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Android Jetpack The Architectural Guidance For App Development

Android Jetpack is the new release by Google that has a set of libraries , tools & a guidance to make Android app development easy.

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Android Jetpack The Architectural Guidance For App Development

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  1. Android Jetpack The Architectural Guidance For App Development Jetpack is the new release that was recently announced by Google at I/O 2018  which has promised to make Android app development interesting and easier  for the platform. It is the next generation of Android APIs.    What is Android Jetpack?  It is a set of libraries, tools and a guidance to help make the development  process quick and easy for the most amazing android applications. It also  provides the developers with the most common infrastructure code so that  their focus does not shift from making a unique application.  Web : ​https//www.9spl.com email : ​sales@9spl.com Call : ​+1 845 542 1553

  2.     What’s new  1. WorkManager  2. Paging  3. Navigation  4. Android KTX  5. Slices    ~ WorkManager  It is the perfect solution for restriction-based background jobs that need  approved execution, substituting the need for jobs or SyncAdapters.    Features  1. Easy to schedule  2. Easy to update current job  Web : ​https//www.9spl.com email : ​sales@9spl.com Call : ​+1 845 542 1553

  3. 3. Easy to create job graph (Execute dependent job in sequential flow -> one  after another)  4. Easy to get current state of your job  5. Ability to work on devices with or without Google Play Services.  6. Easy to cancel    Important Links  1. ​Work Manager Introduction  2. ​Work Manager Code Lab  3. ​Work Manager Blog   ~ Paging  Pulling large data from database is made easy using paging component. It is  very useful for lazy loading and infinite scrolling in your recyclerview.    Important Links  1. ​Paging Library Introduction  2. ​Paging Library Blog  3. ​Paging Code Lab    ~ Navigation    Navigation component helps developers to structure their app navigation  using built in tool. It is focused on making a single activity app as the  preferred architecture. It automatically manages up and back navigation of  your app, when to show up arrow and when not. It is very useful for deep link  functionality, no more back stack management and fragment transaction.      Web : ​https//www.9spl.com email : ​sales@9spl.com Call : ​+1 845 542 1553

  4.     Important Links  1. ​Navigation Component Introduction  2. ​Navigation Component Code Lab  3. ​Navigation Component Blog   ~ Android KTX  One goal of Android Jetpack is that it takes advantage of Kotlin language  features that makes the developer more productive. Android KTX helps to  takes advantage of Kotlin language features to reduce even more code.            Web : ​https//www.9spl.com email : ​sales@9spl.com Call : ​+1 845 542 1553

  5.   Important Links  Android KTX Introduction         Important Links    1. ​​Slices Introduction  2. ​​Slices Code Lab  3. ​​Slices Blog      Web : ​https//www.9spl.com email : ​sales@9spl.com Call : ​+1 845 542 1553

  6.   Conclusion  Android Jetpack has come like a boon for the ​​Android app developers​​ as it  will accelerate the development process, eliminates boilerplate code so you  can focus on things that are more important and helps you to build high  quality robust apps.    Source By : ​​https://www.9spl.com/blog/android-jetpack-architectural-guidance-app-development/    If you want to read more articles related Mobile App Click on :   ● How Kotlin Makes Coding Easy For Android Developers?    Google I/O Extended Meet-Up Held Successfully at 9series Solutions Premises    MVVM Architecture For iOS    Planning to Write an iOS Application? Check these Points    How Natural Language Processing Works?  ● ● ● ● Web : ​https//www.9spl.com email : ​sales@9spl.com Call : ​+1 845 542 1553

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