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CQL. “Common Query Language”. Ray Denenberg March 2005. CQL’s Goals. Combine the simplicity and intuitiveness of google searching with the expressive power of Xquery. Support very simple queries; and arbitrarily complex expressions as necessary. Example: search on “cat”. cat. cat.

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  1. CQL “Common Query Language” Ray Denenberg March 2005

  2. CQL’s Goals • Combine the simplicity and intuitiveness of google searching with the expressive power of Xquery. • Support very simple queries; • and arbitrarily complex expressions as necessary. Example: search on “cat”

  3. cat

  4. cat (That’s it. The whole query.)

  5. Simple CQL Queries • cat • cat and dog • title = cat

  6. Simple CQL Queries • cat (simplest) • cat and dog (simple boolean) • title = cat (index)

  7. Simple CQL Queries • cat (simplest) • cat and dog (simple boolean) • title = cat (index) • dc.title = cat(index qualified)

  8. Boolean • cat and dog • cat or dog • Cat not dog

  9. Boolean • cat and dog • cat or dog • Cat not dog • cat not dog and fish or frog

  10. Boolean • cat not dog and fish or frog • evaluates to:(((cat not dog) and fish) or frog)

  11. Boolean • cat not dog and fish or frog • evaluates to:(((cat not dog) and fish) or frog) • Not:(cat not dog) and (fish or frog)

  12. index Search • title = cat

  13. Qualified index • title = cat • dc.title = cat • bib.title = cat • Bath.keyTitle

  14. Fielded/index Search • dc.title = cat • bib.title = cat

  15. dc.title A name given to the resource • bib.title(fictitious)A word, phrase, character, or group of characters, normally appearing in an item, that names the item or the work contained in it.     

  16. Zthes Indexes zthes.nt=sauropod and zthes.bt=macronaria narrower than sauropod but broader than macronaria.

  17. Relations

  18. Relations The triple: <index> <relation> <search term> (e.g. title = cat) Is called a: Search Clause

  19. Relations <index> <relation> <search term>

  20. Simple Relations • Title = "the complete dinosaur" • title all "complete dinosaur“ • title any "dinosaur bird reptile" • title exact "the complete dinosaur"

  21. the = relation • Title = "the complete dinosaur“ (find these three words, adjacent and in this order)

  22. Title = "the complete dinosaur“ • matches “a day in the life of the complete dinosaur“ • and“the complete dinosaur goes to Paris“

  23. = • Title = "the complete dinosaur“ • matches “a day in the life of the complete dinosaur“ • and“the complete dinosaur goes to Paris“ • but not “the complete and unabridged dinosaur"

  24. All • Title all "complete dinosaur“ • matches “the complete and unabridged dinosaur“ • does not match “the unabridged dinosaur“

  25. Title all "dinosaur bird reptile“ • does not match “the completedinosaur"

  26. Any • Title any "dinosaur bird reptile“ • doesmatch “the complete dinosaur" and • “the unabridged dinosaur"

  27. Exact • title exact "the complete dinosaur" matches "the complete dinosaur"

  28. Exact • title exact "the complete dinosaur" matches "the complete dinosaur" Does not match: “a day in the life of the complete dinosaur or“the complete dinosaur goes to Paris“ or“the complete and unabridged dinosaur “

  29. Relations …. observations

  30. Relations …. observations • Observation 1: Shorthand

  31. title all "old man sea" same as • title="old" and title="man" and title="sea"

  32. Relations …. observations • Observation 2: Anchoring ^ The anchor character

  33. Recall ……. • Title = "the complete dinosaur“ • matches “a day in the life of the complete dinosaur“

  34. Anchoring • title="^the complete dinosaur"would not match “a day in the life of the complete dinosaur”

  35. Anchoring • title="^the complete dinosaur" would not match “a day in the life of the complete dinosaur” • title="the complete dinosaur^"would not match “the complete dinosaur goes to Paris”

  36. Relations …. observations • Observation 3: Index and Relation go together

  37. Index and Relation go together • Cat • Title = cat

  38. Index and Relation go together • Cat • Title = cat • Title cat • = cat

  39. Index and Relation go together • Cat • Title = cat • Title cat • = cat

  40. BNF searchClause ::='(' cqlQuery ')‘ | index relation searchTerm | searchTerm

  41. Basic Relations …. summary • Title = "the complete dinosaur" • title all "complete dinosaur“ • title any "dinosaur bird reptile" • title exact "the complete dinosaur"

  42. A few more relations … • < less • > greater • <= less or equal • >=greater or equal • = (see next) • <> not equal

  43. = relation = means: • word adjacency, when the term is a list of words. • Equality, otherwise.

  44. RelationModifiers • Stem • relevant • Fuzzy • phonetic

  45. Stemming • title =/stem"these completed dinosaurs“ matches • The Complete Dinosaur.

  46. Relevance subject any/relevant "fish frog" would find records whose subject field included words like shark, tuna, coelocanth, toad, amphibian, etc.

  47. Relation Modifiers • Stem • relevant • Fuzzy • phonetic

  48. fuzzy • Fuzzy means: • “be liberal in what you count as a match … details left to the server. Might include permutations of character order, off-by-one for numerical terms.” • Title =/fuzzy “sharlot simmins” might match “I am Charlotte Simmons” • telephoneNumber exact/fuzzy “303 441 1319"

  49. Relation Modifiers • Stem • relevant • Fuzzy • phonetic

  50. Phonetic • Match words that sound the same e.g. Hostel might match “hostile”

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