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Understanding Pluralism and Power Theory

Explore the nuances of pluralism and power theory, including Dahl's perspectives on defining and applying the concept of power in research. Dive into the first and second faces of power, examining relationships and decision-making processes in a pluralistic framework.

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Understanding Pluralism and Power Theory

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  1. Magtteori I 7. September 2005

  2. 1. Pluralisme og magtteori • Hvad kendetegner pluralismen? • I hvilken forstand udgør pluralismen en ramme for debatten om magtbegreber – debatten om magtens første og andet ansigt?

  3. 2a. Magtens første ansigt (Dahl) Magtteoriens problem: ”Reflecting on the appeal to authority thast mightn be made does, however, arouse two suspicions: First […], if so many people at so many different times have felt the need to attach the label power, or something like it to some Thing they beleive they have observed, one is tempted to suppose that the Thing must exist; and not only exist, but exist in a form capable of being studied more or less systematically. The second […] suspicion is that a Thing to which people attach many labels with subtly or grossly different meaning in many different cultures and times is probably not a Thing at all but many Things […].” (p. 201)

  4. 2b. Magtens første ansigt (Dahl) Dahls løsning: ”I think it can be shown, however, that to define the concept ”power” in a way that seems to catch the central intuitively understood meaning of the word must inevitably result in a formal definition that is not easy to apply in concrete research problems; and therefore, operational equivalents of the formal definition, designed to meet the needs of a particular research problem, are likely to diverge from one another in important ways. […] With this in mind, I propose […] to essay a formal definition of power that will, I hope, catch something of one’s intuitive notions as to what the Thing is. By ”formal” I mean that the definition will presuppose the existence of observations of a kind that may not always or even frequently be possible.” (p. 202)

  5. 2c. Magtens første ansigt (Dahl) Dahls magtdefinition: ”My intuitive idea of power, then, is something like this: A has power over B to the extent that he can get B to do something that B would not otherwise do.” (pp. 202-203)

  6. 2d. Magtens første ansigt (Dahl) • Magt = relation mellem aktører • Aktørfokus: Individer, grupper, enheder, organisationer, regeringer, national-stater m.m. • Magtrelationens aspekter:- magtbase- magtmidler- omfang af magt- magtudøvelsens rækkevidde

  7. 2e. Magtens første ansigt (Dahl) • Nødvendige betingelser for at kunne identificere en magtrelation:- tidsforskydning- direkte forbindelse mellem aktører- sanktionsmulighed/trussel om sanktion • Magtsammenligning på baggrund af magtmålestok:Kun magt i form af sandsynlighedsvurdering, hverken magtbase, -midler, -rækkevidde eller antal af subjekter for magtudøvelse - rangordning/transitivitet

  8. 2f. Magtens første ansigt (Dahl) • Hvilken udsigelseskraft har Dahls intuitive magtbegreb iflg. ham selv?(diskussionen mellem begrebsorienteret teoretiker og operationelt orienteret analytiker)

  9. 3a. Magtens andet ansigt (B&B) • Aktør • Beslutningsproces • Relationelt magtbegreb- interessekonflikt- aktuel magtudøvelse- trussel om sanktion

  10. 3b. Magtens andet ansigt (B&B) • Ikke-beslutning: mobilisering af ”bias”- værdier- myter- ritualer- institutionelle procedurer og praksisser • Ukontroversielle beslutninger og latente interessekonflikter- sondring mellem nøgle- og rutinespørgsmål- do. mellem vigtige og mindre vigtige spørgsmål

  11. 3c. Magtens andet ansigt (B&B) • Magt, ikke- tvang- manipulation- indflydelse- autoritet

  12. 4. Magtens første og andet ansigt • Pluralistisk ramme • Aktørperspektiv • Relationelt magtbegreb • Aktuel magtudøvelse i beslutnings/ikke-beslutnings øjemed

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