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HERESY is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and Catholic faith . - FALSE TEACHING.
HERESYis the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and Catholic faith.-FALSE TEACHING
HERESY-contrary to Church DOGMA(plural dogmata) is an article of faith revealed by God, which the magisterium of the Church presents as necessary to be believed.
HERESYTo commit heresy, one must refuse to be corrected. A person who is ready to be corrected or who is unaware that what he has been saying is against Church teaching is not a heretic.
A person must be baptized to commit heresy. This means that movements that have split off from or been influenced by Christianity, but that do not practice baptism (or do not practice valid baptism),
are not heresies, but separate religions. Examples include Muslims, who do not practice baptism, and Jehovah’s Witnesses, who do not practice valid baptism.
Finally, the doubt or denial involved in heresy must concern a matter that has been revealed by God and solemnly defined by the Church (for example,
the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the sacrifice of the Mass, the pope’s infallibility, or the Immaculate Conception and Assumption of Mary).
schism, one separates from the Catholic Church without repudiating a defined doctrine. apostasy, one totally repudiates the Christian faith and no longer even claims to be a Christian.
The Circumcisers (1st Century) believed one must be circumcised and keep the Mosaic law to come to Christ. In other words, one had to become a Jew to become a Christian. Gnosticism (1st and 2nd Centuries) "Matter is evil!" was the cry of the Gnostics
Montanism (Late 2nd Century) • Montanus (his movement) emphasized the continuance of miraculous gifts, such as speaking in tongues and prophecy. • claimed that his teachings were above those of the Church, and soon he began to teach Christ’s imminent return in his home town in Phrygia. • spoke for, the Paraclete that Jesus had promised would come (in reality, the Holy Spirit).
Sabellianism (Early 3rd Century)) • The Sabellianists taught that Jesus Christ and God the Father were not distinct persons, but two aspects or offices of one person. According to them, the three persons of the Trinity exist only in God’s relation to man, not in objective reality.
Pelagianism (5th Century)) Arianism (4th Century) taught that Christ was a creature made by God. • Pelagius denied that we inherit original sin from Adam’s sin in the Garden and claimed that we become sinful only through the bad example of the sinful community into which we are born.
Monophysitism (5th Century) Nestorianism (5th Century) • claiming that Christ was one person with only one nature (a fusion of human and divine elements). They are thus known as Monophysites because of their claim that Christ had only one nature (Greek: mono = one; physis = nature). • claimed that she only bore Christ’s human nature in her womb, and proposed the alternative title Christotokos ("Christ-bearer" or "Mother of Christ").
Iconoclasm(7th and 8th Centuries) • claimed that it was sinful to make pictures and statues of Christ and the saints, despite the fact that in the Bible, God had commanded the making of religious statues (Ex. 25:18–20; 1 Chr. 28:18–19), including symbolic representations of Christ (cf. Num. 21:8–9 with John 3:14).
Protestantism (16th Century) • claim to believe in the teachings of sola scriptura ("by Scripture alone"—the idea that we must use only the Bible when forming our theology) and sola fide ("by faith alone"— the idea that we are justified by faith only).
Jansenism(17th Century) • Jansenius, bishop of Ypres, France, initiated this heresy with a paper he wrote on Augustine, which redefined the doctrine of grace. • denied that Christ died for all men, but claimed that he died only for those who will be finally saved (the elect).