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ABSITE REVIEW Thyroid/Parathyroid. David Grossman M.D. 12/4/06. What is the most common thyroid abnormality in hospitalized patients with non thyroidal illness?. Low T3 concentrations. What percentage of T3 is derived from T4. 80%.
ABSITE REVIEWThyroid/Parathyroid David Grossman M.D. 12/4/06
What is the most common thyroid abnormality in hospitalized patients with non thyroidal illness? • Low T3 concentrations
FNA of thyroid. Orphan any cells. What kind of thyroid cancer? • Papillary
What is the major thyroid hormone binding protein • Thyronine binding globulin (TBG)
What percentage of T4 and T3 are bound? • Greater than 99.5%
What is the major cause of a decreased T3 concentration in patients with a critical illness? • Impaired peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 secondary to inhibition of the deiodination process
What factors decrease TSH secretion? • Acute and chronic illness • Calorie restriction • Dopamine and dopamine agonists • Surgical stress • Minor decreases are associtated with carbamazapine, opiates, phenytoin, somatostatin
Mechanism of action of PTU • Prevents DIT, MIT coupling
Mechanism of action of prednisone? ( in terms of thyroid) • Blocks conversion of T4-T3
A patient with a history of radiation exposure as a child was found to have an enlarged lymph node on PE. The lymph node is removed and there is normal appearing thyroid tissue in the lymph node. What is the diagnosis? • Papillary Thyroid Cancer
What is the embryologic origin of the thyroid gland? • From median downgrowth of the first and second pharyngeal pouches in the area of the foramen cecum
What lab abnormality is associated with DeQuervain’s thyroiditis? • Elevated ESR • Can be associated with hyperthyroidism • PE/symptoms: Tender thyroid, sore throat, mass, weakness, fatigue • Treat with steroids/ASA
What genetic mutation is associated with medullary thyroid cancer? • Ret proto oncongene
What is the first test after H and P to evaluate a thyroid nodule? • FNA
Can radioactive iodine be safely given during pregnancy? • No
True or False: Cardiac output is decreased in hypothyroidism • True
What are the hemodynamics of a thyroid storm? • Tachychardia • Increased Cardiac output • Decreased SVR
What muscle is not innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve? • Cricothyroid • Cricothyroid is innervated by? • Superior laryngeal nerve
All the parathyroids typically receive their blood supply from what artery? • Inferior thyroid arteries
What bone finding is pathognomonic finding for hyperparathyroidism? • Osteitis fibrosa cystica
True or False: Hyperparathyroid is most commonly associated with 4 gland hyperplasia? • False: Solitary parathyroid adenoma is the most common etiology
What are the 4 opthalmologic signs of hyperthyroidism? • Exopthalmos • Lid lag • Lid retraction • Periorbital swelling
What is the initial treatment of thyroid storm? • IV fluids • Propranalol • PTU • Iodine • Hyothermia
What are the CNS manifestations of myxedema? • Depression • Memory loss • Ataxia • Frank psychosis • Myxedema • Coma
Why is the pulse pressure wide in patients with thyrotoxicosis? • Increased blood flow and vasodilation
Causes of Hypercalcemia • PTH • Adrenal insufficiency • Multiple Myeloma • Pagets disease • Sarcoidosis • Cancer • Hyperthyroidism/Hypothyroidism • Milk Alkali • Immobilization • D Vitamin D/A excess • Thiazide Diuretics
A 45 y/o female presents with a 2 year history of diffuse, tender thyroid enlargement, lethargy and 20 pound weight gain. What is the most likely diagnosis? • Hashimotos thyroiditis • What is the treatment? • Thryoid replacement therapy
What is the appropriate treatment for patients with thyroglossal duct cysts? • Excision of the entire cyst, as well as the thyroglossal tract to its origin, at the foramen cecum, including the central portion of the hyoid bone
What is the venous drainage of the thyroid gland? • The superior and middle thyroid veins drain into the internal jugular vein and the inferior thyroid vein drains into the innominate vein
What is the result of injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve? • Hoarseness
What is the most common location of the recurrent laryngeal nerve? • The tracheoesophageal groove
What is the definitive, non-surgical treatment of graves disease? • I31-I radioablation
What are the indications for surgical treatment of Graves disease? • Extremely large glands, presence of nodules, women of childbearing age and patients who are opposed to radioiodine
Follicular carcinoma metastases occur primarily by what route? • Hematogenous dissemination to the lungs, bones and other peripheral tissues
How is the pathologic diagnosis of follicular thyroid carcinoma confirmed? • Identification of vascular or capsular invasion by the tumor from histologic sections
True or False: Exposure to low-dose radiation therapy is considered a risk factor for thyroid carcinoma? • True
What are the histiochemical characteristics of medullary thyroid carcinoma • Congo red dye positive • Apple-green birefringence consistent with amyloid • Immunohistochemistry positive for cytokeratins, CEA and calcitonin
What is the embryological origin of the parathyroid glands? • The inferior parathyroid glands originate from the third pharyngeal pouch • The Superior parathyroid glands originate from the fourth pharyngeal pouch
What voice problem will a patient have if there is injury to external branch of superior laryngeal nerve? • Loss of high pitched voice
Recurrent laryngeal nerve supplies all laryngeal muscles except the cricothyroid which is supplied by • Superior laryngeal nerve • On the right the RLN goes around • The right subclavean artery • On the left the RLN goes around the arch of the aorta
True or false: The presence of follicular cells can be used to differentiate between benign and malignant • False
Which thyroid cancer has the best prognosis? • Papillary
Which thyroid cancer is associated with MEN II • Medullary
Which thyroid cancer is associated with psammoma bodies? • Papillary
FNA of nodule reveals amyloidosis. Which thyroid cancer? • Medullary thyroid carcinoma
What percent of individuals with lingual thyroids have no other thyroid tissue? • 70%
What are the lab values in patients with Familial Hypercalcemic Hypocalciuria? • Calcium 9-11, normal PTH, low urinary Ca • Caused by a defect in the PTH receptor in the distal convoluted tubule that causes increased absorption of Ca • Treatment: nothing, no parathyroidectomy
Twelve hours after having undergone a subtotal thyroidectomy, a 30 y/o woman develops agitation and difficulty breathing. Exam reveals tachychardia, anterior cervical swelling. Dressing is dry. The most appropriate treatement is • A. insertion of ET tube • Re-opening of cervical wound • Determination of the serum Calcium and magnesium concentrations • Administration of morphine • Administration of oxygen by nasal cannula
What are the components of MEN I syndrome? • Parathyroid hyperplasia • Islet cell neoplasms • Pituitary tumors