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Joli-phonique!. Recognise sound / spellings in French. English words normally have one syllable within a word stressed more strongly than the others. Pa ris a dult con tin ue. French uses a slight emphasis on the last full syllable:. Par is a dulte conti nue.
Joli-phonique! Recognise sound / spellings in French
English words normally have one syllable within a word stressed more strongly than the others. Paris adult continue
French uses a slight emphasison thelast full syllable: Paris adulte continue
Ecoutez et répétezListen and repeat the following, stressing the words correctly in French • Important • Impossible • Famille • américain • Intéressant • Direction • Musique • australienne
Mime: finger to lips to ssshh In French, you will often come across letters that aren't pronounced at all. • One of these is s ParisCalaisCannes S S The last letter of a word is often silent
le taxi le crayon la sorcière The plural of most French nouns therefore sounds identical to the singular: • les taxis • les crayons • les sorcières
1 oiseau 1 gâteau The same happens with words that make their plural with x: • 4 oiseaux • 6 gâteaux X X
Mime: interlinking index fingers, elbows sticking out If the word after “s” or “x” starts with avowel or h, then the 2 words are joined together with a sound • lesanimaux • troiséléphants • deuxhôtels This feature of French pronunciation is called liaison. Z
Which other French numbers make liaisons in front of a vowel or h?
2 3 • deuxbananes deuxoranges • troistaxis troishôtels • sixminutes sixheures • dixminutes dixheures • huitminutes huitheures • vingtminutes vingtheures 6 10 8 20
Try pronouncing these… • huitfemmes huitenfants • huitcochons huitéléphants • huitchats huithamsters
sixpommes sixoranges • dixbananes dixoranges
REMEMBER: silent before aconsonant but clearly pronounced before avowel or the letter h.
une livre uneuro • deuxlivres deuxeuros • troislivres troiseuros • huitlivres huiteuros • sixlivres sixeuros • dixlivres dixeuros • vingtlivres vingteuros
Mime: waving magic wand abracadabra a
Mime: victory v e, eu • deux • bleu • lefeu
Mime: cupped hand to ear é, ez, er, ed, et Écoutez!
Mime: cupped hand to ear é, ez, er, ed, et ÉcoutezbébépuréemangerTouchezlenezle piedun perroquet
Mime: squeaking mouse i Une souris
lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche
Mime: clap hands O, au, eau • Ohlà là!Claude MakéléléEau minéraleDauphin
Mime: crying baby oi Waaaaaaaaaa!!!
oi Waaaaaaaaaa!!! Un oiseauUn poissonUne oie
Mime: turning a key in lock Khaki K +
Mime: turning a key in lock Qu = K
Qui? = who? K +
Quoi K +
Qu = [K] • quatrequatorzequinzequarante un disque une barqueQuelle est la date? 4 14 15 40 le 24 septembre
Ou Un hibou Hou… Hou!
Mime: nodding. Sing along Noddy song!! Oui http://www.wat.tv/audio/oui-oui-chanson-generique-dessin-fzqe_fys0_.html
Mime: driving a van in, ain, ein, im V + in sounds like maybe delete this slide
Alain Prost Mime: cupped hand to ear / pained expression in, ain, ein, im Hein??!! Vin Vingt Train Alain 20
Mime: toothache en, an, am, em • les dents le dentiste des oranges un pamplemousse un diamant la température
Mime: pleased / surprised look on, om • des bonbonsune bombe
U = eeeee + ooooo Mouth shape eeeeeeeeeeeee, make sound ooooooooooooooooooooooo • la lune le bus
Mime: yoyo ill, il = [y] • un papillon une jonquille une grenouille le soleil
Mime: very fast car going from right to left -tion • la conversation la natation Attention!
Mime: another very fast car going from left to right gn • oignon la montagne
Mime:?? J, ge, gi, gy g,go,ga,gu • Jacques pigeonGigigymnastique • Guy la gorille le garageguide
Mime: ?? ce, ci,, cy, ç c, co,ca,cu • le céleri le cinéma le cyclisme le français • la classe l’ école le car excursion