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Lille Métropole : a territory at the heart of Northwestern Europe. Near major decision making centres A crossroad between several countries of Western Europe. Geographic Situation. Region of Nord-Pas-de Calais (4 M. inhab.) Department of Nord (2,5 M. Inhab.)
Lille Métropole : a territoryat the heart of Northwestern Europe • Near major decisionmaking centres • A crossroadbetweenseveral countries of Western Europe
Geographic Situation Region of Nord-Pas-de Calais (4 M. inhab.) Department of Nord (2,5 M. Inhab.) Arrondissement of Lille (1,2 M. inhab.) Lille Métropole (1,1 M. inhab.)
Geographic Specificities 85 municipalities and 1,1 M. inhabitants 4 cities gather 40% of the population 50 rural municipalities 17 towns are on the belgian border
A local public authority Established by law in 1966 A public authority of inter-municipal cooperation In charge of the organization of its territorry by providing public services, facilities and networks 16 metropolises in France that gather 7,4 M. inhab. (12% of the french population).
Institutions A council of 170 members representing the municipalities and elected for a six years term A president elected by the council 32 vice Presidents and an Executive Committee 10 thematic commissions
Budget and expenses A budget of 1.589 M. € Main expense items Transports Water and sanitization Urbanism Road works and public spaces Economic development Sport, culture and big events Housing
Economic development • Collective transport • Water and sewage • Sports and culture • Space development • Road system • Household waste • Multiscale governance Scope of activities
Economic development Support strategic economic activities Big projects for renewed develoment : Euralille, Eurasanté, Euratechnologie, Haute Borne, Union Site Create facilities for new areas of activities Foster relations with local, national and international players
Space development and urban regeneration Preparation of key urban and development draft plans Developing city centres and public spaces Regenerating the brownfields Developing new areas of activities and industrial areas
Collective transport and parking Organizing transports overs the metropolis’ territory Urban Transport Plan which facilitates the use of 2-wheels and walking Management of the public car park facilities 2 metro lines (45km) 2 tramway lines (22km) 42 bus lines (561km)
Road system and public spaces Enhancement of public areas (squares, pedestrian zones, parking lots) Management of traffic and public places (including road safety) Contracting and executing work as regards the infrastructure and road systems
Water and sewage Management of public water and sewage Maintenance, sewage network extension, water purification plants Fight against pollution and floods
Household waste Organization of household waste treatment units Control of the provision of public service for household waste collection Development of selective collection and awareness campaign for users Biogaz system
Sports and culture Management and development of sports and cultural facilities Funds for high-level sports & cultural projects (Grand Stade) Management of the Modern Art Museum Applications for European and international events
Multiscale Governance Lille Métropole Eurométropole Lille – Kortrijk -Tournai Metropolitan area EuroRegion / Eurocity ?
Eurometropole 14 French and Belgian partners for a 3.550 km² territory and 2M. inhabitants Created in 2008 to facilitate cross-border cooperation on several topics (transports, employment, culture, etc.) First European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)
Metropolitan area Created in 2005 23 Belgian and French partners for a total population of 3,7M. inhabitants An ambition : to develop one of Europe’s major metropolises Cooperations on : economic development, transports, sustainable urbanism
ISSUES vis-à-vis JESSICA decrease in available public funding Need for reinforcement of public-private partnership main themes to be developped under CSI Europe project: fesaibility of implementation, areas of intervention (brownfields, transport, economic development urban planning)
Lille Métropole Communauté urbaine 1 rue du Ballon - B.P. n° 749 - 59034 Lille Cedex - Téléphone 33/03 20 21 22 23