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421 主,祢啟示一個奧祕 LORD, THOU HAST SHOWN THE MYSTERY. 主,祢啟示一個奧祕, 就是我同祢死的理; Lord, Thou hast shown the mystery, How on the Cross I died with Thee; 不用別法,不用別能, 我就看見完全得勝。 I need no other pow'r or way That I may triumph day by day. (二) 祢的十架就是我的, 其光照耀我生命裏; That cross of Thine is also mine,
421主,祢啟示一個奧祕LORD, THOU HAST SHOWN THE MYSTERY 主,祢啟示一個奧祕, 就是我同祢死的理; Lord, Thou hast shown the mystery, How on the Cross I died with Thee; 不用別法,不用別能, 我就看見完全得勝。 I need no other pow'r or way That I may triumph day by day.
(二) 祢的十架就是我的, 其光照耀我生命裏; That cross of Thine is also mine, Into my life its light doth shine; 一信與祢同釘那裏, 世界失去它的能力。 When I believe I'm dead with Thee, The world has lost its pow'r o'er me.
(三) 我既與祢十架同釘, 勝過罪惡、自己、人情; Since I am crucified with Thee, From sin and self I am set free; 我怎追求它們事物? 我怎盼望它們安福? How can I still enjoy the world Or seek its vanities unfurled?
(四) 因此,我便到祢那裏, 與祢同站十架死地, I take my place, dear Lord, with Thee Upon the cross of Calvary. 祢命、祢權,全是我的, 因我與祢合而為一。 Thy life and power then are mine, Since Thou and I in oneness twine.
(五) 祢既是來敗壞魔鬼 一切權力、捆綁、作為, Since Thou didst come to slay the foe, His work and power to overthrow, 我自然可和祢同勝, 天天經歷祢的大能。 I too can overcome in Thee And prove Thy mighty pow'r in me.
(六) 但是我主,我們只能 靠著祢的十架得勝; Yet, for the vict'ry we rely Upon the death which Thou didst die; 祢走的路,我們當走, 直到與祢見面時候。 We tread the path which Thou hast trod Until we reach the goal in God.
(七) 我今接受祢的同釘, 求祢所賜永遠的靈; My death with Thee I now believe And all its meaning would receive. 使我明白祢死更深, 使我喪失魂的生命。 Thy death more deeply show to me, That from my flesh I may be free.
(八) 我願得勝像祢得勝! 與祢同王,同得權能! I long to win as Thou hast won, To reign with Thee when Thou dost come. 背負十架,我們若肯, 這些榮耀必定有分! If we the cross will gladly bear, Then in Thy glory we will share.