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Chemical tankers course. Construction Inert gas plant Tanks cleaning Hydraulic system Cargo pumps Tanks lp/hp protection. Chemical Tankers Types.
Chemical tankers course • Construction • Inert gas plant • Tanks cleaning • Hydraulic system • Cargo pumps • Tanks lp/hp protection
Chemical Tankers Types 1. ‘Type 1’ ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 of the IBC Code products with very severe environmental and safety hazards which require maximum preventive measures to preclude an escape of such cargo. 2. ‘Type 2’ ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 of the IBC Code products with appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards which require significant preventive measures to preclude an escape of such cargo. 3. ‘Type 3’ ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 of the IBC Code products with sufficiently severe environmental and safety hazards which require a moderate degree of containment to increase survival capability in a damaged condition.[2]
Cargo heating Deck mounted cargo heaters eliminate the need for in-tank heating coils. The cargo tank interior can be made with flush tank top free from coils, brackets and clamps. A flush tank top facilitates quicker stripping with less cargo remaining in the tank. The cargo tank washing can be performed quicker, with less consumption of washing water and less slop handling.
Cargo cooling The Framo cargo cooling system enables chemical carriers to also transport low-boiling-point cargoes and semi-gases. Cargoes such as Propylene Oxide and Isoprene are often transported on board chemical carriers which use cooling system to maintain a safe cargo temperature
Cargo circulation To prevent sediments settling on the tank-top during transport and to maintain the liquid quality, a Framo diffusor can be installed on the outlet of the dropline. During voyage cargo is circulated through the diffusor by running the cargo pump at intervals.
Submerged ballast pumps Installation of ballast pumps inside the double side ballast tanks in combination with a submerged cargo pump in each cargo tank make the pump room superfluous. This arrangement provides a safer ship design and make more space available for carrying cargo. Submerged ballast pumps have become the standard arrangement in modern tankers and FPSOs.
Stainless steel chemical tankers The stainless steel chemical tanker fleet comprises the most sophisticated tankers sailing on the high seas. These ships are constructed with stainless steel cargo tanks, a fully segregated cargo pumping arrangement and designed to carry the most aggressive, corrosive or volatile liquids.
Chemical/product oil tankers Most of the world’s production of vegetable oils, commodity chemicals and refined petroleum products are transported on a large fleet of modern chemical/product tankers. Typically designed with coated cargo tanks, six to eight cargo segregations, no pump room, submerged ballast pumps, in-tank cargo pumps and deck mounted cargo heaters
OBO carriers A one-pump-per-hold system that is easy to operate and clean has been specially designed for combination vessels that are alternating between wet and dry cargoes. The cargo pumps are installed in protective enclosed corrugations between the holds. Cargo piping and cargo heaters are located on deck.
Floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) FPSOs require the highest standards for safety and operation regularity. A reliable and redundant cargo offloading system is essential.
Deck view on ch. Tanker type I P-v brakers (safety valves) High purity Nitrogen tank
Pranje tankova i zadržavanje ostataka Predpranje (morem na min 20 o – više puta ako treba ili slatkom vodom za neke terete – ide na kraj) Pranje (morem ili sl.vodom i kemikalijama – izbor prema teretu) Ispiranje (more ili slatka voda – toplo ili hladno) Ispiranje slatkom vodom Propuhivanje parom (toluen + inertni plin + ispiranje slatkom vodom za neke terete, npr. alkohol. Test na CH, soli i permanganate) Iscjeđivanje (ejektori ili dr. samosisne ili centr. p/p, ili suhi zrak, ili inertni plin pod tlakom) Posušivanje (tankova, cjevovoda, pumpi - suhi zrak, ili inertni plin pod tlakom)
Cargo Tank Washing and residuesretention Prewash(withsea water - min. temp. of 20 oC – severaltimesifrequiredorwithfresh water for some cargoes –prewashresidues must be dishargedashore) Mainwash(withsea water ors.w. withchemicals – choice of chemicaldepends of cargo) Rinseing(withcoldorwarms.w. orf.w.) Fresh Water Rinsing(for cargo tank protection) SteamPurging(toluen + inert gas + f.w. rinsing for some cargolikealcohol. Obligatory test for CH, salts and permanganates) Stripping(centr. pumps, ejektorsorothersselfprimingpumpsordryairorinert gas underpressure) Drying(tanks, pipelines, pumps – withdryairorinert gas underpressure)
The view of cargo tank washing machine driving mechanisam – driven by cold or warm fresh or sea water with addition of chemichals (depends of cargo residues) Driving mechanisam The fast connection for f.w. or s.w. connection
Tank washing connection
3 osnovne grupe tereta • Životinjska i biljna ulja i masti(pranje NaOH ili KOH – tankovi od SS ili EP – obavezno ispiranje toplom vodom) • Mineralna ulja(mješavina vode, deterđenta, emulgatora i sintetičkih sapuna, nekad kao dodatak i bazni benzin – obavezno ispiranje vodom zbog CH) • Petrokemijski proizvodi i druge otopine(kod tereta s niskim rosištem – isparavanjem / kod tereta s rosištem preko 100oC pom. petrokemijskih solvenata, tople vode i pare)
3 Main Cargo Groups • Animal and vegetable oils and fats(washing with NaOH or KOH – SStanks or EP (epoxy coated) - mandatory rinse with warm water) • Mineral oils(washing with a mixture of water, detergents, emulsifiers and synthetic soap, sometimes a supplement of base gasoline should be used – FW rinsing is obligatory because of HC • Petrochemical products and other solutions(for a cargoes with a low dew point - evaporation - cargoes with a dew point over 100 °C should be washed with petrochemical solvents, hot water and steam)
Grijanje (Heating) Recirkulacija (Recirculation) Hlađenje (Cooling)
VAŽNO ! • Tank je opasan i nekoliko sati (dana) nakon pranja • Check lista prije ulaza u tank • Dodavanje aditiva-emulgatora za lakše pranje i održavanje kvalitete tereta • Paziti na kompatibilnost aditiva, te materijala tankova i opreme s kemikalijama • Balastiranje zabranjeno kod nekih tereta dok se kompletno ne iskrca tank tereta s kojim je balastni tank u dodiru (H2SO4, HCl, HNO3, H3PO4, i sl) • Odlaganje ostataka u slop-ove (3 stupnja) • Fenol zahtijeva konstantnu temp. Od 45-55 (uz aditiv do 60oC) – konstantna recirkulacija i ne prekidati iskrcaj (nitko na brod i nitko s broda)
IMPORTANT ! • Cargo tank isdangerousseveralhours (days) afterwashing • Beforecargo tank enteringthecheck list isobligatory – signedbyofficer in charge • The aditives – emulgators are addedintocargoes for easiestwashing and cargoqualityremaining • Payattention on Cargotanksmatherials and otherequipmentcompatibilitieswithadditives • The ballasting of ballast tank whichis in borderwithcargo tank isforbiden in thecase of higlyreactivecargowithsea water (H2SO4, HCl, HNO3, H3PO4, etc.) • Cargo tank washingresidues must be transfered to slooptanks (3 stupnja) • Fenol (for example) requirestheconstanttemperatures of 45-55 (60oC ifadditiveisadded) – constantrecirculationduringunloading and discharging must not be interupted
Sustav hidraulike(Hydraulic System) • Pumpe hidraulike (Hydro_pumps - Power Pack) – driven by el. motor or diesel motor • Razvod na pumpe tereta i ostale uređaje (Hydraulic oil distribution to cargo pumps and other hydraulic equipment) • Tlačni cjevovod (Pressure Pipes - 200 bar) • Povratni vod (Return Pipes - cca. 3 bar) • Power Pack qapacity determine the total unloading capacity rate
Oil tank • Oil Filter • Oil Cooler • HydraulicPump • Pressureregulatingvalve • Submersiblecentrifugalpump (hydraulicalydriven) • Pump’spressure regulator (rpm regulator) • CCR Control Panel • PressureSensor • Pressureregulatingvalveservo motor • Electronic controlunit • EmergencyPortablePump • Lowpressure pipe connection • Portablepumpcontrolunit • Dischargepipeline Daljinska kontrola
Pumpe tereta(Cargopumps) • Jednostepeneili višestepene – single ormultistages • Uronjena pumpa s dugom osovinom (deepwellpump) – el. mot. orhydromotor on thedeckconnectedwiththepump w. longshaft • (submersiblle) – hydromotoror el. motor togetherwiththepumpinto tank • Prijenosna uronjena pumpa – portablesubmersiblepump
Cijev izlaza tereta iz linije tereta Stripping line Manometar Propuhivanje linije tereta Main cargo line purging Cijev za regulaciju tlaka (broja okretaja pumpe) – spoj s kontrolnom kabinom Pipe for remote control – connected w. CCR Propuhivanje koferdama Cofferdam puging