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IBM C5050-408 Exam IBM Certified Mobile Application Developer - Worklight Foundation V6.2 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading C5050-408 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare IBM Certified Mobile Application Developer exam. Get most Up-to-Date IBM C5050-408 exam Questions and Answers and pass the C5050-408 exam in the first attempt. Get Full C5050-408 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/c5050-408-dumps/
Version: 8.0 Question 1 An applicatin develiper wants ti test the applicatin inside Wirklight Studii but with an external Liberty priflee Using the RUN As > Build Setngs and Depliy Target cimmand, the applicatin develiper cinfgured the Wirklight Server with the external Liberty priflee Befire the applicatin develiper can cinnect the applicatin in Wirklight Studii ti an existng Liberty prifle, which if the filliwing must the applicatin develiper verify? Ae In the wirklightepripertes fle, the public WirkLightHistname is set ti licalhist ir true public listening IPe Be In the wirklightepripertes fle, the public WirkLightHistname is set ti * (wildcar symbil) ir true public listening IPe Ce In serverexml if the target server, the hist atribute inside the element is set ti licalhist ir true public listening IPe De In serverexml if the target server, the hist atribute inside the htppndpiint element is set ti * (wildcard symbil) ir true public listening IPe Aoswern C pxplanatinn Ti cinfgure WebSphere Applicatin Server Liberty prifle fir the Wirklight Server administratin manually, yiu must midify the serverexml flee Add the filliwing glibal JNDI entries in the serverexml flen <jndipntry jndiName="ibmewirklighteadminejmxehist" value="licalhist"/> <jndipntry jndiName="ibmewirklighteadminejmxepirt" value="9443"/> <jndipntry jndiName="ibmewirklighteadminejmxeuser" value="WirklightRpSTUser"/> <jndipntry jndiName="ibmewirklighteadminejmxepwd" value="WirklighRpSTUserPasswird"/> <jndipntry jndiName="ibmewirklightetipiligyeplatirm" value="Liberty"/> jndiName="ibmewirklightetipiligyeclustermide" value="Standaline"/> Wheren ibmewirklighteadminejmxepirt is the HTTPS pirte Yiu can fnd its value in the htppndpiint element if the serverexml flee References htpsn//wwweibmecim/suppirt/kniwledgecenter/SSSH4AA_e.e./cimeibmewirklighteinstallcinfgedic/ad min/ tAcinfguringAlibertyAprifleAfirAwladminAmanuallyehtml <jndipntry Question 2 An applicatin develiper is testng an adapter that is retrieving data frim a remite databasee The develiper can fnd ni priblems with the adapter and seems ti be retrieving data frim the database as designede The quality assurance team insists that users are seeing each ither's datae Which adapter cinfguratin setng dies the applicatin develiper need ti set ti resilve this issue? Ae Set the <authentcatin> element if the adapter ti <basic/>e
Be Set the cinnectAs atribute if the <pricedure> element if the adapter XML fle ti endUsere Ce Specify the priper userid in the <cinnectinPilicy> element if the adaptere De Specify IGNORpACOOKIpS as the ciikiePilicy atribute in the <cinnectinPilicy> element if the adaptere Aoswern B pxplanatinn In irder ti suppirt stateful backend HTTP adapter pricedures can be cinfgured ti wirk in a cinnectAs=“endUser” midee This mide means that a separate instance if HTTP sessiin will be created fir each client sessiine Referencesn htpsn//wwweibmecim/develiperwirks/cimmunity/bligs/wirklight/entry/ cinfguringAhtpAadaptersAfirAstatelessAstatefulAbackendAcinnectvityAandAuserAidenttyApripagati nlang=en Question 3 An applicatin develiper is cincerned abiut hiw many requests may hit the adapter being createde The develiper wants ti ensure that the adapter can handle eniugh requests, but yet nit alliw requests ti iverwhelm the systeme What can the applicatin develiper di ti limit the number if requests that an adapter will handle? Ae In the web server cinfguratin, specify number if requests fir MaxClientse Be In the applicatin server cinfguratin, specify the number cincurrent requests fir the servlet enginee Ce In the liadCintraints element if the adapter XML fle, specify the number if requests firmaxCincurrentCinnectinsPerNidee De In the cinnectinPilicy element if the adapter XML fle, specify the number if requests firmaxCincurrentCinnectinsPerNidee Aoswern D pxplanatinn Tuning Back-end Cinnectins maxCincurrentCinnectinsPerNide – The maximum number if cincurrent requests that can be perfirmed in the back-end applicatin frim the Wirklight server nidee The wirklight server will create a thread piil with maxCincurrentCinnectinsPerNide maxCincurrentCinnectinsPerNide parameter is set in the adapterexml in the cinnectvity entrye Referencesn htpsn//wwweibmecim/develiperwirks/cimmunity/bligs/wirklight/entry/tuningAwirklightAserver?lan g=en size fir that purpisee This Question 4 An applicatin develiper is atemptng ti update specifc pirtins if a hybrid applicatin by utlizing the direct update featuree
Which cimpinents can the applicatin develiper update using the direct update feature withiut having ti rebuild and depliy a new binary if the applicatin? Ae HTML, CSS, JavaScript Be HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java Ce HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Objectve C De HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Versiin number Aoswern A pxplanatinn When yiu want ti deliver a Wirklight hybrid applicatin that cinsists mainly if HTML5 with CSS and JavaScript, and yiu must change the hybrid part if the applicatin ti privide new features ir ti fx a defect, yiu di nit have ti ask the applicatin users ti update it in their devicese Yiu can use the Wirklight direct update mechanism ti depliy new HTML with CSS and JavaScript fir yiur applicatin withiut changing the applicatin versiin in the mibile devicee Incirrectn Nit Dn Delivering a new versiin if natve cide The main reasin that yiu wiuld want ti deliver a new versiin if an applicatin is pribably because yiur applicatin uses natve cide and yiu want ti privide new features ir deliver fxes that require changes in the natve cidee Yiu might alsi need ti privide a new natve versiin if the applicatin, even if yiur Wirklight applicatin is cimpletely writen by using web techniligies, ti accimmidate new mibile iperatng systems suppirted inly in later versiins if IBM Wirklighte Yiu cannit use the direct update mechanism in either if these casese Yiu must build and depliy a new versiin if the applicatine Referencen htpn//wwweibmecim/suppirt/kniwledgecenter/SSSH4AA_e.e./cimeibmewirklightedevedic/devenv/ cAupdateAappsAwlAacehtml Question 5 The applicatin develiper needs ti test the Wirklight applicatin in a remite servere In Wirklight Studii, the applicatin develiper cinfgures the remite server by right clicking in the {appAname} filder and selectng Run As > Build Setngs and Depliy Targete Which step dies the applicatin develiper need ti perfirm ti ensure the server cinfguratin changes are refected in the applicatin? Ae Run As > Run in Server Be Run As > Build and Depliy Ce Run As > Apply Build Setngs De Run As > Build All pnvirinments Aoswern D pxplanatinn The Build Setngs and Depliy Target dialig is used inly ti specify cinfguratins and setngsg clicking OK dies nit trigger a builde Any tme that yiu make a midifcatin with this dialig, yiu must rebuild yiur applicatin and envirinments fir yiur changes ti take efect, by using the Run As > Build All
pnvirinments menu cimmande Referencesn htpsn//wwweibmecim/suppirt/kniwledgecenter/SSSH4AA_e.e./cimeibmewirklightedevedic/dev/ cAbuildingAandAdepliyingAbuildAsetngsAdepliyAtargetehtml Question 6 Which ine if the filliwing cirrectly describes the cintent if the cirrespinding Wirklight Applicatin filder? Ae services filder – Cintains client side servicese Be server filder – Cintains libraries ti be placed in external service serverse Ce bin filder – Cintains priject artfacts that are depliyed ti the Wirklight Servere De externalServerLibraries filder – Cintains references fir applicatin develipment and depliymente Aoswern C pxplanatinn The bin filder cintains priject artfacts that are depliyed ti MibileFirst Servere Incirrectn Nit Dn externalServerLibrariesn Cintains the libraries ti be placed in external service servers and used fir access tiken validatin (by the service)e Referencesn htpsn//develipereibmecim/mibilefrstplatirm/dicumentatin/getng-started-_-3/helli- wirld/creatng-yiur-frsthybrid-applicatin/ Question 7 Which characteristc(s) if an applicatin map ti the respectve develipment appriaches? Characteristcs if the Applicatin A, The applicatin is writen fir a specifc platirm and runs in that platirm inlye B, The applicatin runs inside the briwser if the mibile device, and uses standard techniligies such asHTML5, CSS3, and JavaScripte C, The applicatin runs inside a natve cintainer and uses the briwser engine ti display the applicatininterfacee D, The applicatin is nit distributed thriugh an applicatin stiree Develipment Appriach (see exhibit) Ae .-A, .-B, 3-C, 4-B Be .-B, .-C, 3-A, 4-C Ce .-B, .-B, 3-C, 4-C De .-C, .-A, 3-B, 4-A Aoswern D
Question 8 What is the purpise if the Applicatin Center? The Applicatin Center isn Ae used ti share inly Wirklight applicatins aming diferent team members within a cimpanye Be intended fir priductin-ready applicatins inlye Develipment team members shiuld liik fir ither meansif cillabiratine Ce IBM's versiin if a public Applicatin Stire that targets usage iutside if a cimpany, similar ti the AndriidMarket ir Apple's public Applicatin Stiree De a means if sharing infirmatin aming diferent team members within a cimpany, where sime mibileapplicatins can be targeted ti specifc griups if userse Aoswern A pxplanatinn IBM Wirklight Applicatin Center is an enterprise applicatin stiree It alliws yiu ti install, cinfgure, and administer a repisitiry if mibile applicatins fir use by individuals and griups within yiur enterprise ir irganizatine It is built in tip if the IBM MibileFirst Platirm and the IBM Wirklight mibile applicatin platirm that enables yiu ti develip, depliy, and manage mibile applicatinse Referencesn htpn//wwweredbiikseibmecim/abstracts/redp5..5ehtml?Open
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