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Forensic Medicine: Understanding Autopsy and Medical Term

This article provides an overview of forensic medicine, focusing on autopsy and medical terms related to the field. Learn about the different types of autopsies, causes and manners of death, identification techniques, and various types of injuries and abuse. Additionally, discover how to write medical documents such as medico-legal reports and death certificates.

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Forensic Medicine: Understanding Autopsy and Medical Term

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  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

  2. Forensic Medicine Medical terms

  3. The autopsy • Dissection (to cut through): is a procedure to cut up an organism for study. Location and separation of the tissues in a surgical manner along natural lines of cleavage.

  4. Autopsy (necropsy): • Is the postmortem examination or the description of investigative dissection of a dead body. The legal system varies from country to country

  5. 1- Academic autopsy • Helps in learning anatomy for medical student .

  6. 2- Clinical (hospital) autopsy: From which the medical practitioners seek to learn the extent of the disease for which they were treating the deceased patient. Autopsy needs the consent of the relatives.

  7. 3- Forensic autopsy: • Held on suspicious or frankly criminal deaths. In most legal systems, • NO permission from the relatives is required.

  8. Death • Cause of death: a disease or injury which resulted in death of an individual. • Manner of death : • Suicide • Homicide (victim - assailant) • Accidental .

  9. Thanatology (death and PM changes). • Rigor mortis • Hypostasis • Putrefaction

  10. Sudden unexpected death. • Myocardial infarction • Atherosclerosis • Cerebral hemorrhage • pneumonia . • Peptic ulcer • Renal failure • Cardio respiratory arrest

  11. Identification. • Finger prints • DNA prints • Age estimation • Clothes • External appearance Face – hair - color – length

  12. Wounds • Instrument • Blunt • Sharp • Firearm (pistol – gun – shots – bullet )

  13. Wounds • Incised – cut • Stab • Stab penetrating • Abrasion • Contusion • Laceration

  14. Head injuries. • Concussion • Compression • Fracture base

  15. Physical injuries • Burns • Scalds • Corrosive • Sunstroke • Irradiation burn

  16. Asphyxia • Hanging الشنق • Strangulation الخنق • Drowning • Chocking

  17. Child abuse. • Physical • Psychic negligence • Sexual

  18. Sexual offences. • Adultery. • Rape. • Sodomy . • Bestiality . • Sadism .

  19. Writing medical documents Medico legal Report Certificate • Death . • Birth • Vaccination

  20. Lacerated wound

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