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Strengthening market surveillance authorities for product safety compliance from third countries. Assistance with regulation implementation, strategic border control, and relationship-building with Customs. Training program to implement new methodologies.
TWINNING LIGHT PROJECTRO2004/IB/OT-09“Strengthening the market surveillance authorities regarding checks for conformity with the rules on product safety for products imported from third countries” Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting
Overall objective Strengthening the market surveillance authorities regarding checks for conformity with the rules on product safety for products imported from third countries Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting
Specific objectives Assisting in the correct implementation and enforcement by Romania of the provisions of Council Regulation 339/93/EEC on checks for conformity with the rules on product safety in the case of products originating from third country and Commission Decision 93/583/EEC establishing the list of products provided for in Article 8 of Council Regulation 339/93/EEC; Addressing strategic issues regarding border control and market surveillance activities and establishing practical working relationships between the market surveillance authorities and Customs; Developing new practical working methods and procedures at Customs clearance points throughout Romania regarding to the control of the products imported from third countries; Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting
Beneficiaries • Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) • The National Authority for Consumer Protection (NACP); • Ministry of Health (MofH); • The National Sanitary-Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA); • The National Medicines Authority; • The National Customs Authority; Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting
Steps • DOCUMENTS • TRAINING • IMPLEMENTATION Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting
DOCUMENTS 1. Study of the structure of goods imported from third countries Objective: Asses the structure of imported goods from the point of view of types and quantity entering the Romanian market from countries outside the EU; Summary: The analysis of the import data available indicated the main products imported into Romania and the main countries of origin of those products; Based on: import volumes into Romania, source of imports into Romania, imports by goods category, category of products notified through RAPEX system, identifying potentially dangerous goods by CN Codes it was establish a “target list” of product which could be consider dangerous; Recommendation: - The import data be assessed regularly to note any fundamental changes in the country exporting products to Romania; Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting
DOCUMENTS2.Guidelines for control of products imported from third countries Objective: Developing a system of border control of unsafe products which best suits local needs whilst meeting EU requirements and expectation in the field; Summary; (1) Review of the current border control methodology for products imported from third countries; (2) Conduct a SWOT analysis; (3) develop a new working methods and procedures; (4) Draft a proposal for revised guidelines; Recommendations: These guidelines be as annex to the new cooperation agreement between all the main market surveillance bodies. Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting
DOCUMENTS3. A cost effective methodology to sample and test products imported from third countries within the time-frame given in the Regulation Objective: Establishing of a cost-effective methodology for testing products imported from third countries by the Romanian authorities within the 3 days time frame provide in the Council Regulation 339/93/EEC; Summary: This activity was focused on 4 main directions: communications, competence, practice and testing. Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting
DOCUMENTS 4.Institutional co-operation agreements between control and market surveillance authorities Objective: The developing of a “Top level” co-operation agreement involving, and agreed by, all the control and market surveillance authorities; Summary: (1) strict delimitation of responsibilities between authorities in order to avoid overlapping of tasks; (2) identify concrete ways of co-operation; (3) provisions on sharing of information between control and market surveillance authorities; (4) proposal of a improved co-operation agreement including responsibilities and time deadlines; Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting
TRAINING A training programme to implement new methodologies for efficient border control and market surveillance for products originating in third countries aimed at the Romanian market surveillance authorities and customs inspectors Objective: Training the personnel of the institutions responsible for border control, market surveillance activities in order to be able to better implement the provisions of Regulation 339/93/EEC and Decision 95/583/EC; Summary: In total 127 officers attend the 6 seminars Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting
IMPLEMENTATIONA pilot study to demonstrate the efficacy of the new methodologies carried out for a selected customs clearancepoint Objective: To demonstrate how the system works in practice, highlights the efficiency of the new methodology and cooperation agreements; Summary: Choose a specific custom point and run a pilot programme to implement in practice the newly agreed methodologies and guideline provided for in the institutional agreements; In total 19 officers attended practical exercise at the pilot customs selected ; Following the completion of the pilot project, the results should be disseminated and should be implemented at other customs clearance points; Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting
Results • DOCUMENTS: (1) A comprehensive study of the structure of goods imported from third countries has been carried out; (2) Guidelines for control of products imported from third countries has been revised and developed; (3) A cost effective methodology to sample and test products imported from third countries within the time-frame given in the Regulation has been devised; (4) Institutional co-operation agreements between control and market surveillance authorities has been drawn up for the approval of all beneficiaries of the project; • TRAINING: - A training programme to implement new methodologies for efficient border control and market surveillance for products originating in third countries aimed at the Romanian market surveillance authorities and customs inspectors has been carried out; • IMPLEMENTATION: - A pilot study to demonstrate the efficacy of the new methodologies has been carried out for a selected customs clearance point ; Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting
Thank for your attention Ministry of Economy and Finance October 2007 MARS Group meeting