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Standards for Better Health 2007/8 Presentation for OSC Topic Group April 2008

Learn how this foundation trust provides mental health, learning disability, and forensic services with excellence and care. Through partnership agreements and user-led initiatives, join us in improving healthcare services for all.

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Standards for Better Health 2007/8 Presentation for OSC Topic Group April 2008

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  1. Item 4.4 Standards for Better Health 2007/8 Presentation for OSC Topic Group April 2008 Sally Wilson: Lead, Standards for Better Health Shari Payne: Head of Business Development & Strategic Planning

  2. Provide mental health and specialist learning disability and forensic services across the county Achieved Foundation Trust status in Aug. 07 Over 5,000 public members in Hertfordshire Approx 3000 staff Revenue – £180 m Rated as ‘Excellent’ for quality of care and ‘Good’ for use of resources in 06/07 Annual Health Check Introduction to the Trust

  3. Executive director and management leads for each standard Standards assigned to sub-groups of the Integrated Governance Committee Action plan to maintain and improve compliance Bi-monthly reports on compliance to Integrated Governance Committee ‘Substantial assurance’ on process from Trust’s internal auditors Assurance Process

  4. As a Partnership Trust HPFT is a health and social care provider Representative membership on Adult Care Service’s Board and HPFT Board Partnership Team meetings to ensure joint agenda is delivered Single Assessment Process for Older People Many joint policies Joint responsibility to deliver social care performance indicators eg. direct payments C6: Healthcare organisations cooperate with each other and social care organisations to ensure that patients’ individual needs are properly managed and met

  5. Privacy and dignity policy in place Single equality scheme in place Established Essence of Care benchmarking programme User-led audit of outpatient experience underway Complaints and incidents monitored for privacy and dignity issues Recruitment for permanent chaplaincy post Training on customer relations for all inpatient staff Post created to support the Service User Survey action plan C13a) Healthcare organisations have systems in place to ensure that staff treat patients, their relatives and carers with dignity and respect.

  6. Robust policies in place Consent to treatment audit undertaken as part of annual audit programme Audit on consent to ECT undertaken annually Programme of training being delivered on Mental Capacity Act Leaflets given to all service users on the use of their information Policy on communicating with diverse service users and interpreting service available Hearing loops available on all sites C13b)Appropriate consent is obtained when required, for all contacts with patients and for the use of any confidential patient information

  7. Robust policies in place Adherence to Caldicott guidelines regularly monitored Ongoing records audit monitors confidentiality issues Records training for all staff, includes storage and confidentiality issues Shared protocols on use of information eg Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adults and mandatory training for all staff Ongoing work with carers re: confidentiality C13c) Staff treat patient information confidentially, except where authorised by legislation to the contrary

  8. Service user and carer involvement strategy in place Service user led audit projects Service users involved in all new build projects eg PICU and CAMHs Service user and carer councils Recovery conference Having Your Say questionnaire Patient tracker now introduced Involvement in interviews C17 The views of patients, their carers and others are sought and taken into account in designing, planning, delivering and improving healthcare services

  9. Health Inequalities group in place with representation from PCT Single equalities scheme in place Programme of disability access audits HPFT hosting community development race equality workers IAPT project – includes enhanced primary care projects Ongoing work to improve access to acute care for people with a learning disability C18Healthcare organisations enable all members of the population to access services equally and offer choice in access to services and treatment equitably

  10. Partnership agreements in MH and LD Public health strategy and action plan in place with PCT input Joint working with acute trusts re: service users with ld Single assessment process for older people Joint working in CAMHs re: crime reduction C22Healthcare organisations promote, protect and demonstrably improve the health of the community served, and narrow health inequalities by: a) cooperating with each other and with local authorities and other organisationsc) making an appropriate and effective contribution to local partnership arrangements including local strategic partnerships and crime and disorder reduction partnerships

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