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SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS. Helping children achieve their best. In school. At home. In life. Your Lake Orion School Psychology Team:. Sue Waymire. Tracy Hobbs. Jared Wood. Michelle Chappell. Jillian Knapp. School psychologists believe that all children learn when given:.

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  1. SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS Helping children achieve their best. In school. At home. In life.

  2. Your Lake Orion School Psychology Team: Sue Waymire Tracy Hobbs Jared Wood Michelle Chappell Jillian Knapp

  3. School psychologists believe that all children learn when given: • Adequate supports and resources • Recognition of their individual needs • Connection to and trust in adults • Opportunities to achieve • Acceptance and encouragement • Cooperation between school and home

  4. School psychologists: • Are uniquely positioned to prepare students to meet the demands of the world in which they live • Have specialized training in both psychology and education which extends their expertise far beyond the most familiar roles of conducting evaluations to determine special education eligibility • Can support the social, emotional, and academic learning goals of all students and can provide services that impact learning at the individual, small group, classroom, building, or school district level

  5. School psychologists: • Collaborate with teachers, administrators, parents, other school specialists and other health professionals to ensure that every child learns in a safe, healthy, support environment • Are mandated participants in the follow evaluations/MET’s: – Specific learning disability – Cognitive impairment – Autism spectrum disorder – Emotional impairment

  6. School Psychologists link mental health to learning and behavior to promote: • High academic achievement • Positive social skills and behavior • Healthy relationships and connectedness • Tolerance and respect for others • Competence, self-esteem, and resiliency

  7. Why Children Need School Psychologists • Learning difficulties • Behavior concerns • Fears about war, violence, terrorism • Problems at home or with peers • Depression and other mental health issues • Attention problems • Poverty • Diversity, cultural and language barriers

  8. What Do School Psychologists Do?

  9. Assessment School psychologists work with children, parents and staff to help determine a child’s: •Academic skills •Learning aptitudes and styles •Personality and emotional development •Social skills and behavior issues •Learning environments, school climate •Special education eligibility

  10. Consultation • Help teachers, parents, and administrators understand child development and learning • Provide positive alternatives for helping children with learning and behavior problems • Strengthen working relationships among educators, parents, and community services

  11. Prevention • Implement programs to build positive connections between students and adults • Identify potential learning difficulties early • Design programs for children at risk • Help adults to address problem behavior(s) • Foster tolerance and appreciation of diversity • Create safe, supportive learning environments

  12. Intervention • Work face-to-face with children and families • Develop individualized solutions for learning and adjustment • Plan and implement crisis response • Provide –Counseling –Social skills training –Behavior management solutions

  13. Education Train teachers and parents in: • Teaching and learning strategies • Parenting techniques • Classroom management techniques • Working with exceptional students • Strategies to address substance abuse and risky behaviors • Crisis prevention and response

  14. Research and Program Development • Recommend and implement evidence- based programs and strategies • Generate new knowledge of learning and behavior • Evaluate effectiveness of programs and interventions • Contribute to school-wide reform and restructuring

  15. Mental Health Care • Deliver school-based mental health services • Coordinate with community resources and health care providers • Partner with parents and teachers to create healthy school environments

  16. Advocacy NASP and state professional associations are dedicated to advocacy School Psychologists Encourage: • Appropriate education placements • Education reform • Legislative involvement • Community services and programs • Funding for adequate resources

  17. Examples of efforts in our schools: • Introduced the use of DIBELS for universal screening of reading skills at the elementary level • Used to identify students in need of additional intervention and to monitor progress

  18. Examples of efforts in our schools: • Leading the effort to bring common assessments for special education student across levels (elementary through high school)

  19. Examples of efforts in our schools: Monthly Psyched Up! Newsletters Topics: • Grade retention • Self-efficacy • RtI • Suicide awareness • Accommodations/Modifications

  20. School psychologists help prevent bullying • Develop and institute school-wide prevention programs/codes of conduct • Train students on conflict resolution and social problem solving • Educate teachers to recognize warning signs and intervene immediately • Work individually with students who are victims or bullies

  21. School psychologists help prevent and respond to crises • Collaborate with school staff and district administration to develop a comprehensive crisis response plan • Help identify those who are most distressed and need interventions or referrals • Provide training on effective coping skills • Offer group and family interventions • Provide follow-counseling/support after a crisis • Offer information and referrals for those who need further help

  22. School psychologists promote cultural competence • Provide students culturally and linguistically appropriate assessment and intervention services • Understand how cultural issues relate to mental health and learning • Respect and respond to children’s diverse needs • Support culturally and linguistically appropriate communications with parents

  23. Lake Orion School Psychology Assignments: Jared Wood • High School Sue Waymire • Stadium Drive Elementary • Oakview Middle School • Private Schools Michelle Chappell • Paint Creek Elementary • Scripps Middle School • Therapeutic Intervention Program (CERC) Tracy Hobbs • Carpenter Elementary • Webber Elementary • Pine Tree Elementary Jillian Knapp • Orion Oaks Elementary • Blanche Sims Elementary • Waldon Middle School • Early Childhood Programs

  24. To contact your school psychologists: Sue Waymire swaymire@lakerion.k12.mi.us Tracy Hobbs thobbs@lakeorion.k12.mi..us Jared Wood jwood1@lakeorion.k12.mi.us Michelle Chappell mchappell@lakeorion.k12.mi.us Jillian Knapp jknapp@lakeorion.k12.mi.us

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