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“The Amazing Penny series”. Part 5 Immunity From Kenzen Organic Nutritionals. Recordings at: www.canb4u.biz/g. Nikken Kenzen ™ Wellness | ORGANIC-BASED NUTRITION. The Amazing Penny Series See: jimdragon.com & canb4u.biz/g. Part 1 Introduction Part 2 CiagaV Part 3 Jade Greenzymes
“The Amazing Penny series” Part 5 Immunity From Kenzen Organic Nutritionals Recordings at: www.canb4u.biz/g
The Amazing Penny SeriesSee: jimdragon.com & canb4u.biz/g Part 1 Introduction Part 2 CiagaV Part 3 Jade Greenzymes Part 4 WenWin.net a complete picture Part 5 Immunity Part 6 Lactoferrin Gold and OsteoDenx Part 7 New Liver Support and Joint Compound
Disclaimer: The issue of cancer is a very serious matter. Although we will be presenting scientific studies and articles, which present the logic behind the use of these products. it must be emphasized that these foods and ingredients are not magic bullets or panaceas for poor health habits. Nutrition is only one aspect of a comprehensive Wellness Home . "This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."
Cancer and your immune system Part 5 in the Amazing Penny series: Nikken’s Immunity
Immunity U.S. Patent #6,805,866 Grown to duplicate nature Preheated to increase absorption Proprietary strains Vegan certified and Kosher certified
IMMUNITY • Cordyceps Sinensis • AgaricusBlazei • Maitake • Reishi • TrametesVersicolor • Shitake • HericiumErinaceus • Tremellamesenterica • Phellinuslinteus • Pleurotus tuber-region • Oyster • Chaga • Lepiota • Enoki
EFECT OF STRESS ON IMMUNITY • Increase of Cortisol from stress will: • Decrease your T-cells • Decrease your Natural Killer cells • Decrease the number of your lymphocytes
Natural Killer cells*most aggressive part of your immune system.*Stimulated by Mushrooms
“Immunity” adapts to your needs • When Cordyceps is given to a patient in an immune-deficient state, such as cancer, hepatitis or HIV infection, the number and activity of the white blood cells increase. • If the same Cordyceps is given to someone in a hyper-immune state such as is found in Lupus, Lymphoma or Rheumatoid arthritis, the number and activity of the white blood cells drop, while the red blood cells often increase in number
Cordyceps Sinensis key actions • increased oxygen utilization • increased ATP production [cellular energy] • Mice Swim Test In 6 weeks!!
Nucleotides are molecules that, when joined together, make up the structural units of your DNA.
Cordycepsneeks into Cancer Fake DNA Real DNA
How does this work again? 4 different kinds of bricks make up a complete brick wall. g a t c g t a
We substitute Adenosine with Cordyceps g a t c g Cordyceps will not allow any more bricks to stick to it, because it lacks one ) Oxygen molecule. cordyceps t
tumor cell DNA crumbles g a So now, the DNA of the cancer cell falls apart, because the bricks can not stick together. -this process does not happen with healthy cells. t c g cordyceps t
Cordyceps…Tumor research • sarcoma 180 cell line, which is a reference solid tumor used for laboratory assays of anti-tumor effectiveness. A single dose of only 0.5 mg/kg-injected i.p into mice inhibited tumor growth by an astounding 98.7%! (Ohmori et al 1986)
750 >1 • normal healthy breast tissue cells have an average life span of about 10 days, after which they reproduce and a new cell is formed. • But breast cancer cells multiply much quicker, they reproduce themselves on average every 20 minutes. • This means that the breast cancer cells are replicating about 750 times faster than the surrounding healthy tissue.
Working with Chemotherapy • It is a little known fact outside the medical profession that many more patients die of opportunistic infections during chemotherapy than ever die of the cancer itself. • Anything that can bolster the patient’s immune response means that the • dosage of the chemotherapy can be increased, or the delay between treatments can be shortened.
Cordyceps And Human Organ Transplants • Cyclosporine: The anti-rejection compound used in organ transplants was developed from Cordyceps mushrooms! • When together: the group receiving Cordyceps sinensis in addition to the Cyclosporin had a much lower incidence of kidney damage then the group receiving only the Cyclosporin, as measure by the levels of urinary NAG, serum creatinine and blood urea nitrate. (Xu et al 1995)
AgaricusBlazei • In addition to Beta-glucan showing anti-tumor effects in lab mice, aromatase inhibitors have shown to actually slow the growth of tumors. Of the cancers most influenced is breast cancer.
Maitake (Cancer killer) • Molecular Urology by Kono PhD: Maitake in lab tests, killed 90% of all prostate cancer cells with in 24 hours.
Maitake • Memorial Sloan-Kettering is conducting the first U.S. clinical trial on maitake, a medicinal mushroom extract. • Some oncologists feel so confident about the possible advantages that they’re already recommending mushroom extract supplements to their patients. Researchers say "They don’t appear likely to interfere with chemo and radiation.
Big Eaters [Macrophages] • Cancer Research UK confirm that the active compounds in Reishi cause a marked increase in the action of macrophages, thus there is a heightened response to foreign cells, whether bacteria, viruses or tumor cells.
REISHI “Mushroom Spiritual Potency” • “Calms the mind, eases tension, strengthens the nerves, strengthens memory, sharpens concentration, improves focus, builds will power.”
Trametes (coriolus) Versicolor • Japanese researchers screened 200 of the best (plant extracts) known for anti-tumor activity. Trametes (Coriolus) versicolor had the greatest amount of anti-tumor activity.http://www.naturalnews.com/025455_coriolus_cancer_medicine.html#ixzz1DsYBHq6S • In several of these multicentric trials, the 15-year survival rate was increased by 10−15%, and side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea and anorexia, were reduced when Trametes was given along with chemotherapy
Trametes vs. Human Papilloma Virus [HPV] • 90 percent regression rate in the high risk HPV virus compared to 8.5 percent without.http://www.naturalnews.com/025455_coriolus_cancer_medicine.html#ixzz1DsbpasWx
Shitake (lentinan) gastric cancer patients Chemo vs. Chemo + Shitake Median survival was longer in the shitake group than in the chemo alone group (297 days vs. 199 days, p = 0.028). One-year survival rate was greater in the shitake group than in the control group (49.1% vs. 0%). , especially appetite and sleep quality, was significantly improved with the administration of shitake (lentinan).
Getting Old? Try Immunity! • Cordyceps sinensis [Human Trials] improved: • fatigue, cold intolerance, dizziness, frequent nocturia, tinnitus, hypo sexuality, and amnesia, • while no improvement was reported in the placebo group. (Cao and Wen, 1993; Zhang et al., 1995
Reishi • Reishi has extraordinary effects on the maturation, differentiation and proliferation of many kinds of immune cells. • Reishi is a proven potent activator of interferon, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), natural killer cells (NK), T lymphocytes, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL's) and lymphokine activated killer cells (LAK). • The spontaneous regression of some tumors
Chaga • Causes up to 4,000% modulation of white blood cells and other T killer cells within about 20 hours after ingestion • In one experiment, mice implanted with melanoma showed a 4-fold increase in survival rate when given an extract of Chaga mushroom.[224] • Chaga is well known for stimulating the immune system and its powerful anti-tumor activity, and was approved in 1955 by The Medical Academy of Science for public use against cancer.
Hericium (Lions Mane)Alzheimers IssuePhytotherapy ResearchVolume 23, Issue 3, pages 367–372, March 2009 • Lion's Mane mushroom, strongly stimulate nerve growth factor synthesis. • after six months of taking Lion's Mane mushroom, six out of seven dementia patients demonstrated improvements in their perceptual capacities, and all seven had improvements in their dressing, bathing and eating scores. • this mushroom may be a potent inducer of brain tissue regeneration
Phellinuslinteus • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center reported that Phellinuslinteus is a possible anticancer agent.[233][234]
Enoki • Helps regulate the immune system
Do you want to controlblood sugar? • Mushrooms to lower elevated blood sugar levels • Tremella,[20][21][22]reishi,[24][25]Agaricusblazei,[28][29][30][31][32]chaga,[33]Hericiumerinaceus,[34]cordyceps.[37][38][39][40][41] • maitake mushroom; its ability to lower blood sugar levels[42][43][44][45][46][47] has been explained by the fact that the mushroom naturally contains an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor.[48]
Effect on cholesterol • Some mushrooms like Tremella,[49]Agaricusblazei,[28][29]maitake,[51] and reishi[52][53] have been shown to be able to have an inhibitory effect on cholesterol levels. Shiitake mushrooms contain the anticholesterol compound eritadenine.[54]
Fungal statins • Statins [i.e. Lipitor] are a class of drugs used to treat high cholesterol by inhibiting the enzyme HMG-CoAreductase. The first statins ever discovered (lovastatin and mevastatin) were found in fungi. • Oyster mushrooms have been found to naturally contain the statinlovastatin.[57] Tests have shown the oyster mushroom contains up to 2.8% lovastatin on a dry weight basis.[58]
In vitro antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal • poliovirus[65, western equine encephalitis virus.[66], HIV[68], Candida albicans and HIV.[72], Escherichia coli,[75]influenza virus,[78]hepatitis B virus.[81]Epstein-Barr virus.[82]methicillin-resistant Staphylococcusaureus(MRSA)[84] HIV. [86][87][88][89], Chlamydia trachomatis.[93], • The following mushrooms in Immunity inhibited the HIV virus in vitro, Hericiumerinaceum,[102] (chaga),[104],oyster mushroom,[105]Trametesversicolor .
Professor Emeritus Stanford Univ. Geo. Halpern • “ Nikken’s formula is the Rolls Royce of multiple-mushroom formulas.” • From the book [ Medicinal Mushrooms – Ancient Remedies for Modern Ailments]
DON’T FORGET TO PRAY! • People who never attended church spent an average of 3 times more days hospitalized when sick than people who attended weekly. • Heart patients were 14 times more likely to die following surgery if they did not participate in a religion. • Elderly people who never or rarely attended church had a stroke rate double that of people who attended regularly. • In Israel, religious people had a 40 percent lower death rate from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
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“The Amazing Penny series” Part 5 Immunity From Kenzen Organic Nutritionals Recordings at: www.canb4u.biz/g