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India. British Colony Indian Nationalist Movement Britain votes to grant India independence debate between Muslim minority and Hindu Majority over land. The Partition of India. 1947 (August 15) Muslims wanted their own nation Riots broke out over plan to divide India

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Presentation Transcript

  1. India • British Colony • Indian Nationalist Movement • Britain votes to grant India independence • debate between Muslim minority and Hindu Majority over land

  2. The Partition of India • 1947 (August 15) • Muslims wanted their own nation • Riots broke out over plan to divide India • Muslims moved into northwestern territory of India and named their nation Pakistan - Hindu population dominated India

  3. Mohandas K. Gandhi • led movement to gain independence from Britain - Used non-violent techniques to bring about change and restore peace (Satyagraha) - did not want India divided, wished for all Indians to stay unified - was assassinated in 1948

  4. India Today

  5. Currency Monetary unit: Rupee 1 US Dollar = 43 Rupees 1 Rupee = 100 Paise

  6. Language Hindi and English

  7. Population • over a billion citizens, 2nd most populated nation in the world! • Majority is Hindu 82% • Minority - Muslim 12% - Christian 2.3% • Due to lack of agricultural jobs, many citizens have moved into cities • Overcrowding • poor living conditions - lack of basic services: water, sewage

  8. Economy • British built railroads are main transportation • focus on farming “Green Revolution” - #1 producer of Cotton • Heavy Industry

  9. Social Change 1. Caste system 2. Family life - big emphasis on family 3. Marriage - Arranged by parents - Boys age 21, girls age 18 - Dowry system: Groom ask Brides family for $$ or car, appliance, etc

  10. Education • big emphasis on education in India • system is based on British model • One school building for (K-10th grade) • 1 Room per grade (all 10th in one class) Board Exam • exam that determines whether you get to go to college or not, if you fail then you join the work force or retake. - Families desire to send their children to the US for college education.

  11. Sports National Sport is Cricket - similar to baseball - 11 players per team - 2 innings (600 pitches)

  12. Pakistan East and West Pakistan were separated by India, both were Muslim nations but very different in culture. • 1971 East Pakistan became independent and changed their name to Bangladesh TODAY • West Pakistan = Pakistan - East Pakistan = Bangladesh

  13. Pakistan • Military run nation, semi-democracy • President Pervez Musharraf • emphasis on farming and heavy industry - tried to take the Muslim province of Kashmir away from India

  14. Conflict • Pakistan and India don’t get along very well • US gave economic and military support to Pakistan during the Cold War - There have been several wars between India and Pakistan over the province of Kashmir

  15. Going Nuclear 1974 – India test their first nuclear weapon and becomes a nuclear world power • in response, Pakistan sought to purchase the same technology 1998 – Pakistan gets their first nuke, both nations test weapons and almost go to war

  16. - Relations between India and Pakistan have improved, but the threat of constant war is ever-present.

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