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CS 453 Introduction to Data and computer communications Syllabus

Explore layered architecture and network protocols design. Emphasis on scalability and fault tolerance principles. Includes Internet history, socket programming, TCP, IP routing, wireless networks, and research topics. Reference materials provided.

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CS 453 Introduction to Data and computer communications Syllabus

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  1. Vinod Kulathumani West Virginia University CS 453Introduction to Data and computer communicationsSyllabus

  2. Objectives • Provide introduction to the design of computer networks • Internet used as a case study • Study of • layered architecture for the design of computer networks • network protocols for the design of each layer. • Particular emphasis on principles behind designing protocols that are scalable and fault-tolerant • Study of some recent advances and research topics in the field of networking

  3. Outline • Internet: History, Overview • Application layer protocols • client-server model, peer-peer model • Socket programming in C / Java • Transport layer: TCP, congestion control • Routing layer: IP, Principles of routing • Link layer: Error detection including checksums and CRC, Ethernet, Token ring, ATM, switching and bridging • Wireless and mobile networks • Recent advances and research topics in networking

  4. Reference Materials James E. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, ComputerNetworking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, Fifth Edition Average 3-4 hours of reading per class

  5. Prerequisites • CS 350 or equivalent is recommended • Time & dedication • Programming assignments usually in C / Java

  6. Policies • Assignments / Homework • Usually One assignment per week (due before Tuesday class) • Academic integrity • Social Justice • Office hours: TR (11 am -12 noon ) ESB 727 or by appointment

  7. Grading • Work load • 4 Homework assignments (10%) • 4 Lab assignments (20%) • 6 Quizzes (20%) • 1 Mid-term (20%) – March 4, 2014 [Tentative] • 1 Final (25%) • Grading structure • 90 and above = A • Between 80 and 90 = B • Between 70 and 80 = C • Between 55 and 70 = D • < 55 = F Make-up exams only after prior arrangement

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