADA Tbills +100 Dep. Chartered banks +100 CHARTERED BANKS No change Reserves +100 Tbills -100

  21. Monetizing the Debt BANK OF CANADA Currency (BOC notes) +100 Govt securities +100 CHARTERED BANKS Govt of Canada Dep. +100 Reserves +100

  22. Summary • Central banking is mostly a 20th century phenomenon • The Bank of Canada was created in the 1930s to help manage monetary policy, act as a lender of last resort, and fiscal agent for the federal government • The bank of Canada can influence the economy through monetary policy using a number of tools: open market operations, base control, foreign exchange operations are examples • The history of BOC operations is full of important policy milestones

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