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P H Y S I C S Chapter 7: Waves and Vibrations Section 7C : Wave Properties and Sound

P H Y S I C S Chapter 7: Waves and Vibrations Section 7C : Wave Properties and Sound. Mechanical Wave. A disturbance that travels through a medium i.e. Sound requires medium of air or water. What is a Wave?. Mechanical Wave. Waves transfer energy and not matter. Sine Wave.

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P H Y S I C S Chapter 7: Waves and Vibrations Section 7C : Wave Properties and Sound

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  1. P H Y S I C S Chapter 7: Waves and Vibrations Section 7C: Wave Properties and Sound

  2. Mechanical Wave • A disturbance that travels through a medium i.e. Sound requires medium of air or water

  3. What is a Wave?

  4. Mechanical Wave • Waves transfer energy and not matter

  5. Sine Wave • Wave motion can be mathematically described by a sine or cosine wave

  6. Two Types of Waves • Transverse – disturbance is perpendicular to motion • Longitudinal – disturbance is parallel to motion

  7. Slinky Demonstration • Energy is transported not matter • Transverse vs. Longitudinal

  8. Parts of a Wave • Wavelength (λ) – distance in one cycle • Amplitude – displacement • Crest – high point • Trough – low point • Note: λ  Lambda

  9. Sound Waves and Tuning Fork Demonstration • Frequency  Pitch • Amplitude  Volume • Note: Frequency is wave cycles per second (Hz) 512 Hz 1024 Hz 2048 Hz

  10. Speed of Sound • Note: Sound travels faster in solids, liquids and gas respectively

  11. Wave Speed Equation • v  wave speed (m/s) • f  frequency (Hz) • λ  wavelength (m)

  12. Frequency Equation • f  frequency (Hz) • T period (s)

  13. In-Class Problem #1 Determine the (a) number of waves, (b) wavelength, (c) amplitude, (d) frequency, (e) period and (f) wave speed.

  14. In-Class Problem #1 Determine the (a) number of waves, (b) wavelength, (c) amplitude, (d) frequency, (e) period and (f) wave speed. waves = 2 λ = 0.04 m A = 0.02 m f = 0.4 Hz T = 2.5 s v = 0.016 m/s

  15. In-Class Problem #2 • A toy boat in the ocean rises every 3.0 s as wave crests pass by. The distance between wave crests is 5.0 m. Determine the (a) frequency, (b) period, (c) the wave length and (d) how fast are the waves traveling.

  16. In-Class Problem #2 • A toy boat in the ocean rises every 3.0 s as wave crests pass by. The distance between wave crests is 5.0 m. Determine the (a) frequency, (b) period, (c) the wave length and (d) how fast are the waves traveling. f = 0.33 Hz λ= 5.0 m T = 3.0 s v = 1.65 m/s

  17. Assignment • Problem Set 7C • 7C-7D Quiz (Wave Properties and Behavior)

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