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Dept. of Geology & Geophysics Teaching Overview, SOEST Retreat, 12/03/07

Learn about the Geology & Geophysics department at the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST). Explore degrees offered, degree requirements, student statistics, strengths, opportunities, issues, and challenges. Discover the department's mission to address geoscience problems and serve society.

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Dept. of Geology & Geophysics Teaching Overview, SOEST Retreat, 12/03/07

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  1. Dept. of Geology & Geophysics Teaching Overview, SOEST Retreat, 12/03/07 -Degrees offered -Degree requirements -Student statistics -Strengths & Opportunities -Issues & Challenges The G&G Mission: To identify and solve fundamental and applied problems in the Geosciences; to acquire new knowledge about Hawai'i, the Pacific Basin, and Earth; to serve society by teaching and training future geoscientists, teachers, and citizens; and to be a principal resource for objective geologic expertise to the state of Hawai‘i.

  2. DEGREES OFFERED Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Geology Bachelor of Science (BS) in Geology & Geophysics Master of Science (MS) in Geology & Geophysics -Thesis (Plan A) -Non-Thesis (Plan B) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Geology & Geophysics IN A TYPICAL YEAR, WE HAVE 20-40 UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS (BA AND BS) AND 50-60 GRADUATE MAJORS (MS AND PhD)

  3. G&G BS DEGREE REQUIREMENTS (required G&G courses, upper-division G&G electives, non-G&G support courses: all require a grade of C or better) Required Geology & Geophysics Courses (37 Credits) GG 101 Dynamic Earth or GG 103 Geology of the Hawaiian Islands (3) and GG 101L orGG 170 Physical Geology (4) GG 200 Geological Inquiry (4) GG 250 Scientific Programming (3) GG 301 Mineralogy (4) GG 302 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (3) GG 303 Structural Geology (3) GG 304 or 450 Geophysics (4) GG 305 Geological Field Methods (3) GG 309 Sedimentology & Stratigraphy (4) GG 325 Fundamentals of Geochemistry (3) GG 410 Undergraduate Seminar (2)

  4. Approved Upper Division Geology and Geophysics Courses (11 credits) GG 300 Volcanology (3) GG 312 Geomathematics (3) GG 313 Geological Data Analysis I (3) GG 399 Directed Reading (V) GG 401 Introduction to Mineral Physics (3) GG 402 Hawaiian Geology (3) GG 407 Energy and Mineral Resources (3) GG 420 Coastal Geology (3) GG 421 Geological Records of Climate Change (3) GG 423 Marine Geology (3) GG 425 Environmental Geochemistry (3) GG 426 Sedimentary Isotope Geochemistry (3) GG 430 Geology and Mineral Resources of Asia (3) GG 444 Plate Tectonics (3) GG 450 Geophysical Methods (4) GG 451 Earthquakes (3) GG 454 Engineering Geology (3) GG 455 Hydrogeology (4) GG 460 Geological Remote Sensing (4) GG 461 Geospatial Information (3) GG 466 Planetary Geology (3) GG 499 Undergraduate Thesis (3)

  5. Support Courses (28 credits; C or better in each course) General Chemistry (CHEM 161, 161L, 162, 162L) Calculus I and II (MATH 241, 242, and 242L) General Physics (PHYS 170, 170L, 272, 272L) Biological Science course (BIOL 171+L, ZOOL 101, BIOL 103 or MICRO 130) The BA in Geology differs by requiring fewer courses in all three categories, thereby allowing more flexibility in a student’s overall course load. It is designed for students who plan to go into teaching, resource management, or other non-research fields.

  6. G&G MS DEGREE REQUIREMENTS (Plan A – Thesis) At least 30 credits of coursework and directed research. The exact set of courses is determined by the student’s advisor and thesis committee. A written thesis An oral defense of the thesis work (lots more official steps than this, with associated forms, signatures, and paperwork) For the Plan B – Non-Thesis MS, the research project is not as complicated, and instead, more coursework is required. A written report and oral defense of the student’s research project are required. The Plan B Masters is discouraged, except in specific cases that are deemed beneficial to both the student and Dept.

  7. G&G PhD DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Students entering the PhD program with a Master’s degree have no coursework requirements other than those deemed important by the student’s advisor and committee. Students entering the PhD program without a Master’s degree are required to complete the equivalent of a G&G Master’s degree coursework. A written dissertation and oral defense of the dissertation research are required. (there are more steps along the way than for the MS, and consequently more forms)

  8. UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE STUDENT STATISTICS Since 1994: Average number of undergraduates: 36 (an average of 3.8 graduate per semester) Average number of graduate students: 55 (an average of 5.5 graduate per semester) -mahalo to Leona Anthony for compiling these data-

  9. G&G TEACHING STRENGTHS AND OPPORTUNITIES • Faculty are active researchers • Passion for topics spills into classes • Opportunities for research participation (student help, short cruises, long cruises) • Modern classrooms and teaching equipment • Small class sizes, even in intro.-level courses • Many nearby field-education opportunities • Undergrad. thesis topics available

  10. G&G TEACHING CHALLENGES • Cost and hassle of inter-island and mainland travel • Insufficient utilization of field-education opportunities (O‘ahu, inter-island, beyond) • Need to react to ever-changing workforce expectations of graduates • Need to react to ever-changing expectations of students • Need for more 300-level course coordination and capstone-ization • Math and Physics (support-subject) instructors often poor • Need for tutoring of Undergrad. majors in support subjects (Math, Chem., Phys.) • Need for another TA position • Need for graders to help increased intro-level course load • Intro.-course teaching load is unevenly distributed • Need tangible incentives to teach more courses PAU

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