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The CEO of Secure Platform Funding called Bruce Green, whose real name is Anthony Igbokwe has scammed a lot of people in the name of Escrow deposits.
There have been a lot of news regarding secure platform funding being a scammer that has been looting people from all around the globe in the name of BG, SBLC and Escrow Deposits. • Their website is www.secureplatformfunding.com and it is filled with fake credentials with press releases and other PR and marketing skills. • The so-called CEO of Agreements of Secure Platform Funding called Bruce Green, whose real name is Anthony Igbokwe has scammed a lot of people in the name of Escrow deposits.
Look up anything about them on the web and you'll see the repulsiveness stories – investors losing thousands of dollars to what ought to be a basic bank instrument buy, agreeable interchanges turning extremely sharp rapidly, and the way that the organization changed area and contact data three times since they were gotten twice of utilizing fake addresses and non-coordinating phone numbers. • Today, their number is swiss yet they claim to be situated in the Marshall Islands.
There are a lot of people who have been complaining about Secure Platform Funding scamming them in various ways. Here is one testimony provided by a victim named – Enragedandoutthere
Complain by – Enragedandoutthere • “I was contacted by Bruce Green at ceoofagreements@secureplatformfunding.com, telling me that he was a legitimate seller of bank instruments over at https://www.secureplatformfund... and he offered a € 1M MTN / BG for an advance deposit of € 50.000. • I have done business with such firms before, so I expected to see some sort of identifying documentation, statements from institutions or in the very least some sort of transfer proof.
He provided what looked like legitimate documentation, and assured me of his legitimacy. • So far so good – so made I my deposit, and this is where I am now. No further word from Mr. Green. No sign of my promised bank guarantee. Nothing. • So, I started digging, and I am quite angry with myself – and with Mr. Green, of course. Secure Platform Funding has about as much legitimacy as any old snake oil salesman.
The company had an HQ in London, which they took down and replaced with a fake address in Nevis, no doubt just some mailbox shared with about fifty other corporations. • Speaking of sharing, their server seems to run through a cheap tiny cloud hosting, and they have zero legitimacy as a financial firm – I contacted HSBC and Nevis, asked about a Bruce Green, and they gave me no indication that he even exists, let alone has any real-world association with financial regulatory bodies.
The content on the website, which I only skimmed through the first time, is very poorly written and it is clear that they are speaking gibberish to confuse and intimidate visitors. • They slam their competitors and blame any allegations of scamming on them, and they seem to have been successful at it so far, seeing as how they managed to take my damn money. • If you are ever contacted by Secure Platform Funding, I urge you to break off all contact and DO NOT send them any money.”