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Oxytocin Hormone: Function and Control Mechanisms

Learn about oxytocin's role in labor, milk ejection, and ejaculation. Understand how oxytocin release is controlled and influenced by various stimuli and hormonal factors.

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Oxytocin Hormone: Function and Control Mechanisms

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  1. بســم الله الرحـمن الرحـيم

  2. The posterior pituitary hormone –Oxytocin: Produced mainly in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus.

  3. Action of oxytocin Contraction of smooth muscles of the uterus enhance labor. Contraction of mammary gland myoepithelial cells of the alveoli & the ducts  Ejection of milk 3. In men  ejaculation (contraction of vas deferens propelling sperms towards urethra) Remember: Oxytocin is concerned with releasing or ejection of milk, while prolactin is concerned with synthesis & production of milk.

  4. Milk let down or Milk ejection SUCKLING-----Signals transmitted through sensory nerves to paraventricularand supraoptic nucleus-----------Release of oxytocin----------oxytocin carried by blood to breasts--------------Contraction of myoepithelial cells (smooth muscle like cells)------Flow of milk

  5. Control of oxytocin release 1. Stimulation of nipple(suckling reflex)  oxytocin. 2. Visual or auditory stimuli from the baby   oxytocin secretion. 3. Distension of uterus & stretching of cervix during delivery   oxytocin release. 4. During coitus  oxytocin secretion. 5. Psychological & emotional factors, e.g. Fear, anxiety & pain   oxytocin. 6. Alcohol   oxytocin secretion. Hormones: a. progesterone   uterine sensitivity to oxytocin. b. estrogen   uterine sensitivity to oxytocin.


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