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International Conference ICT for Language Learning, 3 rd edition Florence, November 11-12, 2010. “Another brick in the WALL”:. Wiki-Assisted Language Learning in ESP University Courses. Christina Yerou Stavroulla Hadjiconstantinou CYPRUS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY. Purpose.
International Conference ICT for Language Learning, 3rdedition Florence, November 11-12, 2010 “Another brick in the WALL”: Wiki-Assisted Language Learning in ESP University Courses Christina Yerou Stavroulla Hadjiconstantinou CYPRUS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY
Purpose Describe the theoretical considerations that led to the integration of Wikis in ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purposes) courses at university level as well as the benefits and challenges derived from this through examples of their use and students’ reflections.
Presentation Outline • English for Specific Academic Purposes • ICT component in ESAP • The Study • Wikis in ESAP • Integrating Wikis in ESAP university courses • Overview of the ENG191 wiki • Overview of the ENG220 wiki • Benefits and Challenges • Students’ Reflections
Theoretical Background: ESAP English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) ↓ ↓ English for Academic English for Specific Purposes (EAP) Purposes (ESP) = designed to meet the academic and professional needs of the students of the various disciplines
ICT component Some of the most important benefits attributed to the computer in language learning: • Collaboration • Autonomous Learning • Integration of the four skills • Access to authentic material • Immediate feedback • Interaction with the instructor and with other learners • Learner/ instructor satisfaction
ICT tools incorporated in the courses • Word Processing tools • Presentation Tools • The Internet • E-mail • You tube videos • Online Dictionaries
ICT Incorporation …proved to be a source of great satisfaction and motivation for both: • learners - comfortable with using new technologies • teachers - increasingly savvier in new technologies
The Study - the aim In Spring 2010 research* was carried out by the LC to evaluate and improve the ESAP courses offered. * ESAP Curriculum Evaluation Project 2010 Aspects under consideration: • Course Content (relevance to discipline) • Material used (authentic and relevant) • Pedagogical approaches used • Development of all four skills • Integration of ICT component
The Study – the context Method: questionnaire Sample: 304 first-year students from all 10 different departments of the university
The Results (1)Table 1. Areas in which the English Language is most needed
The Results (2)Table 2. Evaluation of ICT skills before and after the course
The Study : Discussion of the data The data gathered showed that the ICT component already incorporated into the courses : • …enabled students to considerably improve their ICT skills • …is considered extremely useful by the students
The Study : Implications for improvement ICT component a big asset that could be further exploited a new tool that would allow for multiple applications of technology in the learning environment should be adopted
What tool? In search of a tool that would encourage students to become co-creators of course content An ESP teacher is no longer a “primary knower” of the carrier content of the material and has to draw on students’ knowledge of the subject matter (Dudley-Evans and St John,1998) No textbook in most ESAP courses @ CUT
Wikis in ESAP • Wikis: • belong to the new wave of Web 2.0 components • are often used to support online teaching and learning activities • can replace the traditional linear approach of presenting the course content with a more appropriate networked approach • Wiki is a collaborative website whose content can be edited by visitors to the site, allowing users to easily create and edit webpages collaboratively. (Chao, 2007) • Literature on the Use of Wikis in ESP at university levelKovacic, Bubas and Zlatovic (2007; 2008)
Integrating Wikis in ESAP University Courses • The ENG 191 wiki http://eng191coursewiki.wikispaces.com • The ENG 220 wiki http://eng220coursewiki.wikispaces.com Uses:
Benefits for teachers and students • Benefits for the teacher: • easy-to-use technology • ease of editing • focus • access • inspiration • expansion • ‘history’ feature • Benefits for students: • new class identity • sense of belonging to a virtual community • peer interactivity/ peer correction • new modes of submission
Challenges for teachers and students • Challenges for the teacher: • prevention of vandalism • inability to make content visible only to enrolled students • organisation / housekeeping • constant monitoring • Challenges for students: • familiarity with computers • posting pressure and timing time-consuming
Students’ Reflections • Sense of achievement - I didn’t believe that someday I could do something like this - I am excitingly proud of my creation - I was very impressed of what we did - I am the producer of this wikipage - I feel really proud of my work • Sense of belonging - I feel I belong to an online community - Now I feel part of the group; I feel part of a small society and a familiar environment. - I know how nice it is to belong to a group where you can do and learn many interesting things
A wiki not only takes the classroom “into the real world that the students inhabit”, but most importantly… “brings their real world into their classroom”. (Harding, 2007, p.8)
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